Rhetoric, meet reality: how to green the Belt and Road Initiative
After much talk, concrete frameworks and guidelines are finally arriving, and the stage is set for China to improve its green credentials on the Belt and Road.
Finance capital and the World Economy
THE period of neo-liberalism witnesses an increase in the share of economic surplus in total output both in individual countries and also for the world as a whole.
“Race Norming” and Health Care Jim Crow
The term “race norming ” ought to be immediately suspected as having a nefarious intent. Anything referred to as norming in a racist society invariably ends with Black people getting the short end of the stick.
What is imperialism?
Towards the common objectives of anti-imperialist struggle.
A World without hunger: The Fortieth Newsletter (2021)
There is nothing more obscene than the existence of hunger, the terrible indignity of working hard but being without the means for sustenance.
Florida’s Republican Governor awards Medal of Freedom to Che Guevara’s assassin
After Rodriguez ordered Che be shot, his hands were chopped off and shipped to Langley, but not before he stole the Rolex from Che’s corpse that was meant for the son of one of his compatriots in Bolivia.
At this niche clinic, no stares, smirks, or stigma
How China’s first gender dysphoria clinic is slowly but surely transforming the transgender community’s access to healthcare.
Re-visiting Red Vienna: as an urban project
The “Vienna Model” for providing subsidized housing is unquestionably one of the singular achievements of Austrian social policy and architectural production.
What has the Trade “War” between the United States and China achieved?
On July 6, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally imposed a 25 per cent tariff on Chinese imports of around $34 billion, and further tariffs in 2018 and 2019—claiming that trade between U.S. and China had been unfairly skewed in China’s favour and needed to be rebalanced.
A Company Family: The untold history of Obama and the CIA
Despite his liberal pretensions, Obama’s foreign policy was dreamed up at Langley—which should not have been surprising given his background
Professor David Miller fired after Israel lobby smear campaign
The University of Bristol has fired Professor David Miller, a leading UK critic of Israel and its lobby.
Canada supports fascism
While there is no one-size-fits-all definition, fascistic groups are generally violent, authoritarian and racist. They may claim to support freedom or the poor, but largely defend the rich and concentrated power.
Canadian court strikes down Trudeau’s appeal against compensation to Indigenous children
The Justin Trudeau government has been stalling efforts by Indigenous groups to secure compensation to survivors of Canada’s discriminatory child services that has pushed Indigenous children disproportionately into foster care.
Forbes reveals why the U.S. Government is trying to extradite Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab
The U.S. would far prefer to just quietly extradite Saab to Miami, use whatever means necessary to extract sensitive information from him, and then warehouse him in the world’s largest prison system.
Does capitalism make us crazy?
Life under capitalist rule is perilous. We can’t survive on our own, and we can’t rely on society to support us.
Ghana’s Socialist Movement: A Revolutionary Experiment in Communication
The SFG was born in 1993, first as a Marxist study group, at the beginning this group was made up of four people, today there are more than three thousand members organized in 25 collectives throughout the country.
Building a movement to shutdown AFRICOM
In 2008, the establishment of the U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, one of the eleven U.S. global command structures, began the new scramble for Africa, an effort by the United States to practice full spectrum dominance over the entire continent.
Teaching politically and the problem of Afropessimism
As teachers, we’re tasked with educating our students, students who are increasingly, like their teachers, becoming politically conscious and called to act. Yet the dominant political theories and forms of action are inadequate for real revolutionary transformation.
Pandora files link 14 latam presidents to offshore activities
Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso, and Dominican Republic’s President Luis Abinader are the active top politician implicated in the leak.
What is imperialism? An introduction
Imperialism began when the colonizing powers had already divided the world between themselves. The only way to expand from that point on was to re-divide the colonial territories, which inevitably meant war. Such redivisions were at the roots of the First and Second World Wars.