Killing in Kenosha: ‘Blue Lives’ terror comes of age
The killing of two Black Lives Matter protesters by a vigilante represents a new departure for violent reaction, argues Wisconsin activists Michael Billeaux.
In Defence of Hegel
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born 250 years ago, on 27 August 1770. A towering genius with an encyclopaedic mind, Hegel revolutionised every field that he dedicated himself to. As Marxists, we owe him a tremendous debt.
Wisconsin man who says he marched with Rittenhouse in Kenosha was immersed in White Supremacist propaganda
Ryan Balch, a 31-year-old Wisconsin man who joined Kyle Rittenhouse and a contingent of militia conducting armed patrols in Kenosha, used his social media accounts to link to a Nazi propaganda video.
On Contact: Teaching of history as indoctrination
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the teaching of history as a form of indoctrination with Professor James W. Loewen.
Boycott by professional athletes expands in second day of protests against police violence
The boycott by professional athletes of scheduled games and practices expanded on Thursday for the second day. The boycotts began yesterday with professional basketball players in protest against police violence and racism, in particular, the brutal shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday.
Struggles in social reproduction during COVID-19: from East to West and beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic showed, more than anything, the deep interconnectedness and mutual dependence of different sectors, areas of life, and countries and regions within the global capitalist system.
Workers, communities rise to defend the Postal Service
The catchy rhythmic beat of Washington, D.C.’s home-grown Go-Go music was cranked up loud outside U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s home in a protest against actions that weaken the post office.
‘What stage of capitalism is this?’ Hedge fund $3 billion richer thanks to wager on wildfire insurance claims
With over 100,000 people displaced by wildfires raging across California, Baupost Group collected more than $3 billion in July after betting on insurance claims against embattled utility company PG&E.
Jean-Paul Sartre and the Critique of Dialectical Reason
Austin Hayden Smidt returns to Rev Left
The absurdities of race
Adam Shatz talks to Paul Gilroy about his intellectual background and the recent anti-racist protests in the UK and U.S.
These photos will change the way you think about race in coal country
Our presence complicates other American stories, like the ones that get told about Appalachia. Historian Ronald Eller has pointed out that the region has long been seen as the “other America,” defining what the nation as a whole is not.
American deceptionalism
How the centuries-old disconnect between our country’s ideals and its cruel realities have fueled more than two centuries of presidential lying.
‘We Want Justice’: Mass demonstrations and marches erupt Nationwide to protest police shooting of Jacob Blake
“The video that came out of Kenosha is absolutely horrific. I don’t understand how people can watch it and not be here.”
Revolutionary Black resistance has a long tradition
As the country faces crisis after crisis–an economic one, on top of a war against Black America all against the backdrop of a global pandemic–a small minority of the rich elite continues to profit off this misery, generating over $308 billion since the start of March.
Open Letter: “Stand with anarchist publishers banned by Facebook”
Announcing a Solidarity Statement from Anarchist Agency
“Information has value”: The political economy of information capitalism
The “Information Has Value” frame provides a welcome opening to discuss information capitalism, including the commodification of information, information labor, concentration of ownership, and audience data extraction/surveillance.
Is there time for system change?
The IPCC Report’s warning in October 2018 that the world has twelve years to avoid climate disaster was undoubtedly a major factor in galvanising a global wave of climate change activism, especially in the form of Greta Thunberg and mass school strikes and the Extinction Rebellion movement.
Bolivia mass mobilizations against U.S.-backed coup continue
A 12-day national Bolivian blockade led by massive social movements, students, elders, unions and farmworkers ended on Aug. 13. It had paralyzed the entire country, resulting in food/fuel shortages and in the complete instability of the Andean nation itself.
What media moguls don’t want you to know: Youtube and Google attack Cuba and Venezuela
On Aug. 20, just ahead of programming about the start of clinical trials for Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccine, Soberana-01, YouTube management disabled Mesa Redonda’s channel. Mesa Redonda (Roundtable) airs Monday through Friday evenings on Cuban national television.
Social Media Addiction short film 2017
Social media addiction short film 2017