Israel aiding Saudi Arabia in developing nuclear weapons
Saudi interest in developing nuclear weapons dates back to the 1970s, when the kingdom learned of major steps taken by both Israel and India in the development of nuclear armaments.
Marx’s birthday and the dismal science
With 2017 marking the 150th anniversary of Capital and 2018 marking the bicentennial of the birth of Karl Marx, it is not a surprise that the number of events and exhibitions celebrating Marx’s work and exploring the significance of Marxism in the world today have gone through the roof.
Imperialism has had a tough week
Just when you think things are far too bleak, the human spirit rises to surprise you. In Brazil, the truckers went on an extended strike. They are angry about the fuel prices. It has made it impossible for them to make a living.
Chavismo still in power, U.S. still belligerent, media still dishonest
Incumbent president Nicolás Maduro won in a landslide, taking nearly 68% of the vote, while his closest rival Henry Falcón could only muster 21%. With all the votes tallied, Maduro totalled a little over 6.2M votes.
Marx and Feminism
Noted scholar Nancy Fraser joined us for a wide-ranging interview covering Marx’ and Engels’ view of social reproduction, the tension between class, gender, and race, and the need for a “Feminism for the 99%”
Unions and “work ethic”
Unions and “work ethic”
Hurricane Maria death count over 5,000–not 64, new study finds
A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine estimates the number of deaths caused directly or indirectly by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico at over five thousand.
The problem with “overpopulation”
The problem with “overpopulation”
Where the debt slaves are the most vulnerable
This type of chart is trotted out constantly these days to show that American households are in fabulous shape when it comes to their ability to service their blistering record debts.
Canadian government to buy disastrous oil pipeline to ensure it gets built
CANADA’S federal government said today it is buying a controversial pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to the Pacific coast to ensure it gets built.
North Korea has good reason to be wary of a Trump deal
Though Trump’s threats against North Korea have lacked some of the grace with which his predecessors operated, to Pyongyang, U.S diplomacy has been marked by 65 years of broken promises and outright aggression.
Marx ratio
First there was the Great Gatsby curve. Then there was the Proust index. Now, thanks to Neil Irwin, we have the Marx ratio.
Temperature rose at World Health Assembly over Palestine discussion
The draft decesion asking the WHO to continue with health-related technical support in Palestine, was adopted by 90 votes in favour and 6 against, namely Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Israel, UK and USA.
All the best: the Leo Panitch show
Max Shanly and Matt Zarb-Cousin sit in starstruck awe as Professor Leo Panitch explains how the world works in a dulcet Canadian accent.
Living on the edge: Americans in a time of “prosperity”
These are supposed to be the good times—with our current economic expansion poised to set a record as the longest in U.S. history.
How can the resistance of the Venezuelan people and Nicolás Maduro’s government be explained?
Despite economic war, sabotage, low oil prices, international sanctions, and political violence, the Venezuelan people are still standing and supporting the leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution.
Why Venezuela’s election matters—it was under siege by U.S., Canadian and EU influence
Many Americans are angry about Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election. Here’s what they don’t know about our country.
Eco-Marxism and deforestation
The article uses the Eco Marxist perspective to look at deforestation and the impact it has on Earth in terms of soil erosion, air pollution and the threat it places on plant and animal life.
Santos announces that Colombia will join NATO
For the first time in history, a Latin American country will be part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Office of renowned economists Prabhat Patnaik and Utsa Patnaik double-locked by JNU administration
The two retired professors are internationally reputed scholars, and are serving the honourary position of Professor Emeritus.