Anti-Chinese racism sets stage for New McCarthyism
More than a dozen young visiting scholars from China had their visas abruptly terminated in a letter from administration of the University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, on August 26, in a letter dated …August 26!
OPCW Syria whistleblower and ex-director attacked by U.S., UK, France at UN
Ian Henderson, a veteran OPCW inspector who challenged a cover-up of his organization’s investigation of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, recently testified before the United Nations Security Council.
Frei Betto: “It is Totally Naive to Want to Humanize Capitalism”
Carlos Alberto Libanio Christo, better known as Frei Betto, is a recognized Latin American progressive reference and one of the main figures of the Theology of Liberation.
Kill the Bill, or it will kill us all
Indonesia’s trade unions and social movements are taking to the streets against anti-worker legislation.
The political economy of intellectual property
The dramatic expansion of intellectual property rights represents a new stage in commodification that threatens to make virtually everything bad about capitalism even worse.
Venezuela’s ability to fight COVID-19 is badly hamstrung by the 31 metric tons of gold stolen from its treasury
On October 5, 2020, the England and Wales Court of Appeal overturned a lower court decision from July that denied the Venezuelan government access to 31 metric tons of its gold stored in the Bank of London.
Exposing Trump’s deadly sanctions on Venezuela
KEN LIVINGSTONE looks in-depth at the story of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela.
In Afghanistan, American Troops patrol the same routes their fathers did
Thousands of U.S. soldiers continue to pace and patrol exactly the same routes as their predecessors did in 2001, fighting a seemingly endless conflict that both the American and Afghan public have long since soured on.
Socialism’s increasing popularity doesn’t bring media out of McCarthy era
Ever since the Great Recession in 2008, and accelerating with Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential run, there has been a resurgence of popularity and interest in socialism in the U.S., and an increasing skepticism of capitalism.
A response to McAfee: No, the “Environmental Kuznets Curve” won’t save us
A number of people have asked me to respond to a piece that Andrew McAfee wrote for Wired, promoting his book, which claims that rich countries – and specifically the United States – have accomplished the miracle of “green growth” and “dematerialization”, absolutely decoupling GDP from resource use.
Limits of mainstream economics today
Keynes’s criticisms of neoclassical economics set off a wide-ranging debate that came to define the terms of—and, ultimately, the limits of debate within—mainstream economics.
Colonizing the future
Working people are forever kept on the brink of going broke. More than higher wages and better job security, a just economy requires giving them the power to choose and create their own futures.
Blacks in LA nearly four times as likely to be cited by police
The Los Angeles police department (LAPD) gave 63% of its citations for “loitering while standing” to Black residents in recent years, despite African Americans making up just 7% of the city’s population, a new analysis of public records has revealed.
Amidst pandemic, while billions struggle for survival, billionaires’ wealth tops $10 trillion
Billionaires are “smart” enough. Their wealth now, in this pandemic, tops trillions of dollars.
Protests rage in Indonesia against anti-worker “omnibus law”, hundreds arrested
An alliance of trade unions, environmental groups and students’ movements have launched an indefinite protest across against the sweeping changes to labor and environmental laws.
It’s all work and no pay for most women in India
The NSSO’s time use survey reveals striking facts about how men and women in India spend their time very differently, with women hugely burdened by unpaid work
The wild and the disaffected: A conversation with Reinaldo Iturriza (Part I)
A Chavista author and former minister talks about the Bolivarian Revolution’s class basis and the risks that apathy poses to the political process.
Authoritarianism is creeping into classrooms
New curriculum guidance will limit critical thinking and cement a neoliberal capitalist consensus. It should be setting off alarm bells, says Remi Joseph-Salisbury
Xinjiang: A report and resource compilation
In the mid-2010s, China launched far-reaching de-radicalization and economic development programs in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Marxism and intersectionality
Ashley Bohrer has provided this important piece of scholarship with her new book, Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism.