The Social Meaning of Pensions
MANUFACTURING DISCONTENT: The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society by Michael PerelmanBUY THIS BOOK Pensions offer a wonderful example of the perverse phenomenon of the corporate sector winning support by taking actions that harm individuals. Between 1979 and 1997, the share of employees with defined benefit plans — i.e., plans that promise a specific level […]
Beyond Nickels and Dimes: Transit Strike Is Our Strike
It was just last week, at a party in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, when I railed drunk that the chance of a strike was “zero.” I ranted about the sell-out union leaderships and their habits of business unionism. I joked about Transit Workers Union Local 100 leader Roger Toussaint and the sorry path that even earnest […]
Seattle Votes for a Right to Health Care
Measure No. 1, as it appeared on the ballot: Advisory ballot measure No. 1 concerns the right to health care. If approved, the measure would advise the mayor and the city council that every person in the US should have an equal right to quality health care, and that Congress should implement that right. The […]
Mangal Pandey: The Rising: Articulating the Nation?
Aarti Wani, “A Dream and a Nightmare” (30 August 2005); and “Three Films and a Nation” (22 October 2005) Ketan Mehta‘s Mangal Pandey: The Rising was four years in the making before it was released this August with the hype normal to any mainstream Hindi cinema. Barring a few exceptions, the film received good reviews […]
CNN’s Mounting Slanders against Latin American Democracy
As Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky explain in Manufacturing Consent, which stories do and do not receive coverage in the commercially-dominated U.S. news media can be very accurately predicted based on whether or not they can pass through five institutional “filters.” To make it onto the air, a story has to have these five qualities: […]
My Vote Goes to the NYC Transit Workers!
The MTA and the Governor Forced This Strike: Call and Tell Them That You Support Workers! Why is the strike on? The MTA and Governor Pataki came in at the last minute with a take-it-or-leave-it 10 year 4% pay cut for all future hires. They risked your livelihood and the whole NYC economy over a […]
From a US Resistance Primer: A Conversation with Randy Rowland
Randy Rowland I just got off the phone with Randy Rowland in Seattle. For those readers who don’t know, Randy was a a GI resister and a member of the Presidio 27 — one of the first acts of GI resistance to the Vietnam War. When I spoke with him, Randy had just returned from […]
At My Job
We do not have coffee break at my work. No one yells, “Break time!” to remind you to stop for a minute. We do not sit together on flipped, five-gallon paint buckets. And no one shares homemade cookies, made by someone back home who makes working worth something. We do not have lunch break, […]
Understanding Hugo Chávez
Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chávez Talks to Marta Harnecker, trans. Chesa Boudin (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2005) 203 pages, $15.95 paperback. UNDERSTANDING THE VENEZUELAN REVOLUTION: Hugo Chávez Talks to Marta Harnecker (Trans. Chesa Boudin)BUY THIS BOOK Who is this guy who refuses to be intimidated by Bush and his legions of mercenaries and […]
US Pensions: Capitalist Disaster
The US pension systems for workers are now widespread disasters. Many corporations and many cities and states lack the money to pay all the benefits they have promised and legally owe to present and future retirees. Estimates of the shortfall range around $450 billion in the private sector plus at least another $300 billion in […]
Rising Tensions on the Rails
The threatened New York City Transit strike is just the latest sign of a growing labor-management confrontation across the US railroad system. While the workers of Transit Workers Union 100 battle off attacks on their pensions and health care, Bush Administration hirelings on the Amtrak Board prepare to launch an assault on the national passenger […]
Have Yourself a Merry I.F. Stone Day: A New December 24 Holiday
“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.” — I.F. Stone Photo by Keith Jenkins/Burnt Pixel December 24 is I.F. Stone‘s birthday (he would have been 98). His journalistic example is about as good a reason as any to celebrate. Born Isador Feinstein, the incomparable I.F. Stone served as an […]
True Belligerence or Belligerent Bluster? Tel Aviv and Tehran Go at It Again
In recent weeks, the battle of words between Tel Aviv and Tehran has reached ever more heated levels. On December 8, 2005, the populist and fundamentalist president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, questioned the truth of the Nazi holocaust and suggested that Israel be moved to Europe. These comments were made in the wake of previous […]
Unsustainable Dialogues
Teaching a “race and cultural minorities” class this semester, I discovered that the not-so-new idea of “dialogue”1 as the main means to resolve racial and ethnic conflicts that exist on and off American campuses is as alive as ever. A sign of this is the excited enthusiasm that an idea called “Sustained Dialogues” has generated […]
What Drugs Were THEY Taking?!
They can call it a free market, but it’s clearly not free. As for a market, who needs 200 brands of cereal — or 47 prescription drug plans? As my mother-in-law Ruth and I discovered, when it comes to the new drug benefit, more choice is a lot less than it’s cracked up to be. […]
Blind Man with a Pistol: The Evolution of the Modern Police State as Seen by Prison Authors
“What started it?” “A blind man with a pistol.” “That don’t make sense.” “Sure don’t.” — Chester Himes Minorities and most poor people in the inner cities have always lived with the knowledge that (for them at least) the forces of unlawful suppression and misuse of power far too often masqueraded as the forces of […]
The German Left: Another Step towards Unity
There was virtually untroubled joy in September, when the new “Left,” consisting of two cooperating parties, received 4.2 million votes, 8.7 percent of the total, enabling it to send the unprecedented number of 54 representatives to the Bundestag. But the road to unity of the two had many bumps to overcome, and the weekend congress […]
Reports from the Front: Three Reporters and the Iraqi Resistance
I just finished reading a US news account of the third day of former Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein’s trial in Baghdad. Like almost every bit of news coming out of Iraq, this account showed the prejudices of the reporters and editors of the periodical that it appeared in. In this instance, that meant that Saddam […]
Murrow, McCarthy, and Me
The Edward R. Murrow movie Good Night, and Good Luck reminded me of one of my most unpleasant — but gutsy, I guess — moments in life. As a newly elected Selectman of Weston, Connecticut, I worried about the growing influence of Mr. McCarthy, his Communist witch-hunt, and kept wishing I had some clout to […]
An Interview with Lila Rajiva
THE LANGUAGE OF EMPIRE: Abu Ghraib and the American Media by Lila RajivaREAD EXCERPTBUY THIS BOOK Baltimore resident Lila Rajiva is the author of The Language of Empire: Abu Ghraib and the American Media (Monthly Review Press, 2005). She has taught at the University of Maryland and is a prolific freelance journalist, whose work can […]