Massive Woolsey fire began on contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, close to site of partial meltdown
The tremendously destructive Woolsey Fire has been widely reported as beginning “near” the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL or Rocketdyne), but it appears that the fire began on the Rocketdyne property itself.
Reclaiming radical creativity
Podcast (co-hosted with Marine from A Privileged Vegan): veganvanguardpodcast.com ___ adrienne maree brown –
Emergent Strategy: https://www.akpress.org/emergentstrat… -
Capitalism is killing patients…and their physicians
Physician burnout, depression, and suicide increasingly invade discussions within the medical field. Depression and suicide are more common among male and female physicians, with suicide rates 1.41 and 2.27 times greater than that of the general male and female populations, respectively.
Did post-Soviet Russians drink themselves to death?
Although initially obscured by The Economist, among others, the sudden and unprecedented increase in Russian adult male mortality during 1992-1994 is no longer denied. Instead, the debate is now over why?
Plastics and fossil fuels
Follow the History of Technological Systems.
The U.S. medical system: healthy profits at people’s expense
The health-care industry overtook the retail sector as the nation’s largest employer in December, giving local economies and their workers a stake in the industry’s growth. Health jobs surpassed manufacturing jobs in 2008.
The ‘Christine Lagarde Memo’
This secret memo was discovered in the waste basket of a high-ranking staffer in the European Commission. The memo from “the Coalition” begins “Dear Angela, Teresa, Emmanuel…” and has a further list of first names—heads of state and secretaries or ministers of finance, health and human services—were mostly scribbled over with marker.
U.S. Nobel winner, who sold his medal to meet medical bills, dies
Leon Lederman had to auction his Nobel medal for physics to meet sky-high healthcare costs.
Future look 2025: the privatisation of the NHS–welcome to Little America
Back in 2019, the US/UK trade deal called the Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (ATIP) was signed by Washington and the new Prime Minister of Gt Britain after the failure of the previous administration to secure a deal with the European Union.
Gender, Labor, & Law with Emma Caterine
In this episode, we speak with Emma Caterine (@emmacaterineDSA), a law graduate and writer with more than a decade of experience working within economic justice, feminist, LGBTQ, and racial justice movements. We talk Democratic Socialists of America, MMT, the advantages of a federal jobs guarantee over a universal basic income, the place for sex work in a jobs guarantee program.
Capitalism vs. water
Capitalism vs. water.
The optimism of a victor
Finding a formula to describe Fidel is no easy task.
Capitalism killed our climate momentum not ‘human nature’
This Sunday, the entire New York Times Magazine will be composed of just one article on a single subject: the failure to confront the global climate crisis in the 1980s, a time when the science was settled and the politics seemed to align.
Microbes are striking back
Our story has a mix of the good and the bad. It shows us that science, as a collective human endeavour, has immense potential. It also shows us that as a society, under capitalism, we often do our best to undermine the fruits of human knowledge.
More than universal healthcare: the meaning of socialism
Young people are turning to socialism, and Democratic Party politicians are adopting the term. But what is socialism?
The myth of work requirements
The savings that states have projected from Medicaid work requirements come from reducing Medicaid coverage rather than by lifting people out of poverty.
The New Postcolonial Economics with Fadhel Kaboub
In this episode, we speak with Fadhel Kaboub (@fadhelkaboub), associate professor of economics at Denison University and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Fadhel outlines a new critical approach to postcolonial political economy, arguing that re-gaining financial sovereignty is a crucial next step for postcolonial nations hoping to achieve social, economic, and environmental justice.
Anthropocene Marxism
Thomas A. Laughlin reviews Marx and the Earth by John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett.
Mental illness and the psychological trap – a political problem
Mental illness is a serious problem, reaching epidemic status, and the problem is increasing rapidly amongst young people not only in South Africa but globally. There is a tendency in society to either: (1) disregard mental illness as a serious problem, or (2) to recognise mental illness as a problem but fail to treat the underlying causes that result in mental illness.
Hurricane Maria death count over 5,000–not 64, new study finds
A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine estimates the number of deaths caused directly or indirectly by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico at over five thousand.