Geography Archives: Middle East

  • Legal Flaws in US Complaint Against Iran

    The US allegation of an Iranian government plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington is meritless as a matter of law, principally due to the egregious flaws and inexplicable discrepancies in the (amended) complaint in a federal court in Manhattan.

  • The Irish Presidential Election

    The Irish presidency is a peculiar thing.  For an almost powerless political position, the presidential election is usually quite a hard fought one.  The presidency is nothing more than a ceremonial office for whoever gets it, but the upside to it is that they get to live rent-free for seven years in a big house […]

  • NATO’s Genocidal Role (Part 5)

    On March 9th this year, under the title of “NATO, War, Lies and Business”, I published a new Reflection about the role of that warlike organization. I am selecting some fundamental paragraphs from that Reflection: “As some may be aware, in September of 1969, Muammar al-Gaddafi, an Arab Bedouin soldier of a peculiar character and […]

  • Defend Occupy Oakland with the Muscle of Organized Labor

      Demonstrators in downtown Oakland protesting the bank-driven economic crisis were brutally attacked by police from 18 Bay Area agencies on Tuesday Oct. 25.  Mayor Quan, who was supported by ILWU Local 10 in the recent elections, ordered this bloody assault.  Cops used potentially lethal weapons to break up the occupation of Frank Ogawa (now […]

  • After Iraq

      Obama with a map of the Persian Gulf region in hand: “Excuse me!  Does this bus stop at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Oman?” Gervasio Umpiérrez is a cartoonist based in Montevideo, Uruguay.  This cartoon was published on his blog and by Rebelión on 1 November 2011; it is […]

  • The Israeli Army Shot at Me and 3 Palestinian Kids in Gaza Today

      28 October 2011 After a lovely day of drinking excessive amounts of tea with a few families in South Gaza (Faraheen and Khuza’a, to be exact), an Italian colleague, Silvia, who used to live in Khuza’a, suggested walking down the road towards the local school.  It was late afternoon, about 4:30 p.m. and dozens […]

  • Good News from Germany (Finally)

    Once in a while there’s good news from Europe — yes, even from here in Germany.  And because Germany is so central in Europe and so strong, even minor good news from this country can be important. But, till now, there hasn’t been much good news for quite some time! The party called Die Linke, […]

  • A Requiem for Humanitarianism

    There is no history of a revolution which is not at the same time a history of barbarism.  (Inspired by Walter Benjamin) And the almost live pictures of Colonel Qaddafi’s freshly killed body, covered in human blood, dirt and mud, dragged on the streets of Sirte, followed by the footage of his rotting corpse on […]

  • Obama Administration Escalates Confrontation with Iran: Why?

    The Obama Administration announced two weeks ago that a bumbling Iranian-American used car salesman had conspired with a U.S. government agent posing as a representative of Mexican drug cartels to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.  This brought highly skeptical reactions from experts here across the political spectrum. But even if some of this tale […]

  • Israel: Social Activists Gear Up for Mass Rally in Tel Aviv and Other Cities

    Protest leaders prepare for demonstrations next Saturday, October 29, across Israel, turning up the heat following the government announcement of an electricity price hike. After being put on the back burner for the past few weeks, the social protest is slowly turning up the heat following the recent electricity price hike announced by Israel’s neo-liberal […]

  • Occupied Japan and Occupying Wall Street

    1) Not long ago I heard a writer claim that her publisher had demanded that the word “manifesto” be replaced in the title of her novel.  This is an Asian American woman who is feisty and strong-willed and political, who during readings calls out “blond boys” for flaunting the privileges of their maleness and their […]

  • 15O: Global Indignation

    The 15th of October (15O) was the first coordinated global response to the crisis, signifying the emergence of a new international movement.  Initially inspired by revolutions in North Africa, through emulation and imitation, protests began in the periphery of Europe.  The Mediterranean world thus found itself situated in the epicenter of a new wave of […]

  • Ravens and Vultures

    Did you notice that there are people who say they are of the Left but who seem to only criticize people of the Left?  Never against the Right, whatever it does.  They specialize in pouring gasoline on any little fire within the Left. They never recognize victories, conquests, advances.  They only make predictions of defeats, […]

  • I Woke Up One Morning and the War Was Over

    America’s war in Iraq is over.  The last U.S. troops will leave by year’s end, “with their heads held high, proud of their success and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops.”  So sayeth President Obama. A “sham of a mockery of a sham” is what Groucho would call […]

  • NATO Has Assassinated Gaddafi — Now the Puppets Can Dance

      NATO has assassinated Gaddafi.  Now the puppets can dance.  This is not about democracy, as the “new” leaders are a combination of his ex-cabinet officials and ex-Mujahideen who took out the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the 80s and installed the Taliban for the CIA. Pro-Gaddafi protests in Tripoli have been met with […]

  • A Moment of Awakening

    The camp has grown since people dropped their tents on Saturday evening, amidst a hail of police batons and riot shields.  By Wednesday, you could count well over 100 tents outside St Paul’s Cathedral.  ‘People’s Assemblies’ are conducted on a daily basis, where suggestions for improvements are put forward.  Khalil Gibran, Jeremy Scahill and George […]

  • Syria: Another Massive Pro-Government Demonstration That You Won’t See in Corporate Media

    Saadallah al-Jabri Square, Aleppo, 19 October 2011 Cf. “I woke up and watched the news on Aljazeera.  I saw the most massive demonstration in Syria in recent weeks.  It was huge.  It turned out to be a pro-regime demonstration.  I am sure that you won’t read about it in the New York Times” (As’ad AbuKhalil, […]

  • Thief

    What happens to those who expose the biggest thief?

  • Why We Occupy, What We Know

    Occupy Eugene rally, 15 October 2011 We are here as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, which in a few short weeks has become a global movement in hundreds of cities around the world.  We are part of the 99 percent not only in this country but the world. I have been reading the […]

  • Poverty in Saudi Arabia

      Feras Bugnah is a filmmaker in Saudi Arabia.  Cf. Carlos Latuff, “Free Feras Bugnah, Filmmaker Arrested for Exposing Poverty in KSA” (MRZine, 18 October 2011). | Print