Archive | Commentary

  • Greek Economic Crisis

    Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. | | Print

  • A Dream

      In a deserted place in Iran there is a stone tower, not very high, without any door or windows.  In its only room (whose floor is dirt and whose shape is a circle) are a wooden table and a bench.  In this circular cell, a man who looks like me is writing, in letters […]

  • Marx’s Ecology and The Ecological Revolution

      Interview by Aleix Bombila, for En Lucha (Spain), of John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review, and author of Marx’s Ecology and The Ecological Revolution En Lucha: In your book Marx’s Ecology you argue that Marxism has a lot to offer to the ecologist movement.  What kind of united work can be established between […]

  • Turkey: Tekel Workers Have Final Say for End of Resistance

    Four labour union confederations announced their joint decision to end the resistance if the Tekel workers decide not to continue.  The confederations consider the resistance as a success. In a joint decision, the Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş), the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), the Public Workers Unions Confederation of Turkey (KAMU-SEN) and […]

  • Tehran Has No More Pomegranates

    Anyone who has lived in Tehran knows how rapidly it morphs and expands.  One can hardly keep track of the establishments opening or being shut down in a given week or of the buildings being erected in this neighborhood or that.  It is no wonder, then, that Masoud Bakhshi chose in Tehran Has No More […]

  • Haiti: The Aid Racket

    It’s now more than a month since the earthquake that laid waste to Port-au-Prince, killing more than 200,000 people and thrusting millions of people into the most desperate conditions. But according to the U.S. government, Haitians have a lot to be thankful for. On February 12, the U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Ken Merten boasted: “In […]

  • Housing Market: Tax Credit and Price Trends

    The seasonally adjusted Case-Shiller 20-city index again showed a modest 0.3 percent rise in December.  This index has risen at a 3.2 percent annual rate over the last quarter, although it is down by 3.1 percent over the last year.  There appears to be a growing divergence in price trends in recent data with the […]

  • Free Election

    “The change was for the worse, or, in the best cases, nothing changed.” Free election of masters abolishes neither the masters nor the slaves. — Herbert Marcuse Juan Kalvellido, born in Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain in 1968, is a working-class cartoonist who has never stopped believing in revolution.  He currently lives in Fuengirola, Málaga, Spain.  The […]

  • Indigenous Struggles in the Americas: Interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, a writer, teacher, historian, and social activist, is Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies at California State University. You have been deeply involved in Indigenous peoples’ activism in the United States.  What is the current situation of Indigenous people in the US economically and politically? Decolonization is a difficult and long-term […]

  • Why Iran?

    Iran continues to be the privileged member of the “Axis of Evil,” a notion formally but not really abandoned by the United States.  It is accompanied by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador, in addition to North Korea, among others. Why Iran?  The criteria mentioned by Hillary Clinton make no sense.  Risk of possessing conditions to manufacture […]

  • Science Fiction as a Terrain of Struggle:  A Review of Red Planets

    Mark Bould and China Mieville, editors, Red Planets:  Marxism and Science Fiction (Middletown, CT:  Wesleyan University Press, 2009), 293 pages, $27.95, paperback. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction is a fascinating book of literary/cinematic criticism and political theory.  It was not, however, the book that I thought it would be.  Red Planets is a collection […]

  • Great Britain’s Oil Colonialism in the Malvinas Islands of Argentina

      Great Britain has known about the Malvinas’ hydrocarbon wealth for decades.  The reserves may be worth half a billion dollars. Great Britain’s interest in the Malvinas’ oil dates back to at least 35 years ago.  In 1975, the Crown initiated surveys.  Two exploratory missions between 1998 and 2009 eventually demonstrated its potential. The inclusion […]

  • No Tutu Is Big Enough to Cover Up War Crimes

      Burlington, VT, February 19, 2010 — Human rights activists from Vermont, New York and Israel interrupted a performance of the Israel Ballet at the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT calling attention to the dance company’s complicity in Israeli war crimes. Using two banners that read “No Tutu Is Big Enough to Cover Up War […]

  • A Socialist View of Sexuality and Liberation?

    Sherry Wolf.  Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics, and Theory of LGBT Liberation.  Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2009.  333 pp.  $12. The cover photo on Sherry Wolf’s book shows a protest rally with a woman holding a highlighted rainbow flag.  Radical gay and lesbian activists, one assumes.  Look closely, though, and you’ll see that the woman is […]

  • Greenspan Wins Dynamite Prize in Economics

    Alan Greenspan has been judged the economist most responsible for causing the Global Financial Crisis.  He and 2nd and 3rd place finishers, Milton Friedman and Larry Summers, have won the first — and hopefully last — Dynamite Prize in Economics. In awarding the Prize, Edward Fullbrook, editor of the Real World Economics Review, noted that […]

  • Venezuela’s Revolution Faces Crucial Battles

    Decisive battles between the forces of revolution and counter-revolution loom on the horizon in Venezuela. The campaign for the September 26 National Assembly elections will be a crucial battle between the supporters of socialist President Hugo Chavez and the US-backed right-wing opposition. But these battles, part of the class struggle between the poor majority and […]

  • Labor Voices for Single Payer: Interview with Jerry Tucker

    Union members who support single-payer health care have a message for Barack Obama: Ditch the compromised health care legislation that congressional Democrats cooked up and take another look at a Medicare-for-all system. When Obama used his State of the Union address to tell people to “let him know” if there’s a better approach that “will […]

  • Divided over the Afghan Issue, the Dutch Government Resigns

      After fourteen hours of negotiations, the Jan Peter Balkenende government failed, on Saturday, 20 February, to agree on whether to maintain the Dutch contingent in Afghanistan.  The Prime Minister announced, in the middle of the night, the resignation of his coalition, which included his party the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), the (social democrat) Labor […]

  • Letter from Ofer Military Prison: “Missing the Five-year Anniversary of Our Struggle in Bil’in Will Be Like Missing the Birthday of One of My Children”

    It has been two months now since I was handcuffed, blindfolded and taken from my home. Today news has reached Ofer Military Prison that the apartheid wall on Bil’in’s land will finally be moved and construction has begun on the new route. This will return half of the land that was stolen from our village. For those of us in Ofer, imprisoned for our protest against the wall, this victory makes the suffering of being here easier to bear. After actively resisting the theft of our land by the Israeli apartheid wall and settlements every week for five years now, we long to be standing alongside our brothers and sisters to mark this victory and the fifth anniversary of our struggle.

  • Flying with a Foreign Language

      College student Nick George was handcuffed, interrogated, and jailed for hours at the airport when he tried to bring English-Arabic flash cards on the plane to study on his flight back to school.  Now he is an ACLU plaintiff. “First she asked me about how I felt about 911. . . . I thought […]