Social Democracy will not save us
The author makes the case that liberalism is a dead end and that socialism is the only tool for Black liberation.
“We’re all in prison, as long as Julian’s in prison”: exclusive interview with Stella Assange
On Friday, October 7th, with some of the fellow promoters of the 24 hours for Assange, we attended the Wired Next Fest 2022, hosted for the occasion by the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan.
Media spin Lula victory as defeat
Workers Party Candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva beat incumbent Jair Bolsonaro by 6.2 million votes.
Why I did not vote
Reflecting on the recent Kenyan elections, radical activist and poet Lena Anyuolo explains why she did not vote. How could anyone vote in elections that offered no alternative? Anyuolo explains, ‘Politicians crawl out like cockroaches from dark holes every five years; fat and destructive, ready to unleash more destruction.’
Congresswoman Karen Bass and the will to intervene
Congresswoman Karen Bass is running for mayor of Los Angeles. She’s also Vice Chair of the NED, the CIA’s soft power arm. She epitomizes everythng that is wrong with the Black political class.
The Supreme Court, rights, and judicial abdication
The Supreme Court Justices have left town for the summer. Their sense of justice departed a few months ago, along with their fidelity to the history and text of the Constitution.
Colombia’s first ever left-wing president: Gustavo Petro wins historic election. What does it mean?
Gustavo Petro won Colombia’s June 19 election, becoming its first ever left-wing president. We analyze what this means for Latin America, the US, Venezuela, the military, paramilitary groups, the powerful oligarchy, and social movements.
Cuba’s non-alignment: A foreign policy of peace and socialism
In Cuba, ‘non-alignment’ has never meant being neutral, and has always meant being opposed to attempts to divide humanity, writes MANOLO DE LOS SANTOS
Abortion in Cuba vs U.S. shows which country is truly democratic
In Cuba, abortion and all healthcare is free, and enshrined in a constitution democratically voted on by the people. In the US, nine unelected, life-long judges control society based on a 1787 constitution written by slaveowners.
This is the real face of the Ukraine war – weekly briefing
Lindsey German on imperialism, democracy and porn in parliament.
Ben Lewis on Kautsky, Democracy and Republicanism
Ben Lewis, the translator and editor of “Karl Kautsky on Democracy and Republicanism” talks with Green Left’s Barry Healy.
The rise of Ilhan Omar: Lessons from a self-portrait
Shamus Cooke assesses the record of Representative Ilhan Omar and what her autobiography reveals about her political trajectory.
Crisis & Critique: Venezuela and the New Latin American Left
With leftist leaders winning back power in Latin America, how will they handle the “Venezuela issue”? Ociel López breaks it down.
Nonsense and panic: Berlin Bulletin no. 198, January 30, 2022
Why do foolhardy spoilers insist on causing embarrassment? Why must out-of-step fools upset well-steered apple-carts? Why did German vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach open his big mouth on Saturday in far-off Mumbai—and spill so many beans? Many or most U.S. media overlooked it—that is, buried it. Or emasculated it. In Germany they couldn’t fully ignore it—though unpleasant […]
Shuffled cards: Berlin Bulletin No. 197, December 30, 2021
After the German elections on September 26th it took, as usual, weeks and weeks for the three coalition parties to agree on one program, full of compromises, pledges and promises (some of which may even been be kept) and to resolve quarrels over who gets which cabinet seat.
Nicaragua’s evidence-based democracy threatens U.S. oppression domestically and abroad
Despite Washington’s best effort to derail Nicaragua’s electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), and the reelection of President Daniel Ortega with 75.92% of the votes cast. Nicaragua’s non-partisan, independent Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported on Monday, November 8th that 65.23% of […]
They won’t ever find us because our love is bound to the rocks: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2021)
At the U.S. State Department’s Summit for Democracy (9–10 December), U.S. President Joe Biden announced a range of initiatives to ‘bolster democracy and defend human rights globally’.
Democratic Party betrayal, abortion, and the Supreme Court
“ What about the Supreme Court?” Those words are used to thwart any discussion which questions support for the Democratic Party.
Ten contradictions that plague Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’
Biden hopes to secure his place at the head of the “Free World” table by coming out as a champion for human rights and democratic practices worldwide.
From grassroots to lawmaker: a glimpse of China’s ‘whole-process democracy’
The notion of Chinese democracy is not the same as that in the West. The political system in China is more about consensus building within a greater voice rather than the protracted bargaining to arrive at decisions common in the West.