Herman Bell’s beat-down
What happened to Herman isn’t unique in New York State, where brutal—sometimes fatal—assaults by guards on prisoners have persisted for years.
Big day for Rajoy’s decision on taking over Catalonia
A conversation between Mariano Rajoy & Francisco Franco
Radicalizing women’s rights internationally
The recent “burqa bans” in Austria and Quebec appear to be troubling legal manifestations of the rising tide of Islamaphobia in Europe and North America.
Jamaica, traffic lights, threats and knees
The left can only succeed and make gains by taking the lead in overcoming confusion and directing anger against those truly responsible for issues impacting the working class: in direct opposition to the scapegoating of conservatives and liberals alike.
How American racism shaped nazism
Depending on the reader’s perspective, Whitman’s central argument seems either modest or bold, as he claims, “What all this research unmistakably reveals is that the Nazis did find precedents and parallels and inspirations in the United States” (10). The most radical Nazis were often the most enthused about American legal precedents. More moderate, less anti-Semitic members of the Nazi Party tended to be more skeptical of American approaches. For some Nazis, “American race law looked too racist” (5). America “was the leading racist jurisdiction” in the 1930s (138).
How ‘white people’ were invented by a playwright in 1613
The Jacobean playwright Thomas Middleton invented the concept of ‘white people’ on 29 October 1613, the date that his play The Triumphs of Truth was first performed. The phrase was first uttered by the character of an African king who looks out upon an English audience and declares: ‘I see amazement set upon the faces/Of these white people, wond’rings and strange gazes.’
FBI launches COINTELPRO 2.0, targeting ‘black identity extremists’
Raise your hand if you identify as a “black identity extremist.” Matter of fact, raise your hand if you’ve ever even heard of the term “black identity extremist.”
Here’s how Breitbart and Milo smuggled nazi and white nationalist ideas into the mainstream
A cache of documents obtained by BuzzFeed News reveals the truth about Steve Bannon’s alt-right “killing machine.”
The Mexican earthquakes in perspective
Mexico suffered two powerful earthquakes in September 2107. The first, with magnitude 8.2 took place on September 7. With its epicenter off the Pacific coast of southern Mexico, it caused damage mainly in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. The second took place on September 19 and had a magnitude of 7.1, with its epicenter about 75 miles (120 kilometers) southeast of Mexico City, damaged the surrounding area, including Mexico City.
The world must stand with Catalonia
In the face of Spanish authoritarianism, Catalonia deserves our solidarity and support.
Wind of changes is blowing in Catalonia
Everyone could sense in the air that this Sunday was going to be a great day for the Catalan people and for the peoples of the world who fight for the right to self-determination.
Animal liberation, human liberation
The Left must endeavor to make visible the political valence of meat, let alone other industrial uses of animals. This act of acute empathy reveals the extent of one’s political imagination.
The effect of the whip: The Frankfurt school and the oppression of women
Stuart Jeffries on the Frankfurt School’s absence of women and the points of contact between the thinkers associated with the Institute für Sozialforschung and theorists of feminism.
There can be no revolution if we do not overcome racism
Cosmas Musumali participated in a seminar on Pan-African Thought at the Florestan Fernandes National School, which is famous in Brazil for its social and political commitment.
Dr. Ernesto in Mexico
Ernesto Guevara’s medical colleagues, both in Peru and Mexico, agree that he was profoundly interested in the social function of medicine, and that he had the makings of a researcher, although politics dominated his extraordinarily analytical mind.
Making ‘Black Lives Matter’ in our schools
How do you kill Mr. Phil and nothing happens?” According to parent Zuki Ellis, this is the question students at J. J. Hill Montessori Magnet School in St. Paul were asking just a few days into summer. On June 16, the Minnesota police officer who fatally shot Philando Castile, or Mr. Phil as students knew him, was acquitted on all charges.
The biggest impediment to Saudi women was never the driving ban
No matter their age, Saudi women are treated like minors — to the point that many require permission from their sons to work, study, or travel.
Germany and the rise of a ‘fascist international’
Germany funds foundations for its political parties. If the far right gets one, we’re one step closer to globalizing the alt-right.
Take a knee: The revenge of Colin Kaepernick
After Trump’s deranged demand that ownership purge NFL athletes who fail a loyalty test, it felt a little miraculous when, by a quirk of a game being played in London, Sunday morning dawned on the vision of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Baltimore Ravens arm in arm during the National Anthem. Standing with them was Shahid Khan, the league’s first non-white owner. I’d prefer no owners at all, but for now, it was a vision worth kneeling for.
Merkel clobbered while rightists threaten
A key result of the German elections is not that Angela Merkel and her double party, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Bavarian CSU (Christian Social Union), managed to stay in the lead with the most votes, but that they got clobbered, with the biggest loss since their founding.