Neoliberal capitalism and the commodification of social reproduction, from our home to our classroom
It is official: we are getting ready for another round of industrial action in the UK higher education sector.
The Pentagon and CIA have shaped thousands of Hollywood movies into super effective propaganda
Propaganda is most impactful when people don’t think it’s propaganda, and most decisive when it’s censorship you never knew happened.
Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin: ‘The Dialectical Biologist’
One reason why this review came to be decades after said book’s publication involves the loss of Richard Lewontin, the great American geneticist and evolutionary biologist, who passed away last July at his home in Cambridge at the age of 92.
The struggle to decolonise the mind: Frantz Fanon and his Irish translator, Constance Farrington
Last month marked 70 years since the passing of psychiatrist, political radical, Marxist and philosopher of the Algerian Revolution, Frantz Fanon, at the young age of 36.
Make noise about the silent crisis of global illiteracy: The Fifth Newsletter (2022)
In October 2021, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) held a seminar on the pandemic and education systems.
Africa was at the centre of Lenin’s work
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the father of Bolshevism, never stepped foot in Africa, but his influence upon the continent has been tremendous. Alongside the ideas of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Lenin’s revolutionary theories provided the framework for an entire generation of African socialists during the twentieth century.
On the significance of the polemical in Marxism
A polemic for revolutionaries is a militant dialogic practice to reveal the contradictions of a position, hammering it down to break open its hardened crust in order to rescue life from the stifle of the canon.
Brazil Elections 2022: Greenwald debates Mier
On January 24, Brasil Wire editor Brian Mier appeared on Eoin Higgins podcast, Flashpoint, to present his analysis of Brazilian Congressman David Miranda and his husband Glenn Greenwald’s abandonment of the PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) for the moderate PDT.
Reimagining the relationship between care and power
Abolition. Feminism. Now. has everything I have come to expect from abolitionist literature: a solid critique of carceral feminism, passionate archiving of black and brown struggle against state control, and a good dose of hope. But also a big dose of U.S.-centrism and a hesitancy to outline a plan to win.
Roe v. Wade 49th Anniversary—Much is at Stake
January 22 is the forty-ninth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that a women’s right to choose to have an abortion falls within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment, making abortion legal nationally.
Mike Taber (ed) – Under the Socialist Banner: Resolutions of the Second International, 1889-1912
Mike Taber has edited for the first time the resolutions adopted between 1889 and 1912 by the nine congresses celebrated by the Socialist International, which is also known as the Second International.
We make the railroad; the railroad makes us
In 1947, thousands of youth brigade volunteers from around the world joined their Yugoslav comrades in the hills of Bosnia to build a railroad. As the most popular song from the construction sites put it, not only were these activists making a railroad, but the railroad made them.
Maybe the story is more complex than Russia bad, Canada good
The saber rattling is becoming scary. But Canadian officials labelling Russia “aggressive” while stoking unnecessary conflict has a long history.
Chile’s president-elect Boric reiterates his contempt for besieged Nicaragua and Venezuela
Gabriel Boric, president-elect of Chile, considers that the leftist governments headed by President Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua “have failed.”
How to overthrow a life-threatening capitalism?
Capitalism jeopardizes the survival of humanity on earth. It reduces the price of the labour of reproducing labour power when it cannot make women do it for free within the family. How can we overcome it while putting the defence of life at the centre of our concerns?
Social sciences and the colonised mind
A CRUCIAL component of the imperialist system is the colonisation of third world minds that helps to sustain it. This colonisation is pervasive, but here we shall discuss only academic colonisation and that too relating to the social sciences.
Lenin’s Socialism – From the Perspective of the Future: Some considerations
Lenin’s theory of socialism directly derives from the views of Marx and Engels, and it is manifest in his famous work, ‘The State and Revolution.’
The paradox of property in the American rule of law
Every legal community that embraces the ideal of rule of law aspires to certain principles—fair trials, neutral judges, and freedom from punishment without legal process answering to some kind of preexisting law.
Ruthless criticism
We can trace the development of Marx’s critique through a variety of texts—many of them now quite famous, even if they are rarely mentioned or discussed within economics. There, we can see Marx’s ideas developing and changing, until he began to work on his critique of political economy, finally presented in Capital.
Deceased Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu Faces Zionist Reputational Firing Squad
Zionist organizations in the United States and around the world will continue to feel entitled to call anyone they wish a racist, a bigot, and an antisemite. Their successes empower them and, since there is no one who stands up to them, there is no reason for them to stop.