Trump, coronavirus, and climate change: using a pandemic to gut the EPA
Under the guise of protecting workers and the public from the coronavirus, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced two weeks ago that it will not issue fines against companies that violate certain water, air, and hazardous-waste-reporting requirements.
Marxism in an age of catastrophe – capitalism created an era of plagues
We live in an era of plagues because of capitalist development, argues socialist author Mike Davis. But he also says coronavirus has exposed the gap between a tiny rich elite and the rest of us—and creates space to put forward socialist ideas
Coronavirus is not an enemy rather a courier
A Perspective from Chinese Dao thinking
A crisis like no other: social reproduction and the regeneration of capitalist life during the COVID-19 pandemic
As the COVID-19 health crisis deepens, it looks increasingly clear that the short-term collapse in global output is likely to exceed that of any recession in the last 150 years–that is, in the entire history of capitalism. The ILO estimates that the crisis will lead to the destruction of 195 million jobs. Hence, after discussing at length the epidemiology of the COVID-19 pandemic, media attention is now increasingly focused on how to restart the global economic engine.
Media fail to identify xenophobia as Biden says Trump ‘rolled over for Chinese’
Rather than respond by focusing blame for the crisis squarely where it belongs—on Trump’s incompetent, reckless and self-centered management—and working to beat back the dangerously rising anti-Asian sentiment in this country, Biden and some of his supporting super PACs are choosing to adopt rather than challenge the anti-China premise of the attacks.
Our Voice: Victim-hood, money and lives underline the “them” versus “us” divide
Some of the same forces that brought about the single largest act of domestic terrorism in our county–killing 168 people, including dozens of children, and injuring hundreds more–are percolating below the surface today. In fact, last year was the second highest year for domestic terrorism, with attacks that killed 31 people.
BJP capitalizes on Coronavirus fears to take India’s fascist creep to the next level
India is accelerating down the track of religious strife, and the government itself is driving the vehicle.
The pandemic and the global economy
Developing countries face collapsing international trade, falling remittances, sharp reversals of capital flows, and currency depreciation. Only bold policies—debt relief, international financing, planning, and more—will avert further catastrophe.
United States: An ‘all hands on deck’ moment–Sixty six old new leftists urge support for Joe Biden
SDS, along with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), had been in the vanguard of the new left in the 1960s, and some of these oldsters now want to challenge a position taken by Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), currently the foremost organization on the left today. They tell us “this is an all hands on deck moment,” and that supporting Joe Biden in order to defeat Donald Trump “is our high moral and political responsibility.”
Student debt jubilee—pandemic edition
The United States is currently experiencing a dystopian orgy of death and destruction.
Coronavirus: a return to normal is not good enough
We shouldn’t be satisfied with a return to normalcy. We need a “new normal.”
Coronavirus and the crisis of African American human rights
With the overwhelming evidence that the capitalist system is fundamentally antithetical to the realization of human rights, including what should be an elementary right—access to healthcare—the presidency of Donald J. Trump has been a godsend for the capitalist rulers.
Employees say Smithfield plant in Wisconsin concealed COVID-19 infections, pressured them to work elbow to elbow without protection
A recent outbreak at Smithfield’s pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is now one of the largest COVID-19 hotspots in the U.S., with 644 confirmed cases tied to the facility. The Smithfield outbreak represents nearly half of all confirmed cases in that state.
Marxism and Ecology in a time of pandemic: John Bellamy Foster, Amy Leather & Martin Empson
Join John Bellamy Foster, Amy Leather & Martin Empson to discuss Marxism and ecology in a time of pandemic. The global environmental crisis has demonstrated how the system’s drive to accumulate means that capitalism puts profit before people and planet.
Capitalism’s weak doses of socialism to treat the economic infection of COVID-19
The same proposals that were demonized yesterday as radical socialism are embraced today to save the society from collapse.
Blaming China for the COVID-19 crisis is deceitful
Vijay Prashad talks about China’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, especially in the light of the accusations that are being leveled against the country
Problem with what’s taught in school || Spoken Word
The Problem with whats taught in School. What do you think? Comments? Thoughts? Lets start a conversation.
Charles Bradley: Why Is It So Hard to Make It in America?
If you got a clean heart and a clean mind and you have been abused, used, and refused—that is soul.
The parched West is heading into a global warming-fueled megadrought that could last for centuries
Warmer temperatures and shifting storm tracks are drying up vast stretches of land in North and South America.
Coronavirus, crisis, and the end of neoliberalism
Suddenly, we find ourselves in a transformed world. Empty streets, closed shops, unusually clear skies, and climbing death tolls: something unprecedented is unfolding before our eyes.