The coup in Bolivia: five lessons
The Bolivian tragedy eloquently teaches several lessons that our peoples and popular social and political forces must learn and record in their consciences forever. Here, a brief enumeration, on the fly, and as a prelude to a more detailed treatment in the future.
Media silent as Nobel Prize winning OPCW found “fixing” its own findings on Syria
Judging by the minimal impact of the news, there will likely be few consequences for those who suppressed information and misled the world, nor for those who called for war on the basis of it, their assertions proving, once again, disastrously wrong.
By trying to silence Sanders, the corporate media de-legitimize themselves
Sanders has been made into a non-person, and his proposals routinely distorted, because the corporate media want Americans to meekly submit to the Race to the Bottom.
Bolivian President Evo Morales calls new presidential elections
Morales also called for calm and peace amid opposition protests and mobilizations, which have turned violent, against his victory in the Oct. 20 elections.
Towards a working-class environmentalism for South Africa
It’s going take a fully democratic anti-capitalist movement to fight climate change. The case of South Africa shows how long we have to go.
Bolivian Mayor, Patricia Arce, covered in paint, dragged through the streets by right wing fascists
Right wing protesters used as an excuse against the mayor, the death of two protesters in clashes that happened in another town. The woman was forced to resign on her knees after she was spray painted with red and subjected to hours of humiliation.
#Bernieblackout: The media isn’t even hiding its anti-Bernie bias anymore
From blackouts to cheap visual editing to outright hostility, the corporate media is pulling no punches in its effort to undermine Bernie Sanders and his egalitarian message.
How Gen-Z is dealing with a looming climate apocalypse
Growing up in the midst of a climate crisis is pretty overwhelming.
Roger and me – a socialist view on Extinction Rebellion
Around 7am on the fourth day of Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) “Spring Rebellion” in Melbourne in early October the clouds to the east cleared enough for the first bright rays of sun to penetrate through to a city centre still shrouded in a cold, misty rain.
The empire, Trump and intra-ruling class conflict
Over the past few months President Trump has unilaterally by Tweet and telephone begun to dismantle the U.S. military’s involvement in the Middle East. The irony is amazing, because in a general overarching narrative sense, this is what the marginalized antiwar movement has been trying to do for decades.(1) Prof. Harry Targ, in his important […]
Apartheid in the global governance system
In my research I have argued that rising global inequality is driven in large part by power imbalances in the global economy, in that rich countries have disproportionate influence when it comes to setting the rules of international trade and finance.
Unpacking the super exploitation of black women
The situational systematic position of Black women, particularly in the US, has long been explained throughout the decades whether it has been called “triple oppression”, “double jeopardy”, or more notably, “intersectionality”.
Agony and death of neoliberalism in Latin America
After nearly half a century of pillage, outrage and crimes of all kinds against society and the environment, we witness the downfall of the ruling model promoted enthusiastically by the governments of advanced capitalist countries; institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank; and self-righteous intellectuals and establishment politicians.
Chicago teachers score a historic victory, classes to resume
After the City met the union’s final demand regarding days missed due to the strike, the CTU declared a victory and classes will resume tomorrow.
Bolivian right-wing activates ‘electoral fraud’ contingency plan against Morales
President Evo Morales emerged victorious in the first round of presidential elections in Bolivia held on October 20 but the opposition is set on rejecting the results
Changing the subject
From Chile to Lebanon, young people are demonstrating—in street protests and voting booths—that they’ve had enough of being disciplined and punished by the current development model.
The revolution isn’t being televised
It’s all kicking off everywhere in 2019. Haitians are revolting against a corrupt political system and their President Jovenel Moïse, who many see as a kleptocratic U.S. puppet. In Ecuador, huge public manifestations managed to force President Lenín Moreno to backtrack on his IMF-backed neoliberal package that would have sharply cut government spending and increased transport prices (FAIR.org, 10/23/19).
Another look at the Federal Reserve’s panic in September 2019 and solutions to the crisis
You may recall that from 17 September 2019, the United States Federal Reserve injected massive amounts of liquidity into banks due to a quite abnormal situation on the repo market.(1) The repo market designates a mechanism used by banks to obtain short-term financing. They sell securities they hold in repurchase agreements (repo).
Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care
This short, readable and stimulating book begins with the author overturning perceived knowledge about the 18th century economist Robert Malthus.
Bedouin mass eviction – Israel to drive Palestinians off their historic lands
Last week 36,000 Bedouin–all of them Israeli citizens–discovered that their state is about to make them refugees in their own country, driving them into holding camps. These Israelis, it seems, are the wrong kind.