Canada’s Austerity Budget Wonderland
Canada’s federal and provincial governments are falling in with other Western countries in delivering austerity budgets that foist costs of the global capitalist crisis onto the backs of workers and the poor. Canada’s federal government is trying to package its latest austerity budget as something that must be done to reduce government debts and deficits […]
Neoliberal Rampage in Canada
Like the Grinch who stole Christmas, the Conservative government of Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper has just left a lump of coal in Canadian workers’ stockings. A cover story in the Globe and Mail of December 22, 2011 announces that federal public pension programs are being targeted for cuts to reduce the federal deficit.1 The […]
The Assault on Public Services: Will Unions Lament the Attacks or Lead a Fightback?
We are living one of those historic moments that cry out for rallying the working class to build new capacities, new solidarities, and concrete hope. The crucial question is not how far the attacks on the public sector will go. The real question is how far we will let them go. How will working-class […]
Valuing the Invaluable: Rethinking and Respecting Caring Work in Canada
Abstract: Using concepts of feminist economics, this paper demonstrates the range of ways in which carework is undervalued in Canada, from the labour of the unpaid care worker within the home, to the paid labour of the registered nurse in institutions. Through qualitative analysis of various caring occupations, and a comparison of wages of caring […]
Canada: Will the NDP Surge in Polls Hold?
Will the surprising surge of the New Democratic Party hold today at the ballot boxes in Canada, where voters say health care (31.5%) and jobs/economy (23.4%) are the top issues, only 4.9% of them prioritizing “high taxes” as the number one problem? The graphs above are from Nano Research. The methodology is available at . […]
Unions Representing Workers in Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Explore Merger
The merger would create an international union of one million metal workers and miners. The United Steelworkers (USW), which represents 850,000 workers in Canada, the Caribbean, and the United States, and the National Union of Miners and Metal Workers (SNTMMSRM), known as the Mineros, which represents 180,000 workers in Mexico, have announced plans to explore […]
Speaking Out Against Israeli Apartheid
We asked queers in our city to tell us why they are against Israeli apartheid. Here’s what they said. Video by Alexis Mitchell * * * Editor’s Note: QuAIA has come under attack by the pro-Israel lobby and Toronto city bureaucrats: “An April 18, 2010 feature story in the Toronto Star revealed that City […]
Freedom of Expression and Palestine Advocacy
Enormous resources have been marshaled by conservative and Zionist organizations in an attempt to silence criticism of the Canadian government’s unwavering support for Israel. The first few months of 2009 have seen a concerted campaign to shut down Palestine advocacy in Canada. Such examples include: cutting funding to the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) due […]
An Open Letter from Anti-Zionist Jewish Youth in Canada
If you would like to sign on to this letter, send an email [email protected] with your name and city January 5th, 2009 Like much of the world, we have spent the last week watching in shock and disgust as Israel continues its assault on the Gaza Strip. With the body count rising and a new […]
Political Crisis Exposes Canada’s National, Class Divisions
OTTAWA — In a classic 19th century work, English journalist Walter Bagehot divided the Constitution into two parts. The “efficient” part — the executive (cabinet) and legislative — was responsible for the business of government. The “dignified” part, the Queen, was to put a human face on the capitalist state. Bagehot noted, however, that the […]
‘Dare Anyone Say a Word?’: The Canadian Labour Congress Convention of 2008
There is always something unsettling about people who say one thing and do another. There is for one thing the hypocrisy. Then, there is the uncertainty. It only takes a few disappointments to sow the seeds of doubt about whether you can ever trust their judgement again or whether you can ever expect them […]
Afghanistan: Why Canada Should Withdraw Its Troops
This Thursday the House of Commons passed a Confidence Motion put forward by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper to extend the Canadian mission in Kandahar, Afghanistan to December 2011 past the current commitment to 2009. With the support of the Liberal Party (breaking their previous position of a call for a […]
Much Ado about A Lot: Uranium Mining in Canada
An Anishnabe blockade in 1996. Photo by Macdonald Stainsby John Cutfeet outside the Legislature in June 2007. Members of Grassy Narrows and Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nations protested mining on their land. Photo Adrian Wyld Opposition to uranium mining has once again become a major topic of coverage by the media. From Australia to Canada, people […]
Neoliberalism and Canada’s Ruling Class
For a discipline explicitly engaged in the study of power, particularly as exercised in liberal democracies, it is striking how little Canadian political science has actually examined the concentration of private economic power, the political organization of the business classes and the extension of that power into the political realm. Indeed, Canadian political science has […]
Canada and World Order after the Wreckage
The active imagining of an alternate global politics could hardly be more pressing. Mounting global inequalities, the turbulence of climate change, and recurring military interventions by Western powers have been the daily fare of the neoliberal world order. This world order was constructed over the last two decades under the hegemony of the U.S., in […]
Is Canada an Imperialist State?
Has Canada become an imperialist state, as some on the Left argue? On the surface, a case can be made. Why did Canada participate in the kidnapping and expulsion of Haiti’s elected head of state, Jean-Bertrand Aristide? Why are Canadian troops fighting the insurgency in Afghanistan while supporting a regime dominated by feudal warlords? […]
McDonough Calls Canada’s Gov’t on War Crime Complicity
July 14, 2006 Hon. Peter MacKay Minister of Foreign Affairs Lester B. Pearson Bldg., A-10 125 Sussex Dr. Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2 Dear Minister, I write to express outrage at your government’s response to the destruction levelled by Israel on the innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon. The world has rightly condemned the killings and […]
CUPE “Boycott Israel” Debate Rages On
As trade union and community activists, socialists, and officials in our respective union organizations, we strongly support the recent Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario resolution supporting the international Boycott Israel campaign. The resolution criticizes Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestinian territory, characterizing it as “apartheid.” It calls on the union to develop an […]
Vancouver, Canada, 18 March 2006
Although the corporate media gave a lot more coverage than usual to this year’s Vancouver rally, what they did provide was as inaccurate as ever. A realistic crowd estimate for the Vancouver march and rally would be in the 3,000-4,000 range. Yet CBC Radio was running 500, The Province newspaper had 1000, and the TV […]
Ottawa, Canada, 18 March 2006
1,000 Canadians braved the cold weather (-20 C with wind chill) to demonstrate at the U.S. Embassy, calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan (Canada has 2,000 troops in Afghanistan, currently heading up the NATO occupation force there [with U.S. air cover]). Richard Fidler with his friend Marvin Gandall Richard Fidler is […]