As media amplifies unrest in Venezuela and beyond, millions are quietly revolting in Colombia
Despite protests of historic proportions fueled by anger over corruption and a brutal right-wing crackdown, the unrest in Colombia has garnered remarkably little international media attention compared to Venezuela.
What does it mean to be a Marxist?
What’s in a name? Being a Marxist means being a revolutionary anticapitalist, a fighter against all forms of oppression, an internationalist who wants to end capitalism around the whole world, and a believer in the power of the working class.
JP Morgan economists warn of ‘catastrophic outcomes’ of human-caused climate crisis
“Don’t want to hear Greta Thunberg or Extinction Rebellion? Try J.P. Morgan instead.”
The “spectre of communism” haunts the world: 172 years of the Communist Manifesto
Tens of thousands of people in Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America publicly read the Communist Manifesto to commemorate the 172nd year since its first publication in 1848.
Why didn’t Marx finish Capital?
The question why Marx’s Capital remained unfinished has occupied many for more than a century.
New starting point(s): Marx, technological revolutions and changes in the centre-periphery divide
This paper presents the last book that Marx excerpted in his life: La Physique Moderne, written by Hospitalier and published in 1882. This last Notebook (B156, in the IISG’s archives) contains hints of other issues that he was researching in his last years, especially societies at the periphery.
Bloomberg wants to swallow the Democrats and spit out the Sandernistas
If, somehow, Bernie Sanders is allowed to win the nomination, Michael Bloomberg and other plutocrats will have created a Democratic Party machinery purpose-built to defy Sanders–as nominee, and even as president.
Politicizing water in Chile
Chile is today in the midst of an unprecedented constituent process 30 years after the return of democracy, where the possibility of a new constitution has opened a discussion about what sort of country we want, and which rights should be enshrined in the drafting of this fundamental document.
You write injustice on the Earth; we will write revolution in the skies
‘Scientists are wrong’, the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano said with a warm smile on his face. ‘Human beings are not made of atoms; they are made of stories’. It is why we want to sing and draw, tell each other about our lives and our hopes, talk about the wonders in our lives and the wonders that we dream about. These dreams–this art–are what make us get up each day, smile, and go forward into the world.
Why does Little Women still matter? Review of Little Women (2019) – Directed by Greta Gerwig
Greta Gerwig’s new adaptation of Little Women has struck a resounding chord with audiences, particularly young women. Why does this book continue to resonate with us one hundred and fifty years later, and what did this latest version bring us?
Factchecking NPR’s attempted takedown of Bernie Sanders
The Iowa caucuses officially began the Democratic primary, and even in this ongoing, extended battle for the White House, Iowa remains an important marker for candidates and the media. A close look at a piece by two of NPR’s leading political reporters, which aired just before the caucuses, provides a view of how journalists speak with authority on issues they seem to know very little about.
Police assault on Wet’suwet’en people
Attack shows Hypocrisy towards Indigenous Peoples.
Democracy in Focus: Follow the dark money…
Greater Britain, as we might call it, has over the past 70 years transformed itself from the largest-ever land empire to a sprawling financial one: a network of tax havens and money laundries stashing cash for the world’s oligarchs, mafiosi, gangsters and hedge funds.
If Bloomberg wants to buy an election, he should run as a Republican against Trump—not sabotage Democrats
The mega-billionaire should be running against Trump in the Republican primaries, not as a Democrat. If he actually cared about this country more than stroking his massive ego that is exactly what he would be doing.
Health check: U.S. manufacturing is in trouble
President Trump is all in, touting his success in rebuilding U.S. manufacturing. For example, in his state of the union address he claimed: We are restoring our nation’s manufacturing might, even though predictions were that this could never be done. After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new […]
High stakes tests aren’t better—and they never will be
Accountability is important. But tests that tie school funding to student performance only make things worse.
Inside Extinction Rebellion: War reporting a global human conflict
Having our own media allows us to tell the stories that the millionaire press barons don’t want to engage with and it gives us a space to debate and explore issues without the toxic influence of climate deniers.
No excuses–we have to shut down the fossil fuel industry
In the face of an ecological catastrophe as enormous and terrifying as this season’s bushfires, you might think that policy might begin to shift, as those in power face up to the reality of human-induced climate change. But you’d be wrong.
Capitalism, socialism and over-production crises
Unlike capitalism, socialism avoids any waste or slack, such as is caused by an over-production crisis, by raising the consumption of workers appropriately to avert it.
Mistrial in Trump admin’s biased case against Venezuelan embassy protectors is win for sovereignty
The Trump administration’s case against Venezuelan embassy protectors was severely biased, but ended up with a hung jury. The mistrial is a victory for sovereignty and democracy, and another failure in the coup attempt.