1973: Ernest Mandel on Marxism and ecology, ‘The dialectic of growth’
There is a fairy tale that Marx was first of all an admirer of technology and that he considered it ‘the foundation of what exists and the engine of the future’. Although this fairy tale has been refuted countless times, people continue to believe it.
An “Autonomous” three block-long Seattle street threatens America — what?
President Donald Trump from his New Jersey private golf club tweeted this past Friday morning June 12, that “The terrorists burn and pillage our cities.”
Shut up, Obama. Protesters don’t need your advice
Barack Obama has offered some advice to the protesters flooding streets across the United States. Not that anyone asked him, mind you. But he was the First Black President™, so people better shut up and listen.
“And This Happened in Los Angeles:” Malcolm X describes police brutality against members of the Nation of Islam
There was police brutality and there was atrocity, and the press was just as atrocious as the police. Because they helped the police to cover it up by propagating a false image across the country, that there was a blazing gun battle which involved Muslims and police shooting at each other.
Imperialism and India’s food economy
The problem before metropolitan capitalism therefore is: how to acquire control over the use of this tropical land-mass in order to obtain the products it needs?
Meet Wikipedia’s Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation’s regime-change operative CEO
Wikipedia has become a bulletin board for corporate and imperial interests under the watch of its Randian founder, Jimmy Wales, and the veteran U.S. regime-change operative who heads the Wikimedia Foundation, Katherine Maher.
Hawkish, Gov’t funded think tank behind Twitter decision to delete thousands of Chinese accounts
Twitter’s decision came after close collaboration with a deeply controversial U.S. and Australian government-funded think tank that has been denounced by Australia’s former ambassador in Beijing as “the architect of the China threat theory in Australia.”
Odetta – ‘Another Man Done Gone’
Odetta – Another Man gone Done
Atlanta Police shoot and kill Rayshard Brooks as protests demanding racial justice continue worldwide
“This is not the first time a black man has been killed for sleeping,” said Rev. James Woodall, state president of the Georgia NAACP.
Statement of Support for Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police
Between 1963 and 1972, there were more than 750 Black-led urban revolts in the United States in 525 cities. How did sociologists react?
Wikipedia formally censors The Grayzone as regime-change advocates monopolize editing
On Wikipedia, a small group of regime-change advocates and right-wing Venezuelan opposition supporters have blacklisted independent media outlets like The Grayzone on explicitly political grounds, violating the encyclopedia’s guidelines.
‘Harlem Streets’ – Immortal Technique
[May 1, Beltaine, Second high-Holy Day of the Year] On May 1,1776, a New world Order was born when the Masters of the Illuminati was founded, whose foundation would be built upon depravity and rebellion. It’s leader would be Satan.
Black Lives Matter & The Question of Violence | Gary Younge
“Riots are often justified, what’s the French Revolution but a riot blessed by history”
Community control Vs. defunding the police: A critical analysis
Defunding the police might end the armed and uniformed force as we know it, but the ruling class will then hire mercenaries to protect their wealth and enforce their will.
“A Question of Land and Existence”: An Introduction to Marx’s Anti-colonialism
Although a thorough assessment of Marx’s anti-colonial politics would have to devote substantial critical attention to its many limitations, my emphasis here is not on these limitations, but rather on aspects of Marx’s anti-colonialism that remain relevant, illuminating, and worthy of serious consideration today.
A mass uprising is here, protect if from the ruling class
The media described the uprising as a “riot” involved in violence and property destruction but the movement responded by using videos to show black organizers trying to stop people, some of whom seemed to be undercover police or white supremacists.
Media are slowly starting to be serious about police violence
As the George Floyd protests against police violence erupted around the nation, a massive amount of evidence of police brutality was widely captured through social media. Unfortunately, very little of it made it to mainstream outlets until much later.
Living is no laughing matter
The United States government has withdrawn its support for the World Health Organisation (WHO) based on accusations that the WHO has not been forthcoming about the novel coronavirus and based on U.S. President Donald Trump’s questioning of the WHO’s independence from China, calling the organisation a ‘puppet of China’.
The problem of external debt
There is a massive problem of external debt building up for the third world, of which the recent Argentine debt crisis was only one manifestation. At the root of the problem is the collapse of primary commodity prices in the world market which began in April 2011.
America’s unfinished revolution: Where do the George Floyd protests go from here?
It takes but a few minutes for the ruling elite to recast collective calls for an end to state violence against black people into images of the criminality of black protesters and to call for an end to looting.