The Second International’s Conflicted Legacy
Virtually all socialists today are descendants of the Second International of 1889 to 1914. Yet its legacy remains sharply disputed. Some associate this International with its betrayal of socialist principles at the start of World War I, and think there is little reason to study it any further. Others see the prewar Second International as a model to be re-created. Both assessments are mistaken.
Petro, a historic victory
With just over 98 percent of the precincts counted, the triumph of Gustavo Petro, candidate of the Historic Pact, in the second round of the Colombian presidential elections was confirmed.
Julian Assange, Alina Lipp, and Anne-Laure Bonnel–When truth becomes a crime in the West
Julian Assange, Alina Lipp and Anne-laure Bonnel are three journalists who are paying a high price for telling the truth in the West: attempts to suffocate them financially, followed by censorship, threats of imprisonment or imprisonment altogether, and even physical and psychological torture in the case of Assange.
A tale of two summits
Last week (June 8-10) there were two summits in Los Angeles, California: the Summit of the Americas hosted by the U.S. State Department and the Peoples Summit hosted by U.S. and international activist organizations. The two summits were held in the same city at the same time but could not be otherwise more different.
Neil Faulkner – ‘Alienation, Spectacle, and Revolution: A Critical Marxist Essay’
The tradition of concise introductions to Marxist theory is a long one, stretching back perhaps to Engels’s Anti-Dühring. Alienation, Spectacle and Revolution enters stridently into this tradition with an acerbic, tremendously illuminating, and urgent style.
The necessity of ecosocialist degrowth
We need degrowth in industries ranging from armaments and advertising to fast fashion and fossil fuels, together with a dramatic reduction in consumption of the richest 1% who are responsible for 15% of emissions.
Intellectual prostitutes call critics foreign agents, useful idiots
A military funded academic, working at a school launched by Condoleezza Rice, claims leftist and anti-war journalists engage in Russian disinformation. His report doesn’t provide any evidence or refute anyone’s argument, but the legacy media laps it up.
Evgueny Karas, SBU agent and leader of the neo-Nazi group S 14
Among the colorful fauna of Ukrainian neo-Nazism, and as a continuation of my work on the firm establishment of this ideology in Ukraine, here is an investigation into the S 14 group.
‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ by: Marcello Musto, reviewed by: Carlos L. Garrido
Marcello Musto’s anthology of ‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ is both comprehensive and concise, containing within the span of 100 pages the three decades long development of the theory through more than a dozen published works and posthumously published manuscripts.
France in 2022: the People’s Union, and Mélenchon
In the run-up to June’s parliamentary elections, the political atmosphere in France has been transformed by a new left alliance, the New Popular Union. How useful is it and what are its prospects?
A second left-wing progressive wave is emerging in Latin America
The 9th Summit of the Americas, scheduled to take place in Los Angeles in June, remains uncertain. Since the Biden administration has not invited the leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela on the grounds of “democracy issues”, the leaders of Cuba, Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, and other countries have expressed the possibility of refusing to participate.
Culture and existence: the message from Silger
It is quite common to think of the black man in the United States who finds himself in a moment of danger. But let us talk about the adivasi people in India who are in a similar situation. Not just danger, but they — their life, culture, forests and land — are facing a situation of accelerated danger.
DHS ‘concerned’ over Nazis returning to U.S. after fighting in Ukraine. Why isn’t the media?
U.S. corporate media has provided glowing coverage to Paul Gray, a notorious American white nationalist fighting in Ukraine. A DHS document warns he’s not the only U.S. fascist drawn to Kiev.
Culture for All: Why Film Matters
Action films, horror films, romantic comedies, science fiction, documentaries–film plays a big part of our lives. Film matters, not only because it was the most popular cultural art form of the 20th century, but because film connects to so many areas of our lives in so many different ways. Not only in the way we visualise our lives, but the ways in which we understand and communicate them.
Eight years ago in Odessa
Eight years ago in Odessa, the neofascist element in Ukrainian politics, then led by Dmitro Yarosh’s Right Sector, burned to death, shot, and otherwise killed at least some 45 anti-Maidan regime picketers inside the Trade Union Building.
Tendency towards the emergence of an “international” middle class
The chancellor of the exchequer of Britain, whose official residence is only next door to the British prime minister’s, is Rishi Sunak, a person of Indian origin. Britain’s home secretary is Priti Patel, also of Indian origin.
From UK troll farms to covert psyops: the troubling past of Nina Jankowicz
The Washington Post revealed Wednesday that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s highly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board,” launched with much fanfare just three weeks earlier, was to close, and that its director, Nina Jankowicz—former fellow at the quasi-state Wilson Center think tank, and Ukrainian foreign ministry communications adviser–had resigned.
Igor Mosiychuk, “Crimea will be Ukrainian or will be depopulated”
If you do not know this sordid character, you should know that the man is one of the leaders of the neo-Nazi party Pravy Sektor, a party that is very influential in military circles and very active in repression and assassinations.
The new White supremacist consensus, Part 2: shootings in Buffalo solidify the consensus
The latest mass shooter in Buffalo, New York was clearly a racist, and identified with Ukrainian and other neo-Nazis. But white supremacy has a stronger hold on European and U.S. society than is commonly acknowledged. The avowed racist is not the only problem.
Go to Yan’an: culture and national liberation
The Chinese communist base area of Yan’an was a literal and metaphorical stage for envisioning, experimenting, and building a new society and a new human being.