Geography Archives: Middle East

  • Venezuelan People and Government Condemn Attacks against Syria

    Communiqué The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Comandante Hugo Chávez, in the name of the Venezuelan people and government, condemns the terrorist attack perpetrated today in Damascus, the capital of the brother Syrian Arab Republic, in the strongest and most unequivocal terms, and stands in solidarity with the brave Syrian people, in sending […]

  • Burhan Ghalioun

    Ibrahim Jaza is a Syrian cartoonist.  Note: “Ghalioun” means “pipe” in Arabic.  See, also: “Now, irresponsible people have taken over the leadership of the Syrian revolt. . . .  From the beginning the SNC was marching toward the UN Security Council.  The SNC wanted to exclude Syria from the Arab League and get the Arab […]

  • “Free Syrian Army”

    Ibrahim Jaza is a Syrian cartoonist.  See, also: “To those of you who don’t believe that the #Syria-n rebels have israeli arms, take a look.  Nothing’s hidden anymore.” (Joud, 25 December 2011); “الهيئة ” و “المجلس” يوقعان اتفاقا “مفخخا” يسمح ضمنا بتدخل عسكري عربي في سوريا لإسقاط النظام  (, 31 December 2011). | Print

  • The Last Refuge of Hosni Mubarak

      Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. | Print  

  • The Epidemic of Terrorism under Turkey’s Mubarak

      A new epidemic has broken out in Turkey.  It’s called “terrorism.”  This ideologically transmitted disease (ITD) appears to be extremely infectious.  Otherwise how can we explain the large and growing number of terrorists in the country? The Associated Press carried out a survey on terrorism convictions in the world.  The figures are worrying.  According […]

  • Venezuela Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Syria

    Communiqué The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Comandante Hugo Chávez, in the name of the Venezuelan people and its government, energetically condemns the terrorist attacks perpetrated today in Damascus in the Syrian Arab Republic, whose terrible result is at least 30 dead and hundreds of wounded. The Bolivarian government wishes to send the […]

  • On the Terrorist Attacks in Damascus, Syria

    The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Cuba energetically condemns the criminal attacks by car bombs that took place in Damascus, Syria, causing dozens of dead and wounded.  Cuba condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and firmly opposes the attempts to undermine the stability of Syria, foreign interference, and the threats to its […]

  • Raising Flags of Jihad in Syria

      A flag of the Islamic State of Iraq sighted at a Syrian opposition demonstration in Khan al Sabl, Idlib, Syria, 23 December 2011 A jihadi flag sighted at a Syrian opposition demonstration in Binnish, Idlib, Syria, 21 December 2011 A jihadi flag sighted at a Syrian opposition demonstration in Maarat al Numaan, Idlib, Syria, […]

  • The Committee to Protect Journalists Is Mistaken About Turkey

      According to the tally of the American Committee to Protect Journalists, there are only eight journalists in jail in Turkey.  We, as members of the Freedom for Journalists Platform, comprised of 94 national and local media associations, would like to point out that this is a grave error, unless of course it is deliberate […]

  • Egypt: #OccupyCabinet

    It all began with the kidnapping and torture of Aboudi Ibrahim, a protester from the #OccupyCabinet sit-in: A first military attack on Tahrir Square today: An army solider strips the shirt off a female protestor, beats her, and abuses her: If you look closely, you see the attack on her and what appears to be […]

  • Erdoğan’s Way

    See how Recep Tayyip Erdoğan uses TMY (Terörle Mücadele Yasası, Anti-Terror Law) and ÖYM (Özel Yetkili Mahkemelerin, Special Courts) to deal with anyone who stands in his way. . . . Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Cf. Ayça Çubukçu, “Turkey: The ‘Progressive’ Land of Repression” (Guardian, 11 December 2011). | Print

  • A Conference for Security and Cooperation for the Middle East? Interview with Ali Fathollah-Nejad

    Ali Fathollah-Nejad from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London is a member of the initiative for a civil-society Conference for Security and Cooperation in the Middle East (CSCME). One of its key aims is the creation of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

  • Begging Iran for Drone Back

      “Could you maybe give me back my plane?!!” Abbas Goodarzi, born in 1978, is an Iranian cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published on his Web site as well as numerous news Web sites in Iran; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  

  • Tough on Euros, Weak on Nazis

    Hurray!  Merkel won the day!  It took a long night of backroom bargaining, but except for that Tory, David Cameron, all European Union members agreed to save the euro, save the economy, save the world!  It had been on the brink of disaster, Sarkozy warned on the eve of the meeting: unless we reach agreement […]

  • Turkey’s Anti-Terror Law

    Turkey’s Anti-Terror Law (TMY), aimed at the press. . . . Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Cf. “500 students, 65 journalists, 8 MPs detained under Turkey’s Anti-Terror Law” (Carlos Latuff, 9 December 2011). | Print

  • Egypt’s Nour Party Leader: Onward to Salafi Pragmatism, Keeping Good Relations with US and Peace Treaty with Israel

      Cairo — Emad Abdel Ghafour, the head of the Nour Party representing the Salafi school of Islamic fundamentalism, which is expected to make a great leap forward in Egypt’s first parliamentary elections since the collapse of the Mubarak regime, made the party’s foreign policy public, in an exclusive interview with Jiji Press.  “We’ll strive […]

  • Testimony of Mohamed Mounir, Tortured by Egypt’s Military

    On the night of Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011, just a week before parliamentary elections in Egypt began, 31-year old Mohamed Mounir went to Tahrir Square to join thousands of Egyptians once again demonstrating there.  The demonstrations all over the country flared up again after the Egyptian security forces brutally attacked a group of demonstrators in […]

  • Pulling on the Russian Leash

    Victor Nieto is a cartoonist in Venezuela.  Cf. Vitaly Churkin, “Russia Against Any Sanctions on Syria” (2 December 2011); “Done Deal: Russia Supplies Cruise Missiles to Syria” (RT, 2 December 2011). var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print

  • Workers and Peasants Are the Voice of the Egyptian Revolution

    The Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions and all its 139 affiliated unions, with their collective membership of 1,670,000, call on the Egyptian people (youth, workers and peasants) to block any attempts to prevent the implementation of the demands of the revolution through the recreation of the old regime by its criminal tools. Therefore the […]

  • Why Syria Matters: Interview with Aijaz Ahmad

    Aijaz Ahmad: For one thing, Syria is the last remaining representative of Arab nationalism as it used to be understood historically.  It still calls itself socialist.  Even though it has implemented a great deal of neoliberal reform, the state sector is still dominant.  It bans, literally bans, religion from politics.  It will not recognize the […]