Capitalism Is the Real Information War
Under capitalism, corporate dishonesty has become so commonplace that most of us take it for granted.
The United States- the Pacific bully
The US dominates the Pacific Islands to an extent China can never hope to achieve. With Australia’s support, the US is now engaged in an arms build-up in its Pacific territories and de-facto colonies in a little known boost to its containment of China.
Only 4 of 55 African leaders attend Zelensky call, showing neutrality on Ukraine and Russia
Western governments have tried to rally the nations of Africa to join their war on Russia. But the vast majority of the continent has ignored their pressure campaign.
Mexico to offer Assange sanctuary as Amlo calls for charges to be dropped
MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has offered sanctuary to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and will raise the case with US President Joe Biden when they meet next month.
Double-Standards at the UN Human Rights Council
It is no secret that the UN Human Rights Council essentially serves the interests of the Western developed countries and does not have a holistic approach to all human rights. Blackmail and bullying are common practices, and the US has proven that it has sufficient “soft power” to cajole weaker countries.
Colombia Votes in Its First Left Government
On June 19, 2022, long lines brought 39 million Colombian (out of a population of 51 million) to vote in their presidential election. In rural areas, where the vote is often suppressed due to desolation or violence, the lines seemed longest.
We Need to Build the Architecture of Our Future: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
In April 2022, the United Nations established the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy, and Finance. This group is tracking the three major crises of food inflation, fuel inflation, and financial distress. Their second briefing, released on 8 June 2022, noted that, after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic:
Is there really a U.S. government agency that gives out awards for deceiving the public?
Check out this year’s “Democracy Awards” handed out by the National Endowment for Democracy. They were presented to Ukrainian NGOs that specialize in creating manipulative “psyops” and fake “atrocity porn” designed to inflame public opinion against Russia.
Ukrainian communists pictured alive but face pressure to admit to trumped-up charges
Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich were detained on March 3 following the Russian invasion, part of a crackdown on left and opposition groups.
Despite the Left’s victories, warning signs of a Fascist backlash appear in Colombia & beyond
The decaying colonial regime in Colombia has reached a crisis. Its people, devastated by corporate destruction of their living standards and a corrupt narco regime which has exacted tremendous brutality upon them, has elected a leftist presidential candidate.
Petro, a historic victory
With just over 98 percent of the precincts counted, the triumph of Gustavo Petro, candidate of the Historic Pact, in the second round of the Colombian presidential elections was confirmed.
Investors in long-term care profit as aged and disabled residents and workers bear brunt of COVID-19
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, long-term care facilities were hit particularly hard as both residents and workers suffered high infection and mortality rates. A number of reports indicate that such an outcome is linked to widespread privatization.
The anatomy of inflation
Whether the Fed can succeed in taming inflation and do so without precipitating a recession remains to be seen but is highly unlikely.
UK to introduce new ‘bill of rights’ after migrant deportation defeat
Britain will begin legislating for a new ‘bill of rights’ on Wednesday, giving the government the authority to disregard European Court of Human Rights judgments.
Julian Assange, Alina Lipp, and Anne-Laure Bonnel–When truth becomes a crime in the West
Julian Assange, Alina Lipp and Anne-laure Bonnel are three journalists who are paying a high price for telling the truth in the West: attempts to suffocate them financially, followed by censorship, threats of imprisonment or imprisonment altogether, and even physical and psychological torture in the case of Assange.
Is the West finally realizing that Russia will win the war in Ukraine?
This article is the fourth in a series of articles I have written covering the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
Another Young Ecuadorian Dies During National Strike
“It is worrying how military and police violence has escalated against those who exercise their right to protest and resist,” said the Alliance of Ecuadorian Human Rights Organizations.
“Heads I Win, Tails You Lose”
To look at neo-fascism withoutits economic moorings, to ignore the fact that the neo-fascist government is actually based on a neo-liberal-neo-fascist alliance, and, in general, to look at politics as a self-contained sphere unconnected to the economy, is a liberal trait that the Left must not imitate.
Pañuelos Verdes, Acompañamiento, Solidaridad
The Global South has much to teach the Global North about fighting for reproductive justice, providing abortions to whoever needs them, regardless of the law–and about building a mass, international, feminist movement.
A tale of two summits
Last week (June 8-10) there were two summits in Los Angeles, California: the Summit of the Americas hosted by the U.S. State Department and the Peoples Summit hosted by U.S. and international activist organizations. The two summits were held in the same city at the same time but could not be otherwise more different.