Who Funds Overseas Coal Plants?
The Need for Transparency and Accountability
Financial Markets under capitalism
One of the most important arguments advanced by John Maynard Keynes, the renowned economist, was that the operation of financial markets under capitalism is deeply flawed.
Dossier no. 48: We will build the future: a plan to save the planet
The most scandalous fact of the current period is that 2.37 billion people are struggling to eat. Most of them are in developing countries, but many are in advanced industrial states.
Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape
Russia and China’s announcement of an independent financial trading platform will free nations under US sanctions from western intrusion into their commercial activities.
The highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being: The First Newsletter (2022)
As we enter the new year almost two years after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020, the official death toll from COVID-19 sits just below 5.5 million people.
Cuba eyes cooperation with China on clean energy
Facing the challenges of an aging energy infrastructure, Cuba is looking to new energy sources with help from the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen its power production capacity and move away from fossil fuels.
Cryptocurrencies: a view from the left
As cryptocurrencies take the world of finance by storm, Thomas Redshaw examines their rise and what the left should make of them.
Nord Stream 2 is a double-edged geopolitical tool
The undersea Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been built at a cost of $11 billion. But the Kremlin kept its thought to itself. We now know why.
U.S. inflation and India’s economic recovery
The very day, December 11, when the Indian finance ministry spuriously claimed a robust recovery in the post-pandemic Indian economy, newspapers carried news of an acceleration in the U.S. inflation rate.
Chávez the Radical XXVI: ‘What are Privatizations?’
The Bolivarian Revolution represented a break from neoliberal governments. Is the tide turning? Tatuy TV examine that in this episode of “Chávez the Radical.”
China plays a crucial role supporting progress and sovereignty in Latin America
In the last two decades, economic links between Latin America and the People’s Republic of China have been expanding at a dizzying rate.
Tibet railway in focus as China vows change for landlocked Nepal
In May 2017, Nepal joined the BRI with a hope of obtaining long-term benefits through a myriad of projects. The line has already reached Xigaze (or Shigatse) in Tibet. In July 2020 the next secton of line in Tibet from Xigaze to was still in the planning stage, although China had reportedly commenced surveying work.
The Triumph of Financial Capital
Financial capital, once cut loose from its original role as a modest helper of a real economy of production to meet human needs, inevitably becomes speculative capital geared solely to its own self-expansion. In earlier times no one ever dreamed that speculative capital, a phenomenon as old as capitalism itself, could grow to dominate a national economy, let alone the whole world. But it has.
China is not colonizing Africa
International media cannot be trusted to give accurate information. Skepticism is especially warranted when China is the topic and allegations of colonizing Africa make headlines.
The dollar costs of inequality: they are greater than you think
Pretty much everyone accepts that inequality is a big problem in the U.S. But it is doubtful that most people truly grasp how successfully U.S. elites have captured the benefits of economic growth and, as a result, how much the resulting inequality has cost them.
How to picket stores that sell your employer’s products
Note: Consumer picketing can be directed against all products that a struck employer manufactures, processes, distributes, transports, or otherwise enhances in value.
The feminist building-blocks of a just, sustainable economy
Jayati Ghosh finds in a UN Women report a blueprint for an economy which serves the public—rather than the other way around.
Some striking Kellogg’s workers call for boycott of company products in U.S.
Union negotiators said they were prepared to meet the company for another round of negotiations next week but their offer was rebuffed by bosses, who claimed they were left with no choice but to permanently replace those on strike.
U.S. workers in motion: an assessment of labor’s gains
The reality is that the labor movement has a long struggle ahead and it should not be distracted by unwarranted fears of inflation.
Defund the global climate wall
To create a safer, more sustainable world, the United States needs to divert border money toward climate action.