Women workers bring Glasgow to a standstill
Council staff make history with biggest strike over equal pay.
Privatisation harms poor and needy, says UN poverty expert
Widespread privatisation of public goods in many societies is systematically eliminating human rights protections and further marginalising those living in poverty, according to a hard-hitting new report. The report was transmitted to the UN General Assembly on 19 October.
Bolsonaro’s son threatens violence if his father is blocked from Brazil’s presidential race
FAR-RIGHT Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s son has threatened violence against the country’s Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) if it blocks his father from running in Sunday’s second-round poll.
Trump Says U.S. to exit nuclear treaty, Russia vows retaliation
Trump said the United States will develop the weapons unless Russia and China agree to a halt on development.
Deadly, cowardly U.S. drone wars in Africa
War is romantic only when it is limited to the confines of a sanitized imagination. Movies that portray heroic soldiers vanquishing demonic enemy combatants or rescuing fallen comrades may whip up jingoistic war fever, but horrific images of real children and elders maimed, scarred, dismembered and killed during armed conflicts have the power to end wars.
Intersectionality: A Marxist Critique
Intersectionality, a way of thinking about the nature and causes of social inequality, proposes that the effects of multiple forms of oppression are cumulative and, as the term suggests, interwoven.
Marx at 200
“Proletarians [Proletarier] of all countries, unite!” It is with these ringing words that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels famously conclude their Communist Manifesto in 1848 (MECW 6: 519; MEW 4: 493, sometimes my translation).
A Marxist History of Capitalism
An important work of Marxist history and theory restores class struggle to central place in explaining how capitalism arose and grew, and can eventually be overcome.
Fighting and winning against U.S. psychological cyber warfare
Proceed with caution: the CIA, NSA, FBI and DOD are your ‘friends’ on Facebook, writes Lauren Smith.
David Duke announces support for Jair Bolsonaro
The former Klu Klux Klan leader said Bolsonaro “sounds like one of us.”
Goosing the corporate goose
No, the stock market is not predictable. And no one knows the exact causes of last week’s carnage on Wall Street—with the Dow down 4.2 percent, the S&P 4.1 percent and the Nasdaq 3.7 percent, representing their worst weekly performances since March.
Marx & the Earth: An Anti-Critique
If there is one thing from which Green thinking and practice suffers, it is the lack of an over-arching historical and socioeconomic conceptualisation of the dynamics making for the trashing of the environment as habit for humans and other creatures.
Bolsanaro supporters carve swastika into woman
GROUP of men claiming to be supporters of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro carried out a sickening physical attack on an opposition supporter this week, carving a swastika into her stomach with a knife.
Black Lives Matter activists hail ‘historic’ verdict as killer of Laquan McDonald convicted of murder
“In Chicago instead of funding healthcare, the things we need, we have been divested from. And that’s part of a neoliberal project that’s been hegemonic since the 1970s… capitalism sets the conditions for everything that’s happened.”
Stedile on Brazil elections
MST leader on the presidential race between Workers’ Party’s Fernando Haddad and far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
Brazil: left unites in support of Haddad as candidate works to woo voters
The Democratic Labor Party, which got 12.5 percent of the vote, confirmed its support for Workers’ Party candidate Fernando Haddad.
Where is socialism in Maduro’s economic recovery plan?
Commune activist Gerardo Rojas remembers Chavez’s proposals for the construction of socialism and uses them to analyze the government’s current attempts to revitalize the economy.
Courts, Kavanaugh, and constitutional hardball
On November 22, 1895 Eugene V. Debs stepped outside of the Woodstock Jail in Chicago, where he had been imprisoned for six months. Debs, the President of the American Railway Union, had been one of the leaders of the Pullman Strike of 1894, considered by many to be the first major national strike in American labor history.
Cassandra calls
Eye-catching in Chemnitz were not just Hitler salutes under the statue of Karl Marx but the friendly cooperation between leaders of nasty PEGIDA anti-Islam movement, local pro-fascist thugs and a representative of the racist Alternative for Germany party (AfD).
The ‘Christine Lagarde Memo’
This secret memo was discovered in the waste basket of a high-ranking staffer in the European Commission. The memo from “the Coalition” begins “Dear Angela, Teresa, Emmanuel…” and has a further list of first names—heads of state and secretaries or ministers of finance, health and human services—were mostly scribbled over with marker.