OAS involvement in Bolivia precipitated the coup
Let’s put an end to this nonesense that’s peddled by MSM.
Communiqué of the Movement to Socialism (MAS-IPSP)
The Bolivian people are living through terrible moments, with police officers and motorcyclists storm the streets and the military high command deciding to attack the citizens as a means of pacification, including preventing prominent people, religious leaders and political leaders from finding constitutional and democratic solutions to the crisis we are facing.
The Bolivian coup is not a coup—because U.S. wanted it to happen
Army generals appearing on television to demand the resignation and arrest of an elected civilian head of state seems like a textbook example of a coup. And yet that is certainly not how corporate media are presenting the weekend’s events in Bolivia.
Behind the racist coup in Bolivia
Sunday November the 10th, at approximately 4pm (eastern standard time) the democratically elected president and vice president of Bolivia, Evo Morales and Álvaro García respectively, were forced to resign from power.
Bolivia does not exist
On November 10, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales Ayma was removed from office.
The 2019 UN vote against the U.S. blockade of Cuba
Trump’s Washington Remains Cornered
Extinction Rebellion: Rebellion against whom?
Through the global climate strike and mass demonstrations for the planet launched by Greta Thunberg, an entire generation has gotten a taste of political action, understanding the need for dramatic change to deal with environmental degradation. It is in this context that the group Extinction Rebellion (XR) has struck a chord.
5 fast facts about the military coup in Bolivia and what you can do
Despite what the mainstream media headlines would have you believe, a coup is underway in Bolivia.
Public defender Chesa Boudin wins San Francisco D.A. race in major victory for progressive prosecutor movement
Son of incarcerated parents, backed by Black Lives Matter co-founders, Boudin will be the next DA of San Francisco.
The coup in Bolivia: five lessons
The Bolivian tragedy eloquently teaches several lessons that our peoples and popular social and political forces must learn and record in their consciences forever. Here, a brief enumeration, on the fly, and as a prelude to a more detailed treatment in the future.
Media silent as Nobel Prize winning OPCW found “fixing” its own findings on Syria
Judging by the minimal impact of the news, there will likely be few consequences for those who suppressed information and misled the world, nor for those who called for war on the basis of it, their assertions proving, once again, disastrously wrong.
By trying to silence Sanders, the corporate media de-legitimize themselves
Sanders has been made into a non-person, and his proposals routinely distorted, because the corporate media want Americans to meekly submit to the Race to the Bottom.
Bolivian President Evo Morales calls new presidential elections
Morales also called for calm and peace amid opposition protests and mobilizations, which have turned violent, against his victory in the Oct. 20 elections.
Towards a working-class environmentalism for South Africa
It’s going take a fully democratic anti-capitalist movement to fight climate change. The case of South Africa shows how long we have to go.
Bolivian Mayor, Patricia Arce, covered in paint, dragged through the streets by right wing fascists
Right wing protesters used as an excuse against the mayor, the death of two protesters in clashes that happened in another town. The woman was forced to resign on her knees after she was spray painted with red and subjected to hours of humiliation.
#Bernieblackout: The media isn’t even hiding its anti-Bernie bias anymore
From blackouts to cheap visual editing to outright hostility, the corporate media is pulling no punches in its effort to undermine Bernie Sanders and his egalitarian message.
How Gen-Z is dealing with a looming climate apocalypse
Growing up in the midst of a climate crisis is pretty overwhelming.
Roger and me – a socialist view on Extinction Rebellion
Around 7am on the fourth day of Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) “Spring Rebellion” in Melbourne in early October the clouds to the east cleared enough for the first bright rays of sun to penetrate through to a city centre still shrouded in a cold, misty rain.
The empire, Trump and intra-ruling class conflict
Over the past few months President Trump has unilaterally by Tweet and telephone begun to dismantle the U.S. military’s involvement in the Middle East. The irony is amazing, because in a general overarching narrative sense, this is what the marginalized antiwar movement has been trying to do for decades.(1) Prof. Harry Targ, in his important […]
Apartheid in the global governance system
In my research I have argued that rising global inequality is driven in large part by power imbalances in the global economy, in that rich countries have disproportionate influence when it comes to setting the rules of international trade and finance.