Speech on ‘Environmental Protections’ by Karl Liebknecht
This speech was delivered in 1912 to the Prussian House of Deputies in response to a proposal by the Free People’s Party. Environmental destruction was not as far-reaching then as it is now, yet Liebknecht was keenly aware of the disappearance of butterflies and insects, of the small changes that bode ill.
Spooks turned Spox: U.S. media now filled with former intelligence agents
After years in the shadows overseeing espionage, kill programs, warrantless wiretapping, entrapment, psyops and other covert operations, national security establishment retirees are are turning to a new line of work where they can carry out their imperial duties.
Oil lobbyists attempt to influence pipeline safety legislation to further criminalize pipeline protests
THE OIL AND GAS industry is seeking to harness must-pass federal safety legislation to enact sweeping provisions that would criminalize activism against pipelines. The measures would make it a felony for individuals to tamper with pipeline facilities or obstruct pipeline construction, documents obtained by The Intercept and Documented show.
The Corporate Democrats’ (and Alicia Garza’s) get-Sanders slanders
Once the Bernie Sanders threat has subsided, Elizabeth Warren will be required to further neuter herself to allay the fears of billionaire Democratic donors. Once upon a time not so long ago the U.S. corporate media was a livelier place, where the rich people that owned the presses argued among themselves about the destiny of […]
When Ukraine’s Prosecutor came after his son’s sponsor Joe Biden sprang into action
There are some serious questions around the Biden family involvement in the Ukraine that the media have not picked up on.
State of exception in Ecuador amid strong protests
President Lenin Moreno declared a national state of exception due to protests against the elimination of fuel subsidies and expressed he´s not taking a step-back on reestablishing it because it´s “a distortion that caused deterioration to the national economy.”
How Venezuela defeated Washington’s coup attempt at the United Nations
An inside look at how Venezuelan diplomats stymied a US attempt to revoke their credentials at the UN and shatter their nation’s sovereignty.
On 19 December 2018, an uprising began in Sudan. This uprising would culminate in the removal of Sudan’s president–Omar al- Bashir–from power on 11 April 2019. The army staged a conser- vative military coup to abort the revolutionary tide and keep the same old policies.
Deep histories and fluid futures in Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock
Mni Sose, the Missouri River, is “a relative: the Mni Oyate, the Water Nation. She is alive. Nothing owns her.” [open endnotes in new window] From the spring of 2016 through the winter of 2017, two concepts of this river came into stark relief as the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their allies set up camps in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Shooting at Haitian Parliament surprises few as anti-Government protests continue
A recent photograph circulating of a Haitian senator shooting an AP reporter is just the tip of the iceberg in Haiti, where an uprising has been simmering for months.
Victims left behind in U.S. Agent Orange cleanup efforts
Vietnamese victims have yet to receive compensation–and many live in desperate poverty.
Bolsonaro’s highway project targets heart of Amazon region
Amazon researchers said the repaved road would trigger an explosion of deforestation in Amazonas, currently Brazil’s best preserved rainforest state precisely because it has few good roads.
“World at a Crossroads and a System of International Relations for the Future” by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for “Russia in Global Affairs” magazine, September 20, 2019
These days, the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly opens up. So does a new international “political season”.
European Parliament’s anti-communist resolution draws widespread criticism
Communists and other progressives have accused the EU leadership of targeting the Soviet Union while concealing the role of countries such as Spain and Italy in the spread of Nazism and fascism.
Cultural production in Revolutionary Venezuela: A conversation with Kael Abello
A key member of the ‘Comando Creativo’ artists’ collective reflects on how to make relevant art during a revolution.
New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100
Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, “the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented.”
Sanders rips ‘casual cruelty that motivates Trump and his billionaire friends’ as White House moves to strip free school lunches from 500,000 kids
Trump is depriving 500,000 kids of their school lunches for no damn reason—even after 139 members of Congress warned him not to.
iPhone workers today are 25 times more exploited than textile workers in 19th Century England
A recent report by the International Labour Organisation shows that the total global labour force is now measured at 3.5 billion workers. This is the largest size of the global labour force in recorded history. Talk of the demise of workers is utterly premature when confronted with the weight of this data.
Labour overwhelmingly approves climate revolution as a ‘top priority’
The Canary has been following Labour’s plans for a Green Industrial Revolution closely. But this variation of the Green New Deal has now become official policy at the party’s 2019 conference. And it will reportedly be a “top priority”.
Trump delivers fascist tirade at United Nations
Since taking office in 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump has used his annual speech at the UN General Assembly to denounce socialism, promote nationalism and xenophobia, and bully and threaten the whole world.