U.S. foments regime change in Nicaragua
Around a dozen thugs attack Bookmarks in central London and threaten to return.
Fascist mob storm socialist bookshop in broad daylight
About a dozen fascists stormed into the bookshop close to the shop’s closing time, attempting to intimidate staff and customers as they destroyed books and materials.
Microbes are striking back
Our story has a mix of the good and the bad. It shows us that science, as a collective human endeavour, has immense potential. It also shows us that as a society, under capitalism, we often do our best to undermine the fruits of human knowledge.
Socialism is back, with good reason
The spectre of socialism is again haunting world politics.
Reading Marx on migration
If any specter is most clearly haunting the wealthiest states of the world today, it is the specter of nativism. It has become a tired cliché to recount the number and nature of political forces that have risen on the strength of fear of the migrant other, real or imagined.
U.S. militarism marches on
Republicans and Democrats like to claim that they are on opposite sides of important issues. Of course, depending on which way the wind blows, they sometimes change sides, like over support for free trade and federal deficits. Tragically, however, there is no division when it comes to militarism.
U.S. fake World War 2 history underlies permanent bipartisan hostility toward Russia
There’s fake news. And then there’s fake history. Fake news lies about the world as it is. But fake history is the context for fake news. Fake history sanctifies abominations past and present. Fake history erases the struggle over thousands of years between those many who produced the planet’s wealth and the greedy few who appropriate it for themselves.
Republic of Latvia, Apartheid State within the EU
This essay draws upon my personal acquaintance with Alexander Gaponenko, the victim of ongoing cruel and unusual judicial procedures in Riga, Latvia which violate fundamentally the much-touted “values” of the European Union.
More than universal healthcare: the meaning of socialism
Young people are turning to socialism, and Democratic Party politicians are adopting the term. But what is socialism?
Science for the People Revival, Geoenginnering Discussion, New York City, July 28, 2018
This is a video from the Science for the People Event in New York City on July 28. It includes a talk by Fred.
Racism and the logic of capitalism
The emergence of a new generation of anti-racist activists and thinkers battling police abuse, the prison-industrial complex and entrenched racism in the US, alongside the crisis over immigration and growth of right-wing populism in Europe and elsewhere, makes this a crucial moment to develop theoretical perspectives that conceptualise race and racism as integral to capitalism while going beyond identity politics that treat such issues primarily in cultural and discursive terms.
Capitalism’s discourse on “development”
CAPITALISM’S discourse on “development” which has become quite influential all over the third world in the neo-liberal period proceeds as follows.
Israel sentences Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour to 5 months in prison over poem
An Israeli district court sentenced Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, 36, to five months in prison and a six-month suspended sentence on Tuesday for posting a poem she wrote to social media in 2015.
Why Russia is growing gold reserves to record levels
According to Russian Central Bank figures, Russia’s total gold reserves amounted to 1,944 tons as of June 2018, with the regulator pointing to a steady rise in holdings of the precious metal over the last decade (total gold reserves amounted to less than 500 tons in 2008). In the same period, the share of gold in Russia’s total reserves grew from just 2.5 percent to over 17 percent.
Recommended reading from Mumia
The nation’s best known political prisoner, Mumia Abu Jamal, has high praise for historian Robin D.G. Kelly’s book Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Depression.
Freedom rider: blacks need to stop calling the enemy “we” and “us”
It is a sad to see black people speak of themselves in the first person when referencing the United States government, its intelligence agencies, and war making apparatus. Two years of relentless war propaganda has conflated opposition to Trump with the interests of the ruling elites.
The sanctification of NATO
Claims that U.S. President Donald Trump is undermining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by criticizing some of its members and having a cordial meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin have sent establishment media into a frenzy to sanctify NATO as a force for peace and democracy.
The origins of women’s oppression–a defence of Engels and a new departure
Frederick Engels’ book The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (hereafter The Origin) was published in 1884. In it he argued that early humans had lived in non-hierarchical societies in which women were not oppressed.
Did developing countries recover from the global crisis?
A decade after the Global Financial Crisis, developing countries still bear the scars in the form of lower growth and investment rates.
Gender as colonial object
The spread of Western gender categories through European colonization.