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  • The Story of the Russian Revolution by China Mieville

    OCTOBER: The Story of the Russian Revolution

    Commenting on the many works on the Russian Revolution, China Mieville describes his book as: “… a short introduction for those curious about an astonishing story, eager to be caught up in the revolution’s rhythms. Because here it is precisely as a story that I have tried to tell it.”

  • From Soviets to Oligarchs- Inequality and Property in Russia, 1905-2016

    They dared: the legacy of the October Revolution

    A hundred years later, the question of the historical legacy of the October Revolution is not an easy one for socialists, given that Stalinism took root within less than a decade after that revolution and the restoration of capitalism seventy years later met little popular resistance.

  • Homosexual desire in revolutionary Russia

    100 years ago, a forgotten soviet revolution in LGBTQ rights

    The socialist October Revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental, thoroughgoing changes in Russian society. Millions of people in the largest country on Earth quickly found themselves far freer than they had ever been under the despotic, anti-Semitic Tsar, the strictures of the church, and the brutality of Russian capitalism and landlordism.

  • Frank Little's tombstone

    The IWW saga in new light

    Frank Little and the IWW is a family story—Jane Botkin’s own family story, as she rightly says. It is hers because she did not know anything about her great uncle growing up. She puts the story together, piece by piece, before our eyes, and that is large part of the pleasure of this text.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    A film from yesterday and an audience from today

    With its theme a little-known event of over a century ago, the film was ancient in cinema terms, its rather unsuccessful premiere was way back in 1926 and the performance Monday evening marked an event even earlier than that, one which is rarely discussed and even less celebrated. Yet the theatre was sold out and […]

  • "Create popular power, transition to the Communal State."

    The implications of Marxist state theory and how they play out in Venezuela

    The implications of Marxist state theories developed by Nicos Poulantzas and Ralph Miliband are useful for framing issues related to leftist strategy in twenty-first century Venezuela. A relationship exists between each of the theories and three issues facing the Chavista movement: whether the bourgeoisie (or sectors of it) displays a sense of ‘class consciousness’; the viability of tactical and strategic alliances between the left and groups linked to the capitalist structure; and whether socialism is to be achieved through stages, abrupt revolutionary changes, or ongoing state radicalization over a period of time. During Poulantzas’ lifetime, his concept of the state as a ‘strategic battlefield’ lent itself to the left’s promotion of ‘strategic alliances’ with parties to its right. The same concept is compatible with the ‘process of change’ in Venezuela, in which autonomous movements play a fundamental role in transforming the old state and the construction of new state structures.

  • Port in the city of Maracaibo, Venezuela

    Economic warfare in Venezuela

    Given the thick haze of disinformation surrounding the economic situation in Venezuela, we thought it would be useful to publish the first chapter of The Visible Hand of the Market: Economic Warfare in Venezuela.

  • Herman Bell

    Herman Bell’s beat-down

    What happened to Herman isn’t unique in New York State, where brutal—sometimes fatal—assaults by guards on prisoners have persisted for years.

  • Peter Andreas and is mother, Carol Andreas

    From the old left to the new: perils of progressive parenting

    When parents turn childhood into a left-wing boot camp, their kids are not likely to remain on the shining path of their own politics for long. In fact, when the personal gets too political, parent-child relationships can be poisoned with resentment, anger, and recriminations.

  • Big day for Rajoy’s decision on taking over Catalonia. (El Diario)

    Big day for Rajoy’s decision on taking over Catalonia

    A conversation between Mariano Rajoy & Francisco Franco

  • Burning bolivar

    The campaign against the economic war and corruption in Venezuela

    The resounding Chavista victory in the October 15 gubernatorial elections provides a golden opportunity to take bold measures to overcome shortcomings even while risking clashes with powerful individuals or groups.

  • October Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution and the legacy of anti-imperialism

    For those of us dedicated to revolutionary politics, taking control of this history is a crucial step towards building of international solidarity in the fightback against capitalist globalization and emergent neofascism, which is rearing its ugly head across the globe.

  • Ecology Plant

    Foreword to Creating an Ecological Society

    As Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams point out in their new book, Creating an Ecological Society, the word “ecology” (originally œcology) was first coined in 1866 by Ernst Haeckel, Darwin’s leading German follower, based on the Greek word oikos, or household. Ironically, the word “economy,” to which ecology is often nowadays counterposed, was derived much […]

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Jamaica, traffic lights, threats and knees

    The left can only succeed and make gains by taking the lead in overcoming confusion and directing anger against those truly responsible for issues impacting the working class: in direct opposition to the scapegoating of conservatives and liberals alike.

  • Evo Morales in a parade to celebrate the life of Che Guevara

    Building on the legacy of socialism

    For LeBlanc socialism is inseparable from both political and economic democracy, and it follows that the continuous development of revolutionary theory and struggle is essential.

  • A Marine receives medical treatment in Vietnam

    A true spat-upon soldier story

    The long-awaited The Vietnam War documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick has arrived. It is powerful and moving, disturbing, enlightening, and challenging. But it is not without its omissions and distortions.

  • Writing while socialist

    With each workshop the broad outlines of socialist writing become clear to me. I am now able to better distinguish between capitalist writing—which typically emerges from the liberal, mainstream media and is intended to produce commodities—and socialist writing—which is intended to produce a confident community of struggle.

  • Che in Command

    Our Che: 50 years after his execution

    This is an updated, re-edited version of my 2007 essay written for a Celebration of Ernesto Che Guevara’s life held in New York City in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of his execution, attended by 300 people. —Ike Nahem Che Lives! Che died defending no other interest, no other cause than the cause of the […]

  • Soldiers of the Faith Movement (Harakah al-Yaqin) or Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army

    The Pentagon is preparing a new war in South-East Asia

    You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.

  • Victor Dreke

    No other choice but to unite: An interview with Victor Dreke

    Victor Dreke is a former colonel of Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces who fought alongside Che Guevara during the Cuban revolution’s decisive battle of Santa Clara.