B’nai Brith’s lawsuit attacks campus free speech, student democracy
On Wednesday B’nai Brith announced a lawsuit against McGill University, Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) and student group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR).
To save the Planet, we must choose
When Exxon’s CEO is celebrating, you know there’s a problem. But there’s also a solution.
Inflation as a political power play gone wrong – Project Syndicate op-e
Pivotal economic crises frequently evoke multiple explanations that are all correct while missing the point.
How trans rights activists changed Argentina
Ten years ago Argentina passed groundbreaking gender identity laws, a victory won through solidarity, diverse tactics and longstanding activist traditions. The experience has lessons for us all, write Alessandra Viggiano and Siobhán McGuirk.
China’s farmers embrace rooftop solar power
China has vowed to accelerate the installation of clean energy. Rooftop solar installations have emerged as a major force to achieve that. Nearly 53 gigawatts of solar capacity were added in 2021, with more than half coming from rooftop installations.
Conversation to build bridges of affection
“Thanks for the meeting, for the time, and for building bridges,” said the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez in a meeting in the afternoon of July 12 with a group of students from New York University’s The New School, who are attending a summer course sponsored by Casa de las Américas.
Neo-colonial currency enables French exploitation
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR. Colonial-style currency board arrangements have enabled continuing imperialist exploitation decades after the end of formal colonial rule. Such neo-colonial monetary systems persist despite modest reforms.
Clinic defense in the era of Operation Rescue
In the early ’90s, anarchists and other feminists defended clinics with our bodies and taught each other how to do abortion techniques such as menstrual extraction safely.
China issues statement on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan
“The Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China, and no other country is entitled to act as a judge on the Taiwan question,” the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry stressed.
‘Tools of Russia’: FBI raid on Black Political Party seen as part of ‘Black Scare/Red Scare’ in United States
Black political organizations and other anti-imperialist groups condemned the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) raiding early Friday morning the properties of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and its solidarity organization in Saint Louis, Missouri, and in Saint Petersburg, Florida.
The EU begins the start to retreat
Does the ECB drill for oil? Does the ECB run a farm? Does the ECB drive a truck? Does the ECB pilot a cargo vessel across the Pacific or load freight at the Port of Los Angeles?
Polls show almost no one trusts U.S. media, after decades of war propaganda and lies
The CIA has long manipulated the media, spreading disinformation to justify U.S. wars. Today just 11% of North Americans trust television news.
The class dynamics of the Fed’s recession program
On Thursday, the Commerce Department reported that the U.S. economy shrank for the second quarter in a row, bringing it into a “technical recession.”
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales calls for a Global campaign to eliminate NATO
In interview with British journalist, Morales says the U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons. U.S./UK-backed coup against him in 2019 was undertaken for lithium and because his government advanced an alternative economic model to the neoliberal “Washington Consensus”
Next on the GOP’s list: starving queer kids
Republican attorneys general, including Ken Paxton, have filed suit over a federal school lunch program that prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ+ children.
Crisis in Sri Lanka: Is U.S. imperialism involved?
The scenes of massive people’s protests that have forced Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee to Singapore have filled the news media. On July 20, Ranil Wickremesinghe, the former prime minister, was appointed interim president.
“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military
The government of Kiev reacted with obligatory condemnation of the Tornado goons, painting them as a collection of bad apples that did not reflect on the overall character of the Ukrainian military.
What the U.S. government and The New York Times have quietly agreed not to tell you about Ukraine
Today, men like Danyial al-Takbir, a neo-Nazi, former ISIS member and convicted mass murderer, rapist (several of his victims were raped until dead) and arsonist stand at the vanguard of a war planned for seven decades. This is the true legacy of the OUN, from its roots as Holocaust perpetrators and CIA assassins to its return as the butchers of Donbas.
West prepares to plunder post-war Ukraine with neoliberal shock therapy: privatization, deregulation, slashing worker protections
Western governments and corporations met in Switzerland to plan harsh neoliberal economic policies to impose on post-war Ukraine, calling to cut labor laws, “open markets,” drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and “sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.”
Child labor is alive and well in the United States
A Hyundai subsidiary used up to fifty underage migrant workers at an auto plant known for hazardous conditions, according to former and current employees.