Jill Stein breaks the silence on being a Russiagate target
Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has turned in her campaign materials to the Senate Intelligence Committee, and warns that Russiagate is being used to silent dissent.
Marx and the cinema
Dennis Broe traces the history of the representation of labour on screen, and finds inspiration for celebrating May Day and continuing Marx’s struggle against capitalism.
World Bank: abolish minimum wage, other labour laws
Let the state provide incomes and social protection, freeing up capital to exploit labour at will says working draft of new flagship report.
MSNBC’s creepy Comcast commercial is Sinclair lite
After the justified uproar over pro-Trump Sinclair Broadcast Group forcing its scores of affiliates to humiliate themselves by reading an on-air script condemning “misleading” news, one would think other media outlets would be a little more careful not to mimic such behavior.
Bolivia scrambles to maintain South American unity amid U.S. support for Right wing governments
Given the clearly right-wing nature of the ruling parties in the countries that withdrew from UNASUR, the move can be seen as the latest blow against a fading trend of left-wing governments in the region and a result of the increasingly bitter inter-state debate swirling around Venezuela’s political future.
Engels and women’s oppression
What does Engels say about the root of women’s oppression? Is there validity to his argument today?
National Rifle Association brands U.S. teachers ‘lazy’
TEACHERS in the U.S. have been branded “lazy” and accused of not caring about children in a series of online videos by the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Socialists are urgently looking for the future: American Marxist Mike Davis talks to Algerian journalist Mohsen Abdelmoumen
The Algerian journalist Mohsen Abdelmoumen interviewed Mike Davis recently. This is a fascinating interview that ranges from the question of Marxism today to the politics of Middle East to the necessity of socialism.
Public school teacher strikes show workplace organizing pays off
While those at the top of the income pyramid continue to celebrate economic trends, the great majority of working people continue to struggle to make ends meet
The true face of the global recovery
Optimistic assessments of the synchronised recovery across the world economy ignore the factors driving the weak upturn that make it fragile.
World employers report
The history of capitalism is actually a combination of two histories: it’s a history of employers attempting to hire workers and develop new technologies to make profits and expand the reach of capitalism; it’s also a history of workers banding together to improve wages and working conditions and imagine ways of moving beyond capitalism.
On Rosa Parks’ tomahawk, or, the U.S. strikes in Syria
In the wake of the most recent USA airstrike in Syria, Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former president of the American Society of International Law and U.S. State Department Director of Policy Planning between 2009 and 2011, took to Twitter to think through some of the legal and moral arguments justifying the use of force.
U.S., fearing unfavorable OPCW results, blames Russia for “hacking” Douma evidence
Though Western governments have influenced the outcome of OPCW investigations in the past, this time they appear to be discrediting the results of the investigation before it even begins.
Why Marx? Why now?
Two hundred years have passed since the birth of Karl Marx. Few historical figures of any kind have been so influential ‑ surely no thinker has. Yet many now would dismiss his ideas as outdated, as flawed, as tending towards totalitarianism. Why should we remember him? What can we possibly learn from him now?
Exclusive emails show how the White Helmets tried to recruit Roger Waters with Saudi money
During a Barcelona concert on April 13, Roger Waters denounced the Syrian White Helmets as “a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists.”
Delegitimising the British left
In the last month there has been a deliberate, determined attempt to turn the clock back on the general election result on 8th June 2017, to back when the left could be dismissed as irrational deluded cultists who mostly existed on social media.
U.S. and its Allies refuse to recognise upcoming Venezuelan elections
The VIII Summit of the Americas was held this year in Lima, Peru from April 13-14 and as always, was marked by controversies and managed to be the material expression of the deep contradictions of the U.S.-supported bloc in the Americas.
Chávez The Radical XIV: “we can’t convert everything we produce into merchandise”
In Chávez The Radical XIV, Chávez reflects on the contradictions of public planning and the transition to a socialist economy, within a system that remains dominated by capitalism.
BP slip-up says its all about big business and the environment
It’s like something from satirical website the Onion or Australia’s Betoota Advocate.