Geography Archives: United States

  • I Don’t Want to Love You, But I Do

    A LOVE POEM24 July 2006 Some readers of my open letter to Amos Oz have been posing questions to me regarding how to deal with a group that calls for the destruction of Israel.  They tell me they are sick of Israel being described by the Left as inherently evil. I do not believe there […]

  • From Israel with Love

    From Israel with Love Carlos Latuff, born in Rio de Janeiro on 30 November 1968, is a political cartoonist.  He is the author of the famous “We Are All Palestinians” series, comparing oppressed peoples at various times and places (Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, Blacks in South Africa, Blacks and American Indians in the United […]

  • Taking Back the Workers’ Law: An Interview with Ellen Dannin

      Ellen Dannin TAKING BACK THE WORKERS’ LAW: How to Fight the Assault on Labor Rights by Ellen Dannin BUY THIS BOOK Ellen Dannin is one of the most eminent labor law scholars in the United States.  A former National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) attorney and currently professor of labor law at the Pennsylvania State […]

  • The Future of Israel Is at Stake

    “We must reduce to dust the villages of the south [ . . . ]  I don’t understand why there is still electricity there.”1 With these words, Israeli Minister of Justice and former Labor Party leader, Haim Ramon, summarized his suggestions for the continuation of the military offensive in Lebanon, following the failure of the […]

  • Olmert: Mad for a Total War

    Click on the cartoon for a larger view. Gaza, Beirut, Damascus, Tehran! Carlos Latuff, born in Rio de Janeiro on 30 November 1968, is a political cartoonist.  He is the author of the famous “We Are All Palestinians” series, comparing oppressed peoples at various times and places (Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, Blacks in South […]

  • An Israeli Attack Can Shatter the Relative Safety of Iran’s Jews

    One of the neocon myths that has gained currency post-9/11 asserts, referring to opponents of Israel and the United States, that “they are against who we are, not what we do.”  Hence, the argument concludes, there is nothing we can do to diminish their antagonism.  A variant of this fiction is that Iran’s Islamic elite […]

  • Israelis Protest: “We Will Not Die and Will Not Kill in the Service of the United States”

    200 people protested against the bombing of Lebanon in Tel Aviv just hours after it started on Wednesday, 13 July 2006.  600-800 people protested on Sunday, 17 July 2006, through the streets of Tel Aviv.  The Tel Aviv demonstration against the war grew to 2,500 on Saturday, 22 July 2006, according to Haaretz. “One, two, […]

  • Welcome to Lebanon

    Welcome to Lebanon Smells So Good Carlos Latuff, born in Rio de Janeiro on 30 November 1968, is a political cartoonist.  He is the author of the famous “We Are All Palestinians” series, comparing oppressed peoples at various times and places (Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, Blacks in South Africa, Blacks and American Indians in […]

  • Ten Questions for Movement Building

      For five weeks in the late spring of 2006, we toured the eastern half of the United States to promote two books — Letters From Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out (Nation Books, 2005) and Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (AK Press, 2006) — and to get at […]

  • Israeli Leaflets: “For Your Safety”

    Israeli Leaflets: “For Your Safety” Carlos Latuff, born in Rio de Janeiro on 30 November 1968, is a political cartoonist.  He is the author of the famous “We Are All Palestinians” series, comparing oppressed peoples at various times and places (Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, Blacks in South Africa, Blacks and American Indians in the […]

  • Bush Revives Pan-Arabism . . . by Accident or Design?

    Is there any rational human being on the planet who doesn’t perceive Israel’s measures against Lebanon to be an irrational overreaction?  Seriously, if every pair of “kidnapped” soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan warranted the “reaction” being meted out by Israel at this moment, I suspect the United States as a whole would be little more […]

  • US Media, Israel, and Lebanese Civilians

    To anyone who understands the real history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and has read the many meticulously well-documented books on this topic by scholars and activists,1 the mainstream media coverage of Israel’s war on Lebanon and Gaza is woefully inadequate and decidedly biased.  Again and again, over the last two weeks, the media in the […]

  • Washington’s Other Crime Wave

    The Roman historian Tacitus made the observation that the more corrupt the Roman Senate became, the more laws that it passed.  After 13 years observing the White House and United States Congress as the United Electrical Workers Union (UE) Washington Representative, I’ll update Tacitus.  The more corrupt Washington, D.C. becomes, the less and less it […]

  • Can Political Forces in Lebanon Unite to Confront the Israeli Aggression?

    The View of the Lebanese Communist Party on the Latest Developments Friday, 21 July 2006 The Situation on the Ground The Israeli enemy has continued making intensive air strikes at the districts and villages in the south, turning southern villages into isolated islands.  Meanwhile the intensity of the bombardment on other parts of the country […]

  • Lebanon Is Burning

    Click on the cartoon for a larger view. Lebanon Is Burning Carlos Latuff, born in Rio de Janeiro on 30 November 1968, is a political cartoonist.  He is the author of the famous “We Are All Palestinians” series, comparing oppressed peoples at various times and places (Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, Blacks in South Africa, […]

  • Northern Virginians for Peace & Justice Invites You to a Panel Discussion

    IRAN: A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES? Issues to be addressed include: The century-long history of big power intervention in Iran. The US-Iran conflict over Iran’s nuclear energy program.  What are the international legal issues?  What do the Iranian people think? Impact of sanctions or US military intervention.  What is the likely impact on Iran […]

  • Nepal — July 2006

      Analytical Monthly Review, published in Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, is a sister edition of Monthly Review.   Its July-August 2006 issue features the following editorial on the current situation in Nepal. — ED. In the year since the last monsoon, nothing has held out more hope for humanity than events in Nepal. Last summer Nepal […]

  • Teamsters: Disarray on the Eve of the Election

    While much of the media focused in late May on another failed search for Jimmy Hoffa, the long dead former leader of the Teamsters union, the living members of the Teamsters had to contend with a union increasingly in disarray under the leadership of his son — James P. Hoffa, Jr. The current problems center […]

  • Iranian Anti-Censorship Crusader Accepts Censorship at Amnesty International

    At a press conference today, journalist Akbar Ganji had just finished vilifying the “intolerant culture” of non-Europeans when he failed to intervene against Western censorship happening right before his eyes.  He is touring the United States to, in his words, raise awareness about government abuses in Iran, including his six-year imprisonment that ended last March.  […]

  • Letter to President George W. Bush

    Dear President Bush: You have been a weak president, despite your strutting and barking, when it comes to doing the right things for the American people within the Constitution and its rule of law.  This trait is now in bold relief over the Israeli government’s escalating war crimes pulverizing the defenseless people and country of […]