Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s regular press conference on July 15, 2020
O’Brien should really read up on Marxist-Leninist works. The people’s position is the fundamental political position of Marxist parties. People are the creators of history and the true driving force behind historical progress.
Paralysed companies rescued by an ‘army’ of volunteer workers
The 2270-strong Productive Workers’ Army has recuperated 14 state-run firms that had been run into the ground.
1978: Ernest Mandel – Rosa Luxemburg and political economy
The Accumulation of Capital was published in 1913, and it was probably only after completing her magnum opus that Luxemburg resumed writing her Introduction to Political Economy. Interrupted once again, now by the outbreak of war, she continued to work on the Introduction during her stay in prison in Wronke, in the German province of Posen, in 1916-17.
Why government mostly helps people who need it the least—even during a crisis
The system is the problem.
Each heartbeat must be our song; the redness of blood, our banner
Too little has been made of the fact that countries like Laos and Vietnam have been able to manage the coronavirus; there are no confirmed deaths from COVID-19 in either country.
The great American firewall: On the question of censorship
It should not surprise anyone that China would take protective measures against the threat of U.S. imperialism in the realm of cyber technology.
Leaked documents show police knew far-right extremists were the real threat at protests, not “ANTIFA”
We’ve seen the way that the police responded to nonviolent civil disobedience at Standing Rock or in Ferguson versus the laissez-faire approach they’ve used in a number of these white supremacist riots. They clearly can regulate their behavior. Why they choose not to when it’s groups protesting police violence is what I think local government needs to understand.
Cuba in the last stretch of the Pandemic
Cuba is only a few days away from ending its coronavirus quarantine. Except for Havana, all the other provinces are free of the contagion and have begun moving toward a new normality.
Capital Comes to America: Charles H. Kerr & Company and the Cross-Atlantic Journey of Marx’s Master Work
On his regularly appearing “Publisher’s Notes” page of the ISR, Kerr would often emphasise that the company was organised to do just one thing–to bring out books valuable to the international socialist movement and to circulate them at prices affordable for working class readers.
How Settler Colonial States use incarceration as a tool of dehumanization during the COVID crisis
Incarceration is a manifestation and continuation of chronic and interwoven structures of oppression
Police surveilled George Floyd protests with help from Twitter-affiliated startup Dataminr
The monitoring seems at odds with claims from both Twitter and Dataminr that neither company would engage in or facilitate domestic surveillance following a string of 2016 controversies.
Turin grants honorary citizenship to head of Cuban medical brigade (+ Photos)
The Municipal Council of Turin granted the honorary citizenship of that city in the region of Piedmont to Dr. Julio Guerra, head of the Cuban medical brigade that helped fight COVID-19 there.
Chart of the day
Yesterday morning, the U.S. Department of Labor (pdf) reported that, during the week ending last Saturday, another 1.3 million American workers filed initial claims for unemployment compensation. That’s on top of the 48.7 million workers who were laid off during the preceding fifteen weeks.
Macron wounded, but still eyeing austerity
The second round of the French local elections, at the end of June, was bad news for president Emmanuel Macron, whose candidates did very poorly. In response, Macron switched prime ministers, replacing high-profile operator Edouard Philippe with an unknown right winger, Jean Castex, whose previous experience consisted mostly of being mayor of a town with 6,000 inhabitants.
Mask-to-mask instruction may be more problematic than distance learning
People talk about the upcoming school year as if we have a choice between in-person classes or distance learning.
U.S. ruling class demands deadly reopening of schools
The ruling class, having worked out its strategic response to the pandemic in February and March, has carried out an unrelenting assault on workers ever since. The working class must respond with equal determination and ruthlessness. It must fight for the socialist overturn of the capitalist system, which threatens the lives of millions of workers and youth around the world.
In Commune: The Panal 2021
Third episode of VA’s “In Commune” series, focusing on the combative Panal 2021 Commune in Caracas.
Collective care is our best weapon against COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps around the world, statist and capitalist structures predictably continue to fail us in many ways. Underlying that failure is the stress on individual responses: stockpile, isolate, and care for yourself.
Suspending evictions is about saving landlords from themselves
Millions of U.S. households are already facing desperate crises.
The parlous state of poverty eradication
The world is at an existential crossroads involving a pandemic, a deep economic recession, devastating climate change, extreme inequality, and an uprising against racist policies. Running through all of these challenges is the longstanding neglect of extreme poverty by many governments, economists, and human rights advocates.