On the bicentennial of Shelley’s death: evolution of a working-class poet
Two hundred years ago, on July 8, 1822, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned. He was less than a month short of thirty.
China Miéville: “If you don’t feel despair, you’re not opening your eyes”
The fantasy novelist and left activist on why Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ speaks to the crisis-ridden politics of the present.
Peter Schumann turns sketches into comics—and comics into street theater
Five o’clock in the morning is a “preferred time” for Peter Schumann to make comics, he said. Ideas can come from just about anywhere: the weather in the Northeast Kingdom, where he lives, or a piece in the Monthly Review, a long-running socialist publication. “I go by what’s happening in the world,” he said.
‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ by: Marcello Musto, reviewed by: Carlos L. Garrido
Marcello Musto’s anthology of ‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ is both comprehensive and concise, containing within the span of 100 pages the three decades long development of the theory through more than a dozen published works and posthumously published manuscripts.
100 million Russian books in line for ban
Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute (part of the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture), has claimed that they will begin working towards withdrawing over 100 million so-called ‘propaganda’ books from public libraries in Ukraine.
Reading, writing, ‘rithmetic of rifles (for Uvalde and other schools…)
for Uvalde and other schools…
‘The Afghanistan Papers’ leaves a critical question unanswered
While Afghanistan may finally be free of outside military occupation, Afghans are still suffering the deadly consequences of 40 years of U.S.-led subversion and war.
Colin Kaepernick’s “I Color Myself Different”
Colin Kaepernick: The idea for “I Color Myself Different” had been circulating in my mind long before I put a pen to the page, in part, because the story is based on an actual moment from my childhood. When I was in kindergarten, I was given a seemingly straightforward assignment in school: “draw a picture of yourself and your family.”
Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’
The starting point for his argument was the class nature of the capitalist state. Drawing on the writings of Marx and Engels, Lenin demolishes the idea that the state is a neutral body standing above social classes. Instead, he argues that the state exists as a means for one class to maintain its dominance over another.
Ben Lewis on Kautsky, Democracy and Republicanism
Ben Lewis, the translator and editor of “Karl Kautsky on Democracy and Republicanism” talks with Green Left’s Barry Healy.
Andreas Malm & the Zetkin Collective – ‘White Skin, Black Fuel’
As regular readers of this blog will be aware I think that Andreas Malm, even where I disagree with key points of his argument, is one of the most stimulating Marxist authors on environmental politics.
Remembering Aijaz Ahmad
UCI Chancellor’s Professor of Comparative Literature Aijaz Ahmad passed away in his home in Irvine on March 9, 2022.
Dangers of teaching the Bhagavad Gita in educational curriculums
The Hindu right wing forces are planning for a while to make the Bhagavad Gita as a national scripture and access to absolute state power is allowing them to fulfil their long-time dream.
What red book will you read this year on Red Books Day (21 February)?: The Seventh Newsletter (2022)
Out of his world of struggle and his world of books emerged Pansare’s commitment to culture and to intellectual liberation. Along with his comrades, he set up the Shramik Pratishthan (Workers’ Trust), which not only published books but also held seminars and lectures. One of the most popular programmes organised by the Trust was the annual literary festival in honour of the Marathi writer Annabhau Sathe.
The Nazis among us: Heidegger and the Hideous
Martin Heidegger isn’t a philosopher that progressives are likely to consider worthwhile reading. After all, he was an anti-Semite, a follower of Hitler, and most hideous of all, someone who likened the mass extermination of human beings to the excesses of factory farming.
‘The Mexican American Experience in Texas’ takes a deep look at our sordid State history
Martha Menchaca’s new book examines events that have shaped the lives of so many in the Lone Star State.
Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin: ‘The Dialectical Biologist’
One reason why this review came to be decades after said book’s publication involves the loss of Richard Lewontin, the great American geneticist and evolutionary biologist, who passed away last July at his home in Cambridge at the age of 92.
The struggle to decolonise the mind: Frantz Fanon and his Irish translator, Constance Farrington
Last month marked 70 years since the passing of psychiatrist, political radical, Marxist and philosopher of the Algerian Revolution, Frantz Fanon, at the young age of 36.
George Jackson’s “Blood in my eye:” A critical appraisal
Originally from Chicago, Ill, George L. Jackson grew up in California. In 1961, a young Jackson convicted of armed robbery for allegedly stealing $70 from a gas station. Outrageously, Jackson was sentenced to one year to life, despite assurances from his attorney of a favorable deal if he plead guilty.
Non-capitalist mixed economies: what makes a socialist?
In this paper I attempt to provide a short overview of the subject. Words like democracy, freedom, anarchist, Marxist, communist are used in so many different meanings that they become meaningless. One such word is “socialist.” – László Tütő