Race hustling at George Floyd square: a valuable teaching moment
Only “niggers” have the right to employ the example of George Floyd to fight oppression. And, “there are no niggers in Cuba!” So proclaimed someone who identified himself as a “nigger” to a group of us at George Floyd Square on Saturday afternoon, July 31.
Equality and scarcity
Many would remember that the Soviet Union and other Eastern European socialist countries used to be characterized by long queues of consumers for several commodities.
Review of Keti Chukhrov – ‘Practicing the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism’
As the title reveals, Chukhrov is particularly interested in two aspects of Soviet socialism: desire and boredom. For a libidinally conditioned capitalist subject, socialism as a non-libidinal economy appears boring and unsexy.
Beyond the Socialist Impasse: Remembering Leo Panitch
Remembering Leo Panitch
Cuba: hell, purgatory and paradise
The United States was never satisfied with having lost the Cuba subjected to its ambitions. Therefore, shortly after the victory of the guerrillas of the Sierra Maestra, they tried to invade the island with mercenary troops. They were defeated in April 1961. The following year, President Kennedy decreed the blockade of Cuba, which continues to this day.
How labor can win at the bargaining table
A new report from Berkeley is a rare piece of good news for American labor—and a bracing reminder of what real organizing looks like.
A happy warrior + Esther Bejarano + Presente: Berlin Bulletin No. 193 July 20, 2021
Esther Bejarano’s death hits hard, leaving a painful gap in Germany’s anti-fascist scene. Most media and many politicians voiced their praise and mourning—after almost totally ignoring her in life and attacking and trying to squelch organizations she was active in, as an avowed Communist.
Socialism increasingly seen as ‘badge of pride’ in the United States
While a majority of U.S. adults still have more positive than negative perceptions of capitalism, less than half of the country’s 18 to 34-year-olds view the profit-maximizing market system favorably, and the attractiveness of socialism continues to increase among people over 35, according to a new poll released Friday.
Book review: Roland Boer – Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Guide for Foreigners
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics challenges the simplistic mutually exclusive dualistic lens through which socialism in China is often viewed and judged.
Volcano vs. volcano
On the anniversary of his birth, we recall the volcanic strength Ernesto Guevara carried within, already evident in the young man who met Fidel in Mexico.
Breaking the Stasis: The Left writes a new chapter in Peru
On June 10, 2021, the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) published the results of the second round of elections to elect the new president of Peru, with the winner being Pedro Castillo, the candidate for the leftist party Peru Libre (PL).
‘Rosa Luxemburg’ by Dana Mills reviewed by William Smaldone
More than 100 years after her murder by counterrevolutionary soldiers during the German Revolution of 1918-1919, Rosa Luxemburg continues to demand attention.
More than McCarthyism: the attack on activism students don’t learn about from their textbooks
In legislatures across the country, Republican lawmakers are introducing bills to curtail what educators–in public schools and universities–can say and teach about racism and sexism.
Social reproduction feminism or socialist feminism?
On Susan Ferguson’s book “Women and Work: Feminism, Labour and Social Reproduction.“
All the questions socialists have about China but were too afraid to ask
2018, when president Xi Jinping lauded Marx as the greatest thinker of modern times at the closing speech of a 2-week celebration of his 200th anniversary and reaffirmed China’s commitment to his vision of communism, many on the left–and the right–were willing to take him seriously.
Progressive forces win majority of seats in Chile’s Constitutional Convention
Independent and progressive candidates won more than a two-thirds majority in the Constitutional Convention, a body responsible for writing Chile’s new constitution.
I’m still here, though my country’s gone West
A full generation has elapsed since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed in late 1991. Two years earlier, in 1989, the communist states of Eastern Europe dissolved, with the first salvo fired when Hungary opened its border.
Cuba libre to be COVID-libre: Five vaccines and counting
This pandemic has affirmed that public healthcare needs cannot be adequately met under a profit-based system.
Michael Hudson: America’s neoliberal financialization policy vs. China’s industrial socialism
Nearly half a millennium ago Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Princedescribed three options for how a conquering power might treat states that it defeated in war but that “have been accustomed to live under their own laws and in freedom.
For an ecosocialist transition that breaks from capitalism: Arguments and proposals
The 149 proposals issued by the French Citizens’ Convention on Climate last June, with the goal of achieving at least a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030 compared to 1990, manifestly belong to a thoroughly reformist approach.