Chart of the day
The number of continued claims for unemployment compensation, while below its peak, rose from the previous week and was more than 29 million American workers—a figure that includes workers receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
When the powers that be are in contempt of the people
After decades, the issue of contempt has come alive. For this, we have to be grateful to Prashant Bhushan and the Supreme Court of India.
The U.S. has long led the assault on human rights
The historical record on U.S. human rights policies, both domestic and international, is one of hypocrisy, deceit, and denigration.
Jade, For Hire! – “The Case of the Wrinkled Egg“
Tales of The Resistance – Episode 5 : Jade, For Hire! – The Case of the Wrinkled Egg The continuing story of “Jade, For Hire!”
For a new World Social Forum
The World Social Forum will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2021. A group of participants of the first WSFs launched a call for the revival of the WSF, now with a new character: to change the WSF to change the world. From an open space to a space of action. The call is open to new signatures.
Ecosocialism: the elephant in the DSA room?
Allan Todd reviews Bigger than Bernie How We Go from the Sanders Campaign to Democratic Socialism by Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht, Verso
First-ever U.S. Space Force doctrine calls for space supremacy, further militarism
U.S. Space Command was created in 1985 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan to manage the “Star Wars” program: a U.S. Cold War plan to use space supremacy to menace the Soviet Union with orbiting battle platforms, powered by nuclear reactors and loaded with space-based weaponry like hypervelocity guns, particle beams and lasers.
Freedom Rider: The U.S. is a racist militia
U.S. cops are already racist and brutal, and any militia “infiltrators” would feel right at home.
Six complexities of these pandemic times
Social media, in March 2020, was awash with rumours. Swans and dolphins could be seen in totally deserted Venetian canals. A group of elephants marched into a village in Yunnan (China), drank corn wine, and went to sleep in a tea garden.
Killing in Kenosha: ‘Blue Lives’ terror comes of age
The killing of two Black Lives Matter protesters by a vigilante represents a new departure for violent reaction, argues Wisconsin activists Michael Billeaux.
U.S. sanctions ICC prosecutor for investigating its troops
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the announcement in response to an investigation on U.S. military crimes in Afghanistan.
Mainstream macroeconomics—pandemic edition
Right now, the United States is mired in an economic depression, the Pandemic Depression, not dissimilar to what happened in the 1930s and again after the crash of 2007-08.
In Defence of Hegel
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born 250 years ago, on 27 August 1770. A towering genius with an encyclopaedic mind, Hegel revolutionised every field that he dedicated himself to. As Marxists, we owe him a tremendous debt.
The stage is set for a Venezuela October surprise
Aggression against Venezuela from the U.S. has intensified in recent weeks and all signs are pointing towards an escalation ahead of elections in the U.S. and Venezuela.
Federal judge tackles police immunity law
The judge wrote, “If the Civil War was the only war in our nation’s history dedicated to the proposition that Black lives matter, Reconstruction was dedicated to the proposition that Black futures matter, too.”
Wisconsin man who says he marched with Rittenhouse in Kenosha was immersed in White Supremacist propaganda
Ryan Balch, a 31-year-old Wisconsin man who joined Kyle Rittenhouse and a contingent of militia conducting armed patrols in Kenosha, used his social media accounts to link to a Nazi propaganda video.
On Contact: Teaching of history as indoctrination
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the teaching of history as a form of indoctrination with Professor James W. Loewen.
Boycott by professional athletes expands in second day of protests against police violence
The boycott by professional athletes of scheduled games and practices expanded on Thursday for the second day. The boycotts began yesterday with professional basketball players in protest against police violence and racism, in particular, the brutal shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday.
Struggles in social reproduction during COVID-19: from East to West and beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic showed, more than anything, the deep interconnectedness and mutual dependence of different sectors, areas of life, and countries and regions within the global capitalist system.
Workers, communities rise to defend the Postal Service
The catchy rhythmic beat of Washington, D.C.’s home-grown Go-Go music was cranked up loud outside U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s home in a protest against actions that weaken the post office.