Venezuela’s economy will grow 20% in 2022, despite illegal U.S. sanctions, predicts Western bank
Major Switzerland-based bank Credit Suisse forecasts Venezuela’s real GDP growth to be 20% in 2022 and 8% in 2023. This is despite an illegal U.S. blockade, which starved the government of 99% of its revenue, according to the top UN expert on sanctions.
Sanctions and the World Economic Order: a conversation with Prabhat Patnaik
A distinguished Marxist economist reflects on the impact of imperialist blockade mechanisms.
The pending task of securing transgender rights: A conversation with Rummie Quintero Verdú
A trans activist talks about LGBTIQ+ rights in Venezuela.
Venezuela defines conditions for sale of oil to U.S.
The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela maintained its willingness to resume its oil trade with countries such as the United States, and even those that belong to the European Union, but it has clearly outlined the diplomatic and political conditions necessary for any exchange to take place.
Crisis & Critique: Venezuela and the New Latin American Left
With leftist leaders winning back power in Latin America, how will they handle the “Venezuela issue”? Ociel López breaks it down.
National Lawyers Guild International calls for the immediate release of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab
The National Lawyers Guild International calls for the immediate release of Venezuelan Special Envoy Alex Saab, imprisoned in a Miami federal prison by the United States in a violation of diplomatic norms and protections.
U.S. kidnapped and imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab for buying food
Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was essentially kidnapped by the United States because he was buying food for the government’s CLAP food program, to feed the people of Venezuela.
Alex Saab is being tortured in the U.S., denounces Diplomat’s wife Camila (+Oscar López Rivera)
Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab “is suffering torture and inhumane treatment everyday in the United States,” decried his wife Camila Fabri Saab during a solidarity event for the diplomat, hosted last Friday, February 3, by the US-based human rights organization Alliance for Global Justice.
Radical Land Reform in Venezuela: A Conversation with Juan Carlos Loyo (Part I)
Chávez’s agriculture minister talks about the revolutionary changes in land tenure that took place under the former president.
Venezuela doubles oil output despite U.S. bans thanks to Iran’s help
Venezuela has doubled its oil production over the past months thanks to Iran’s help in defiance of U.S. sanctions against Caracas, oil industry analysts say.
Chile’s president-elect Boric reiterates his contempt for besieged Nicaragua and Venezuela
Gabriel Boric, president-elect of Chile, considers that the leftist governments headed by President Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua “have failed.”
All Things Co-op: Lessons from Venezuela’s Social Economy
They speak about the creation of the social economy, the experience of Chavismo in Venezuela, and the differing goals of some cooperatives and traditional trade unions. Lebowitz highlights the importance of self-actualization through protagonism and how the most successful of these models focused on solidarity over self-interest.
The U.S. is intentionally strangling Venezuela
The consequences of the current U.S. sanctions regime, and collusion with the Venezuelan opposition, have been devastating for the Venezuelan people. Against a suffocating embargo and corrupt bureaucracy, the revolution will survive only if the grassroots reinvent it.
A lesson from Simón Bolívar: ‘To Hesitate is to Perish’
Speech in remembrance of the One Hundred and Ninety-first Anniversary of the Liberator Simón Bolívar’s passage to immortality, on December 17, 1830, celebrated at Rivadavia Park in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, at the foot of the monument to Simón Bolívar.
Dominant PSUV sweeps Venezuela’s ‘mega-elections’
The ruling party won at least 19 governorships with a highly divided opposition landing three.
Class warfare and socialist resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as existential threats to the U.S.
Why do Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela pose such an existential threat to the U.S.? The promise of socialism and their resistance to U.S. class warfare.
‘State terrorism’: Alfred de Zayas on Alex Saab kidnapping
“’Lawfare’ is a modern epidemic. In the past, governments did what they wanted and got away with it. Today they attempt to throw a cloak of legality over their abuse of extradition treaties and subvert the administration of justice in the process,” wrote the historian.
The U.S. flies Alex Saab out from Cabo Verde without court order or extradition treaty
On October 16, Colombian businessman and Venezuelan Special Envoy Alex Saab was in practical terms kidnapped for the second time, first by Cabo Verde under pressure from Washington, and now by the U.S., in flagrant violation of international law.
[BREAKING] Venezuelan Government envoy Alex Saab extradited to the United States
The Maduro administration blasted the contractor’s “kidnapping” and suspended dialogue with the US-backed opposition.
The imprint of an insurrectional past: a conversation with Iraida Vargas and Mario Sanoja
Two eminent anthropologists talk about Venezuela’s history and its relation to the present.