Two exemplary Twentieth-Century Socialist Latin American lives: José Carlos Mariátegui and Orlando Letelier
The two books we will analyze in this essay, Bread and Beauty: The Cultural Politics of José Carlos Mariátegui by Juan E. De Castro, and Alan McPherson’s Ghosts of Sheridan Circle: How a Washington Assassination Brought Pinochet’s Terror State to Justice, are very different in subject matter, discipline, and style.
Lack of Left-wing culture, weakness of progressivism in Latin America
One of the great weaknesses of Latin American progressivism and something that explains its partial defeats is the lack of a leftist, alternative and accessible popular culture, promoting new ways of organizing daily life, affirms Álvaro García Linera.
From grassroots to lawmaker: a glimpse of China’s ‘whole-process democracy’
The notion of Chinese democracy is not the same as that in the West. The political system in China is more about consensus building within a greater voice rather than the protracted bargaining to arrive at decisions common in the West.
Ernest Mandel – Selected Writings I
The IIRE has released the first volume of the Selected Writings by Ernest Mandel (1923-1995).
Military knows it looks bad but works with neo-Nazis anyway
The Canadian military seem willing, even eager, to work with neo-Nazis in the Ukraine in order to weaken Russia, something the U.S., NATO and Ukrainian–Canadian groups support.
Politico’s Staff must toe new owner’s line—including endorsing Israel
It’s been a rough time for German media giant Axel Springer. The company ousted the top editor at Bild, one of its most influential right-wing newspapers, over sexual harassment charges (New York Times, 10/18/21).
Communists face rare crackdown in Russia, upending old balance
Boris Kagarlitsky, a veteran left-wing dissident, holds the distinction of having been a political prisoner under the regimes of Leonid Brezhnev and Boris Yeltsin. Now he can add President Vladimir Putin to that list.
‘Marx in Soho’: An Epilogue
In 1999, Howard Zinn published the sensation ‘Marx in Soho: A Play on History’. The story began with Karl Marx petitioning Heaven to come back to Earth for a short while so that he could “clear his name.”
Media ignore politics behind Green leader’s demise
Annamie Paul’s perspective has overwhelmingly shaped coverage of the dramatic and bitter conflict within the Green Party.
Bellingcat funded by U.S. and UK intelligence contractors that aided extremists in Syria
Supposedly “independent” website Bellingcat raked in money from scandal-ridden Western intelligence firms that wreaked havoc – and reaped massive profits – in Syria.
A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser
A caricatured account of Althusser’s intellectual trajectory might read something like this…
Vouchers for Murder
In order to commit murder or mayhem under this program, vouchers must be submitted within one week prior to the actions contemplated or within a month afterward. Persons who commit violent acts without valid vouchers will be asked to enter into Voluntary Consent Agreements to desist from unauthorized murder or mayhem, and up to one tenth of any ill-gotten gains will be donated voluntarily to the charity of their choice, without any implication of admission of guilt.
Engels and entropy
When it comes to rejecting the Second Law of Thermodynamics, only fools would rush in where Engels feared to tread.
A Study of Monthly Review’s Marxist Political Science in the Twenty-First Century: A View from China
Since 2000, Monthly Review has focused on the current world situation, pursuing the all-round development of Marxist studies. In this way, it has helped create a significant new trend within the U.S. left, especially in Marxist political science.
Monthly Review School and “The Present as History”: An Introduction
The conception of the present as history crystallized into an important principle of the intellectual tradition of Monthly Review magazine. Viewing the present as history entails combining what is new with a grasp of the longer process that is vital to a deeper understanding of the present. This Introduction provides an initiation to the intellectual tradition of Monthly Review, from which we have selected the essays and the interview that appear in The Present as History 2021.
On Photography: Space and Place
The simple quietness in Leiva’s photography reveals his poetic contemplation while exposing the loss of visual honesty in an era of hyper imagery manipulation.
How Amilcar Cabral shaped Paulo Freire’s pedagogy
Frantz Fanon’s influence on Paulo Freire’s thought is well known, but the Brazilian educator also drew considerably from Amílcar Cabral, the revolutionary intellectual from Guinea-Bissau.
The Philosophy of Money with Graham Hubbs
Graham Hubbs speaks with Scott Ferguson and Andrés Bernal about the relationship between Modern Monetary Theory and philosophy. Associate Professor & chair of the department of politics & philosophy at the University of Idaho, Hubbs convened a conference panel on Modern Monetary Theory at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association in January 2021.
Under the influence of Lewontin: Volume Two
Friends and colleagues of Dick Lewontin are sharing their stories and reflections.
Richard Lewontin: Race science for the people
We can now say with great confidence that our species, anatomically modern humans, does not have biological races. We know this in large part due to the contributions of Richard C. Lewontin.