Silvia Federici in conversation with Astra Taylor
What memory can do:
Re-signify the earth
Re-signify the local
Make the struggle visible -
U.S. activist faces federal charges for providing aid to migrants
Scott Warren was arrested in 2018 for allegedly having “harbored” two fatally weakened undocumented migrants in a facility run by No More Deaths
They cannot stop us. We will live and triumph.
Yesterday the U.S. Treasury Department added to sanctions announced April 17, and the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, the prohibition of “people to people” cultural and educational trips, plus others related to travel and transportation services, remittances, banking, commerce, and telecommunications
Nine ways scientists can support a people’s Green New Deal
In late 2018, the Green New Deal (GND) vaulted into the center of U.S. politics thanks to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and the young activists of the Sunrise Movement. Since then, the GND has become one of the most hotly debated issues in mainstream politics and has helped inspire an upsurge in climate justice activism and organizing.
Washington Office on Latin America gets behind U.S. regime change agenda in Venezuela
WOLA’s hawkish stance on Venezuela may seem surprising for a “human rights” organization, but it is less of a surprise for those familiar with WOLA’s history.
Engels on the importance of Hegel to Marxism
The inversion of Hegel’s dialectics is based on the assumption that it is the “self-development of the idea” of which, therefore, the dialectic of facts is only the image, while the dialectic in our minds is but the reflection of the actual development taking place in the natural world and human history in obedience to dialectical forms.
Black Agenda Report is a proud recipient of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromising integrity in journalism
Serena Shim was born in Detroit. She attended high school in nearby Livonia MI, and graduated from the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut. She was married with two children, and at the time of her death worked for the Iranian news outlet Press TV.
Revealed: the far right networks of deception
In total, Avaaz reported over 500 suspect pages and groups to Facebook, which were followed by nearly 32 million people and generated over 67 million “interactions” (comments, likes, shares) in the last three months alone.
Constitution – Title I: Fundamental Principles (Art. 1-9)
Article 1: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is irrevocably free and independent, basing its moral property and values of freedom, equality, justice and international peace on the doctrine of Simón Bolívar, the Liberator. Independence, liberty, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination are unrenounceable rights of the Nation.
The global shift to the right
No matter how successful the Right may be in the short-run in mobilising people around a divisive agenda, it is incapable of leading them out of the current economic crisis. It is only the Left that can provide a way out.
98.3 percent of Ghana’s gold remains in the hands of multinational corporations
Disproportionate focus on corruption of national leaders distracts from the systemic theft of Ghana’s wealth.
The world divided by a line is a dead body cut in two
A war against Iran–as Hamid says–will be catastrophic, not only for Iran but for Eurasia. It would divide the world into two, vultures and hyenas feasting on both halves.
Regime change through social media
“If you can actually influence how people think, through social media, then you can have a lot more control” of their political behavior, said Valentine.
Strike before the planet gets hot
Greta Thunberg has called for a world-wide strike on Friday September 27-for children and adults. Here’s how to make this a reality.
Anti-capitalist chronicles: Accumulation by Dispossession
Large capital takes over smaller capital and in the end you get a quasi monopolistic situation of the large capitalist dominating all else.
Finance and growth under neo-liberalism
A neo-liberal capitalist economy therefore does not have the instruments that capitalism earlier had for providing a bulwark against its slipping into recession and stagnation; the question is: does it have any instruments at all?
Michael Harrington and his afterlives
Doug Enaa Greene gives an overview and critique of the political journey of Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialist of America, and his influence on reformist socialism to this day.
Why stagnation?
The U.S. economy has been stuck in stagnation for a decade. The GDP growth rate has been only 2.2% per year since the recovery from the Financial Crisis and Great Recession of 2008-09 began. That is far below the growth rate in past post-recession recoveries since the end of World War II.
Revolutions and imperialist aggression
Throughout history, revolutions for national liberation and socialism, even progressive governments, have been the victims of systematic imperialist assaults.
Traditional measures of unemployment are missing the mark
We’ve heard it countless times in recent media accounts: The economy is at “full employment.” The most recent jobs numbers, out the first week in May, show the official unemployment rate, and applications for unemployment benefits are at a 50-year low. The last time a recovery was able to push the unemployment rate to these […]