Refusing to die for a confusing slogan
THE government’s latest injunction–Stay alert, Control the virus, Save lives–has come under instant criticism as providing ineffective advice.
U.S. ratchets up Hybrid Warfare in Venezuela
Nino Pagliccia examines the recent mercenary incursion into the Venezuelan territory.
New Article Published: Does socialism really lead to economic failure? The USSR and COMECON Eastern Europe before 1989
Based on important new figures from the Maddison Project Database, it refutes the claim that the countries of Eastern Europe were economic failures when they were still ruled by (ostensibly) communist regimes.
Mauna Kea: Day 125
This documentary short film captures the meaning and importance of Mauna Kea to the native Hawaiian people and why they stand to protect this sacred land.
Civic-Military Union: The Chavista Paradigm that defined the latest events in the War Against Venezuela
What happened last Monday, May 4, on the coast of the town of Chuao, municipality of Santiago Mariño in the state of Aragua, has left a mark on the history of the Bolivarian process due to the combined action of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the citizenry, in particular a group of fishermen, police and members of the Bolivarian National Militia.
Hunger rises dramatically in America
Given the dramatic rise in unemployment, cuts in hours, and sharp decline in gig economy work, it isn’t surprising that hunger is becoming more common, particularly among families with children. Nearly half the U.S. couldn’t withstand a $400 emergency, and most households that have taken hits are seeing bigger income losses than that.
Surviving this pandemic is hard, for America’s most vulnerable, its nearly impossible
This coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the exclusion of whole subsets of the most vulnerable in our society, exemplifying the toxic mix of racism, sexism, imperialism, and capitalism that the U.S. blends so well.
Ohio Government invites employers to secretly report “work refusal” due to coronavirus
AS OHIO BEGINS to ease restrictions and reopen its economy, the state is inviting employers to report employees who don’t show up for work out of concerns about the coronavirus for possible unemployment fraud. This means that workers who stay home because of concerns about unsafe conditions at work may be investigated and potentially stripped of unemployment benefits.
President Maduro: 4 new mercenaries captured–U.S. led military incursion
Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed the capture in the last hours of 4 more mercenaries involved in the attempted military incursion along the Venezuelan coast, which began on May 3.
Finance’s preference for the Metropolis
The current globalization was always legitimized by the argument that capital today, unlike in colonial times, had become blind to racial and other such distinctions across countries in deciding upon its location; it would now flow wherever opportunities for profitable investment existed.
Venezuela: Two U.S. citizens captured in botched coup attempt
Two former green berets were arrested in a second failed assault on Venezuelan shores on Monday.
It takes a revolution to make a solution
I admit upfront that this is a hard newsletter to read. It is about debt. There is a bloodless quality to the way that we talk about the debt of the poorer nations. There is nothing poetic here. The numbers are alienating, their outcome shocking.
Capitalism and Nature – A really inconvenient truth
The balance of nature is not the same today as in Pleistocene times, but it is still there: a complex, precise, and highly integrated system of relationships between living things which cannot safely be ignored any more than the law of gravity can be defied with impunity by a [person] perched on the edge of a cliff. The balance of nature is not a status quo; it is fluid, ever shifting, in a constant state of adjustment. [Humans], too, [are] part of this balance.
The COVID-19 catastrophe in Bangladesh
The virus risks plunging Bangladesh into social, economic, and political turmoil—not to mention the public health crisis.
New York: Parent groups denounce Cuomo outreach to Gates
Only minutes after news broke that Governor Cuomo had asked Bill Gates and his foundation to help “reimagine” education in New York, parent groups responded with a loud NO!
The Irresistible Karl Marx
We must acquire the elasticity of mind to look beyond isms…and learn to walk with Gandhi, Ambedkar and Marx for a true politics of liberation
Pompeo and the capricious virus
Iran has delivered a devastating blow to the ego of the Trump administration, puncturing it beyond repair, by its announcement Sunday that mosques will start reopening in low-risk areas of the country from May 5.
Experts warn of new nuclear arms race after Trump signals U.S. withdrawal from START Treaty
While much of the corporate press has blamed Russia and China for the sudden failure of multiple longstanding nuclear treaties, experts put the blame on squarely on the Trump administration.
Venezuela thwarts invasion attempt by mercenaries
Venezuelan officials reported that a group of mercenaries attempted to invade the country on Sunday but were stopped by the country’s army and police.
“Humans” are not the problem: Reflections on a “useless” documentary
With nearly everyone trapped at home for the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day, Michael Moore released a film that picks apart the U.S. environmental movement as it may have looked ten years ago, and then misleadingly presents it as breaking news.