Why Venezuela reporting is so bad
Review of Alan MacLeod’s Bad News From Venezuela
From the news media to Hollywood, powerful elites control the messages the masses receive
IN EARLY May the Disney blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War took over $1 billion from box offices around the world.
Puerto Rico’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence reiterated in the UN
This Monday saw a session of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization, and the approval of a draft resolution that would call upon the U.S. to facilitate the island’s self‑determination.
Worker rights in the United States
Ambassador Nikki Haley’s decision last week to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council is remarkable. The United States is the first nation in the body’s 12-year history to voluntarily remove itself from membership in the council while serving as a member.
America has quit the human rights business
One more illustration of the decline of U.S. influence on the world stage.
Has Donald Trump already changed U.S. trade?
Trump is threatening to dismantle the current world trading system, but in his first year US trading patterns show strong continuity with the previous administration.
Nicaragua’s crisis – the latest stage in a permanent war
The opposition will probably delay dismantling the roadblocks and continue their terror attacks to extort maximum concessions from the government.
As an anti-Semitic fascist movement grows, Zionists attack the anti-fascist left
Far right politics is making a comeback. And with it comes political anti-Semitism.
On Marx and Epicurus
Given the fragments, literally, of the works of Epicurus available to Marx at the time, the materialist analysis that he manages to develop from them is pretty amazing.
Don’t kid yourselves, U.S. immigration prisons are absolutely “concentration camps”
Inhumane forms of immigrant mass incarceration weren’t rolled out by Trump alone, but we should still recognize the danger of the Homeland Security State’s rapid expansion and growing cruelty.
What you didn’t know about the new global treaty to rule them all
A new report from Corporate Europe Observatory and TNI exposes how the little-known Energy Charter Treaty gives corporations the power to obstruct the transition from climate-wrecking fossil fuels towards renewable energy.
It’s official: The United States is a rogue state
It is clear U.S. officials have no intention of operating within the rule-based international order designed to govern relations between states and between people and governments.
When is a “retreat” really an attack? Trump’s decree hides devil’s horns under angel’s wings
“This Executive Order is just the latest in a never-ending series of cynical policy choices that tear apart families, put children at risk and do absolutely nothing to keep our borders secure or our communities safe. That’s not only craven, it’s evil.”
Trump versus the rest
Donald Trump’s leaving the G-7 summit without budging an iota on protectionism is indicative of the disunity among the leading capitalist countries on the strategy to overcome the capitalist crisis.
Plastics crisis set to intensify as more countries look to restrict foreign waste
Data analysis reveals sharp rise in exports to Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Poland amid concerns of countries being ‘flooded’ by waste imports.
Xenophobia in America: immigrant children detention centers promote terror and fear
U.S. Immigration Patrol is detaining immigrant families and separating parents from their children.
Venezuela’s Maduro unveils renewed ‘young and feminist’ cabinet
The president has expanded his team beyond the ruling PSUV with the surprise incorporation of Tupamaro’s Hipolito Abreu.
Watch Kshama Sawant call out councilmembers who voted to repeal the Amazon tax
Only days after passing a tax on Amazon and big business in Seattle, the corporate politicians in Seattle repeal the ordinance.
Beyond racism, immigrant mass detention is all about profit
Trump’s “Make America Great” policies have resulted in misery for thousands of poor migrants, but the rise in human suffering has resulted in jackpot prizes for players at the New York Stock Exchange.
‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism
Karl Polanyi’s reciprocal, redistributive substantive-socialism; ‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism.