The Rosenberg Orphans and the power of radical history
Orphaned after their parents were executed for espionage, the story of the Rosenberg boys is one all Americans should know.
Towards a geopolitics of popular power
Lecture given at the event: “The Collapse of the Unlawful State and the Recovery of Democracy”, held in La Paz, on December 14, 2020, in the auditorium of the Vice Presidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The dilemma of what to do with Guaido
Now that his term in the National Assembly has ended and Trump has been ousted from the White House, should Guaido face justice?
Health professionals issue dire warning that NHS faces biggest crisis since its inception
THE NHS is facing its biggest ever crisis, medical professionals and unions warned today, with hospitals at risk of being swamped by coronavirus admissions.
A victory for the movement in the streets: inside Argentina’s abortion win
On 30 December, Argentina’s Senate voted to legalise abortion after many years of mass protests around the issue. In the wake of this important victory, Red Flag spoke to Cele Fierro, an activist with the anti-capitalist feminist group Juntas a la Izquierda and a member of the national leadership of the Movimiento de los Trabajadores (MST) in Argentina.
Cedric Robinson, racial capitalism and the return of black radicalism
The terms “black radicalism” and “racial capitalism” have become buzzwords in the revitalised international discussion about race that has arisen in parallel with the Black Lives Matter movement since 2013.
The UN Convention on War Crimes should be applied to the United States
Despite the measures taken by the international community to reinforce global security and protect civilians from the relentless increase in the number of armed conflicts, unjustified civilian casualties are not decreasing, and not only in the tinder box that is the Middle East, but also in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and even in Europe.
Fascism, fascisation, antifascism
Fascism can be classically defined as an ideology, a movement and a regime.
The true significance of the historic farmers struggle
First, it is led by over 500 farmers’ organisations in the country, who have united under the platform of Samyukta Kisan Morcha(SKM). All sections of the peasantry have joined together.
COVID-19 crisis situation in Ontario: Deadliest day of the pandemic
January 7th is the deadliest day of the pandemic so far, 89 people died in the last 24-hour period. By every measure the situation is critical, and there can be no question remaining that stronger measures are needed to control the devastation the virus is wreaking.
2021: Year of living dangerously?
Goodbye 2020, but unfortunately, not good riddance, as we all have to live with its legacy. It has been a disastrous year for much of the world for various reasons, Elizabeth II’s annus horribilis. The crisis has exposed previously unacknowledged realities, including frailties and vulnerabilities.
“Too late to be pessimist! Ecosocialism or collapse”
From the analysis of the struggle between the great powers for a lesser dependence on fossil fuels (which can shape their rivalries or push towards convergence between them), to the reminder of the need for every subject of oppression to develop its own ecological reflection. Daniel Tanuro gives us illuminating and pedagogical tools to confront the present social struggles and those that are to come.
Capitalism and catastrophe
The 2020 crisis we’ve endured isn’t an aberration of the system but, as Alex Callinicos argues, an aspect of its permanent crisis.
The Geo-politics of EU-China Investment deal
The recently announced EU-China principally agreed investment deal is a watershed moment, marking a first EU-China investment deal of its kind that would open the doors for the EU to make direct investment in China.
Incarcerated people and corrections staff should be prioritized in COVID-19 vaccination plans
Some states are including correctional facilities in their rollout plans. All states and the BOP should do so-and put incarcerated people near the top of the list.
21-year-old college student elected Mayor of Kerala Capital
Ms Rajendran had won from the Mudavanmughal ward of the city corporation, bagging 2,872 votes, 549 more than the rival Congress candidate.
The war on China
The propaganda surrounding COVID-19 and China’s response is only the latest escalation in a long term geopolitical strategy by U.S. imperialism to destroy it. Few people on the left or the socialist movement in the imperial core have been paying attention to the historic breakup of the U.S.-China relationship.
It wasn’t 2020, it was the ruling class trying to kill you
Reflections on COVID-19, capitalism, empire, and the worst year ever from the Hood Communist editorial staff.
Chris Hedges: The Empire is not done with Julian Assange
As is clear from the memoir of one of his attorneys, Michael Ratner, the ends have always justified the means for those demanding his global persecution.
The environment movement we have, and the one we need
The ecological crisis—the disasters of earth, water, air and fire that are afflicting the global environment and the human society that depends on it—is a crisis of capitalism’s making. Karl Marx famously described capital as coming into the world “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt”.