Sustainable food systems are possible outside corporate agriculture
The United Nations Food Systems Summit has become one of the most controversial events of this year due to corporate take over. Civil society activists came together during the pre-summit to register their protest.
The Colonial Rift
A Review of Hannah Holleman’s ‘Dust Bowls of Empire: Imperialism, Environmental Politics, and the Injustice of “Green” Capitalism’.
Mending the metabolic rift: Marxism, nature and society
Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism provides the key to understanding the environmental catastrophe we’re witnessing, and to gaining a clearer picture of what’s needed to repair our damaged relationship with the Earth.
Climate change and the Pacific Islands: ‘When the land disappears, we will all disappear’
Climate change is already leading to rising sea levels, threatening island and coastal communities and devastating food security and access to fresh water. Long-term drought and changes in weather patterns are causing hunger and destroying farming land.
No climate future without system change
Warnings about how the capitalist mode of production is putting pressure on the earth’s ability to handle all forms of stress have continued to come at an increasing pace.
North America’s heatwave hell
As temperature records were smashed all up and down the Pacific coast in the last week of June, reports emerged of rolling blackouts, buckling roads, damaged wires and newly sparked wildfires.
‘That’s lethal, communities completely exposed to this kind of heat’
CounterSpin interview with Vivek Shandas on climate impacts
The looming Arctic collapse: more than 40% of north Russian buildings are starting to crumble
Previously solid ground is quickly degrading. The melting of the permafrost is about to cause huge damage to buildings and infrastructure across the country, Russia’s natural resource minister warns.
10 reasons why climate activists should not support nuclear
The world needs safe, non-exploitive technologies. Nuclear doesn’t qualify.
Indigenous sovereignty, climate justice and #JustTransition
In early 2020, the #ShutDownCanada movement in solidarity with Indigenous Wet’suwet’en people sparked a wildfire of resistance across the country.
California’s megadrought and the fight for socialism
The history of California in the capitalist era is as mythic as the American Dream itself. From around the world, countless workers have emigrated to the “Golden State” in search of a better life.
Volcano vs. volcano
On the anniversary of his birth, we recall the volcanic strength Ernesto Guevara carried within, already evident in the young man who met Fidel in Mexico.
The Kisan [Farmers’] Commune in India
On 26 June 2021, tens of thousands of Indian farmers will gather in front of the government offices in India’s twenty-eight states.
Sustainable Consumption: A view from the Global South
The global discourse on sustainability has revolved around the need to transition towards “Sustainable Consumption” ever since it was introduced during the 1992 Earth Summit chaired by Maurice Strong, a Canadian businessman who made his wealth from the oil and gas industry.
Nicaragua’s green revolution
While large polluting countries have refused to take necessary measures to slow the climate crisis, Nicaragua, one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, has taken impressive steps to shift to more sustainable energy.
We hug the trees because the trees have no voice
In 1974, the UN urged the world to celebrate that day on 5 June with the slogan ‘Only One Earth’; this year, the theme is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’, emphasising how the capitalist system has eroded the earth’s capacity to sustain life.
Red Alert: Only one Earth
A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Making Peace with Nature (2021), highlights the ‘gravity of the Earth’s triple environmental emergencies: climate, biodiversity loss, and pollution’.
Was Marx a climate warrior?
This is a talk given online at the ESRC Festival of Social Science on November 11, 2020: ‘Was Marx a climate warrior?’ for a panel organized by Bangor University.
bneGREEN: Russia’s weather goes crazy
Russia’s weather has gone crazy. There is currently a heatwave inside the Arctic Circle where the coast is hotter than Mediterranean beaches.
The real mission to Mars
Apparently—and entirely predictably—low-Earth-orbit is now firmly within the widening tides of corporate capitalism’s great waste ocean.