Kashmir on the edge of the abyss
Tariq Ali on the situation in Kashmir.
Hybrid wars are destroying Democracies
In Brazil recently, I gave an interview to Brasil de Fato, which was born in 2003 as the weekly magazine of the World Social Forum. It is now one of the most important windows into Brazil’s political world. The newsletter this week carries the text of most of the interview.
Lula: “U.S. hand” on everything that’s happened in Brazil
In an interview with Bob Fernandes, on TVE Bahia, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that the U.S. government “created the Lava Jato investigation to take our oil.”
Trump starves Venezuela, Democrats are silent
The Trump administration is intensifying its economic warfare on the people of Venezuela with a crippling embargo—and facing no resistance from the Democratic Party.
Detention camps are concentration camps
In June it was finally settled, the short-term detention centers run by the U.S. Border Patrol were—quite technically—concentration camps. While they are not the extermination camps of the Holocaust, the rounding up and mass incarceration of people who haven’t seen a judge fits the definition exactly, according to expert Andrea Pitzer. The legal definition of concentration camps are “places of forced relocation of civilians into detention on the basis of group identity.”
Trump’s disavowal of white supremacy makes a mockery of antiracism—but so does the rest of the political establishment
The partisan condemnation of white supremacy that has taken shape during the Trump era has reduced anti-racist critique to political theater.
Venezuela food shipment destined for Venezuela seized due to U.S. blockade
The ship was seized in the Panama canal according to the Venezuela government.
USA vs. Venezuela: the embargo as part of a war with no turning back (Interview – Julio Escalona)
The total embargo declared by Donald Trump against Venezuela is another step in sharpening his strategy to generate chaos in the country and overthrow Nicolás Maduro. Julio Escalona, deputy of the National Constituent Assembly, analyzes the situation, the possibility of dialogues, and challenges.
American exceptionalism = mass murder
U.S. police agencies, including the FBI, are incapable of mounting an effective offensive against their soul mates in the armed white right.
More British complicity exposed in latest ‘CIA Torture Unredacted’ report
The latest report about kidnappings, rendition, ‘black sites’ and torture is a remarkable piece of investigative work. It provides us with nothing less than a litany of shocking evidence and testimony and at 403 pages it makes for truly grim reading. This article is made up of a very brief set of extracts from the just-released CIA Torture Unredacted report.
There must be bones under the paved street
On 6 August 1945, the United States military dropped a bomb that contained 64kg of uranium-235 over the city of Hiroshima (Japan). The bomb took just over 44 seconds to fall from 9,400 metres and detonated 580 metres above the Shima Surgical Clinic. Over 80,000 people died instantly. This was the first use of the nuclear bomb.
Dossier 19: Iranians will not forget: The hybrid war against Iran
It is impossible to predict what will happen in West Asia. Impossible to know whether the United States will conduct a military strike against Iran, which has already faced the full brunt of a U.S.-driven hybrid war against it for the past seven decades.
Policing the borders of suffering
Both mainstream Jewish institutions and non-Jewish liberal and conservative commentators took it upon themselves to censure Ocasio-Cortez’s use of “concentration camps,” with Rep. Liz Cheney accusing the freshman representative of “demean[ing]” the memory of those who died in the Holocaust.
Are U.S. military planes announcing formal aggression against Venezuela?
In less than a month, U.S. air raids into our Maiquetía Flight Information Region (FIR) have multiplied, following a pattern that is admittedly very worrisome. The routes described by its EP-3 Ares II aircraft are revealing, taking into account the nature of this type of aircraft.
How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart
Originally published in 1971 in Chile to intense opposition from the right-wing media, in How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic, Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart offer a cultural critique of Donald Duck comic strips, showing them to be far from benign products of the U.S. cultural industry.
Is India displaying signs of neo-fascism?
Property rights of people are protected under neo-fascism, except those racially, communally, sexually, or politically targeted whose properties are often confiscated.
Trump and the spectre of fascism
According to Giroux “a distinctive economic-political formation has been produced” one he calls “neoliberal fascism.” He continues: “Neoliberalism and fascism conjoin and advance in a comfortable and mutually compatible project and movement that connects the worst excesses of capitalism with fascist ideals;…” After years of neoliberalism, Giroux believes that “the mobilizing passions of fascism have been unleashed unlike anything we have seen since the 1930s and 1940s”
“The U.S. got scared” voices of the resistance in post-coup Honduras
Members of the resistance in Honduras tell MintPress how a US-backed coup – and the Neoliberalism it brought with it – have impacted their country.
‘The people have spoken’: estimated 400,000 Puerto Ricans flood streets to demand Rosselló resign immediately
For him to think he can keep governing for another year and a half as if nothing has happened is insulting to our core.
Kamala Harris has a distinguished career of serving injustice
Harris favored criminalizing truancy, raising cash bail fees and keeping prisoners locked up for cheap labor.