COVID-19 – A socialist response
COVID-19 – A socialist response
Socialists win in 7 Out of 10 subnational Governments
The Movement Towards Socialism is the only party with a broad presence in the country’s nine regions.
Human nature is no barrier to socialism
Of all the reasons to be angry during the pandemic—the profit-first response of governments, the neglected state of the health system, the environmental crisis underpinning the disaster, the millions dead—it has been people buying extra toilet paper that has elicited the most outrage.
Sometimes Marx’s Capital is a pillow, sometimes it obliges us to deepen our struggles
In 1911, a young Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) arrived in France, which had colonised his homeland of Vietnam. Though he had been raised with a patriotic spirit committed to anti-colonialism, Ho Chi Minh’s temperament did not allow him to retreat into a backward-looking romanticism.
Class, Gender, Race & Colonialism: The ‘Intersectionality’ of Marx
It is important to see both Marx’s brilliant generalisations about capitalist society and the very concrete ways in which he examined not only class, but also gender, race, and colonialism, and what today would be called the intersectionality of all of these. His underlying revolutionary humanism was the enemy of all forms of abstraction that denied the variety and multiplicity of human experience. For these reasons, no thinker speaks to us today with such force and clarity.
Fears of U.S. interference in Ecuadorean elections
Andres Arauz has 37 percent of voting intention in the most recent polls, compared to 24 percent of the banker Guillermo Lasso, his main competitor, who seeks to banish once and for all the failed model of 21st Century socialism.
Cuba will vaccinate its entire population against COVID-19 in 2021
Dr. Eduardo Martínez, president of the BioCubaFarma state pharmaceutical enterprise group, reports that work is advancing to expand production capacity of Cuba’s candidate vaccine Soberana 02.
Realizing the dream of Communal Cities: A conversation with Jennifer Lemus and José Luis Sifontes
Spokespeople from one of Venezuela’s flagship communes discuss the building of a communal city and the path towards Chávez’s communal state.
Queen of the Bolsheviks
Now forgotten, Dr. Marie Equi (1872–1952) was a physician for working-class women and children, a lesbian, and a dynamic and flamboyant political activist. She was a “firebrand in the causes of suffrage, labor and peace, in Portland in the ’teens, ’20s, and ’30s.” A reformer turned revolutionary, Equi earned the nickname “Queen of the Bolsheviks,” one which spoke to her often imperious character as well as to her politics.
Cuban doctors will begin treating COVID-19 patients in Panama
The dozen of Cuban medical brigades recently arrived in Panama will be deployed to the places assigned to fight COVID-19.
Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project
The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place. His writings have carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after wave of the neoliberal onslaught broke workers’ organizations, serving up one defeat after the next. Leo’s work sustained so many of us during these years, pushing us on and pointing the way through the storm.
Renewing Socialism
If “the revolutionary spirit of the last centuries, that is, the eagerness to liberate and to build a new house where freedom can dwell, [which] is unprecedented and unequaled in all prior history” properly begins with the bourgeois revolutions of the late eighteenth century, few would dispute that this eagerness for fundamental social transformation was in very large part carried into the world of the twentieth century by socialism’s revolutionary aspirations to transcend the capitalist order itself.
Socialist election win masks deeper problems
With a majority of the opposition boycotting and an abstention rate of almost 70%, the governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) obtained 69% of the vote in the country’s December 6 National Assembly (AN) elections.
Marxism vs the state
Karl Marx developed his theory of revolution by arguing against would-be progressives who looked to the capitalist state as a force for progress.
Marx didn’t invent socialism, nor did he discover it
Without aiming to tear down the legacy of Marx or to minimize his contributions to economics and history—a hopeless task that we can leave up to capitalists—we can examine the historical context in which he arose.
We don’t listen to the dying Government of Donald Trump
The night before the National Assembly elections in Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro spoke to a group of visitors at Miraflores Palace in Caracas.
U.S. media, pols rage after Venezuelans defy U.S. empire to re-elect socialists
Despite the fact that the election was overseen by 1,500 international observers, U.S. pols and media pundits alike labeled it a sham before it even took place.
Venezuela’s PSUV retakes control of National Assembly despite low turnout
With 99 percent of the votes counted, the PSUV has won 68 percent with a 30.5 percent participation rate.
Fed up with capitalism, young Chinese brush up on ‘Das Kapital’
With a new generation increasingly burned out by the “996” grind and liberal platitudes of their elders, can Marxism make a comeback?
The new-style pop histories making socialism cool again
Online and on social media, popular historians are helping young Chinese reframe the country’s leftist past in a more positive light.