NYT sees ‘dystopia’ in Chinese surveillance—which looks a lot like U.S. surveillance
There’s a category of story we call “Them Not Us”—U.S. media reporting on problems abroad, and seemingly not noticing that they have the same problems at home.
Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh Is precisely the pro-corporate right-wing hack progressives fear
A run-down of Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s positions on various social issues and the danger his appointment could pose to everything from the Department of Labor to the Environmental Protection Agency and even Roe v. Wade.
I ran out of words to describe how bad the recovery numbers are
Back in June, Neil Irwin wrote that he couldn’t find enough synonyms for “good” to adequately describe the jobs numbers.
Ignore their threats, tax the rich
In most states in the United States, the rich have enjoyed ever lower rates of taxation while working people have suffered from inadequately funded public services.
MintPress spoke to legal experts, rights advocates and historians about the future of the U.S. Supreme Court
MPN spoke to Ajamu Baraka, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Rudy Acuña, and the National Lawyers Guild leadership about the U.S. Supreme Court and the past, present, and future of white supremacy in the U.S.
The myth of work requirements
The savings that states have projected from Medicaid work requirements come from reducing Medicaid coverage rather than by lifting people out of poverty.
The New Postcolonial Economics with Fadhel Kaboub
In this episode, we speak with Fadhel Kaboub (@fadhelkaboub), associate professor of economics at Denison University and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Fadhel outlines a new critical approach to postcolonial political economy, arguing that re-gaining financial sovereignty is a crucial next step for postcolonial nations hoping to achieve social, economic, and environmental justice.
Why did López Obrador win the Mexican Presidency?
The center-left candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) won by a landslide in Sunday’s elections. Why did he win by such a huge margin?
Despite Pruitt’s exit there is “no happy ending” for Planet Earth
“Before everyone gets excited about Pruitt, remember we’re going to get all the same horrific policy under Andrew Wheeler, without any of the comic, attention-drawing personal corruption.”
The Texas counter-revolution of 1836
This is a spot-on history of the birth of the American empire. But beyond recounting the regional and national events celebrated on the monument, re-viewing the Texas revolution in a world-historical perspective offers a far more insightful understanding of the conflict that occurred in northern Mexico in the 19th century.
Bolivian President reiterates U.S. pro-coup plan against Venezuela
Bolivian President Evo Morales reiterated today the existence of armed invasion plans against Venezuela and the head of State, Nicolas Maduro, by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration.
Race, gender and social reproduction in British capitalism, 1945-78
How can we understand the way that capitalism comes to be gendered and racialised?
Nicaragua, unraveling a plot
The United States’ National Endowment for Democracy distributed some 4.2 million dollars in Nicaragua, between 2014 and 2017, to train “new leaders” to overthrow the Sandinista government | Francisco Arias Fernández*
U.S. body ‘laid groundwork for insurrection’ in Nicaragua
A publication funded by the U.S. government’s regime-change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy, boasts of spending millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection.”
How the West and its allies sabotaged Venezuela
Venezuela and Colombia differ in their relations and involvement with the U.S. government and its functions.
No migration without economic exploitation
Why are thousands of Central Americans fleeing violence and economic devastation and flocking to the United States? Because of the American dream? Because the streets are paved in gold?
Amazon’s fusion with the state shows neoliberalism’s drift to neo-fascism
MPN spoke to Yasha Levine, the author of “Surveillance Valley,” and Monthly Review editor John Bellamy Foster about the rise of the Amazon.com empire and the merger of Big Data, finance capitalism, and the U.S. state apparatus.
The U.S. is a world leader in income and wealth inequality
A recent article published in the American Economic Review, “Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from WID.world,” draws upon the World Wealth and Income Database to examine trends in global inequality.
Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Dystopia
What is the structural basis for Trump’s anti-immigrant dystopia? How are anti-immigrant policies rooted in US imperialist relations with Mexico?
From the news media to Hollywood, powerful elites control the messages the masses receive
IN EARLY May the Disney blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War took over $1 billion from box offices around the world.