Subjects Archives: Imperialism

  • The Lessons of Iraq

      “Come on, boys!  Let’s teach those Libyans everything we have learned in Iraq!” Ferran Martín, born in Barcelona in 1970, is a cartoonist, illustrator, web designer, and radio and TV screenwriter.  This cartoon was first published in La información on 18 March 2011; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.  Translation by Yoshie […]

  • Fourth Generation War

    “Never did so many lie so much so wholesale” Monument to the Unknown Liar Washington, DC, 2011 This cartoon was first published in Ciudad CCS; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print

  • A Fire That Could Burn Everyone

    You may agree or not with Gaddafi’s political ideas, but no one has the right to question the existence of Libya as an independent state and member of the United Nations. The world has not yet reached the point which, in my view, is an essential condition for the survival of our human species: access by all the peoples to the material resources of this planet. There is no other in the Solar System that we know that has the most elemental conditions for life.

  • Iraqis Demand “Unconditional Departure of Occupation Forces from Iraq”

    On Friday, Iraqis demonstrated in Mosul City’s Ahrar Square (Square of the Free) for the ninth consecutive day to demand “the unconditional departure of occupation forces from Iraq” and the release of detainees. Meanwhile, in Sulaymaniyah province’s Hurriya (Freedom) Square, protestors demanded that the government and parliament be dissolved and asked for political reform.

  • The War in Libya: Race, “Humanitarianism,” and the Media

      Firing for Media Effect: Setting the “African” Agenda “We left behind our friends from Chad.  We left behind their bodies.  We had 70 or 80 people from Chad working for our company.  They cut them dead with pruning shears and axes, attacking them, saying you’re providing troops for Gadhafi.  The Sudanese, the Chadians were […]

  • Slain Honduran Teacher’s Sister Writes to Nancy Pelosi: Stop Supporting Porfirio Lobo’s Regime in Honduras!

      Zenaida Velasquez is a sister of Ilse Velasquez, a Honduran teacher recently killed by the military-backed regime in Honduras. Dear Representative Nancy Pelosi: Right now I am in Honduras, my country of birth. I came here due to an emergency — bad news. . . My youngest sister, Ilse Ivania Velasquez Rodriguez, a dedicated […]

  • ISM Activist Vittorio Arrigoni Kidnapped in Gaza

      International Solidarity Movement activist Vittorio Arrigoni was kidnapped in Gaza today.  News sources in the Gaza Strip say that the kidnappers are members of a Salafi group.  In a YouTube video, the group threatens to kill Arrigoni in 30 hours, counting from 11 AM in Gaza (10 AM in Italy), if the Hamas government […]

  • Mid-East Upheaval: What the Empire Sees

      The US left and progressives have been preoccupied about what we can do to impact events in the Mid-East, particularly obsessing about what we can do to counter US intervention.  In general, it is good to want to act, not just talk or analyze, in a crisis situation. However, despite the valiant and necessary […]

  • On the Acquittal of Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles

      In the afternoon of April 8, 2011, the farce that had begun thirteen weeks ago in El Paso, Texas, came to an end when terrorist Luis Posada Carriles was acquitted of all the charges pressed against him during a migration trial. To all those who have been following the sinister history behind this terrorist […]

  • 100 Imams Call on Muslims to Rally for Peace and Jobs, against Wars and Terrorism, on April 9, 2011

      We, 100 Imams from the Muslim community in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, stand together to thank our neighbors who have defended the Muslim community against Islamaphobia.  Our neighbors have stood in opposition to Congressman Peter King’s hearings and against the efforts of the extremists to criminalize the practice of Islam in America. […]

  • African Diaspora against Sarko’s War in Ivory Coast

    “Sarkozy the Murderer!  Sarkozy the Murderer!” Paris, France, 4 April 2011 Manche, France, 5 April 2011 Brussels, Belgium, 5 April 2011 Douala, Cameroon, 5 April 2011 Cf. Bruno Ben Moubamba, “Nicolas Sarkozy engage des actes de Guerre contraires au Droit International en Côte d’Ivoire” (4 April 2011).  What happened to the French Left?  Stop Sarko!  […]

  • Bring the War Dollars Home, Fund Local Needs!

    Washington is broken — there has been no real debate on the $126 billion requested to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet $33 billion is being cut from vital programs — from heating oil for poor families to milk for infants to Pell grants for college students.  We have a new opportunity to […]

  • Libya and the Laws of War: Interview with Michael Mandel

    With respect to international law, in what ways does this intervention in Libya differ from those carried out in Afghanistan and Iraq? The intervention in Afghanistan, despite protestations to the contrary, was not authorized by the Security Council, whose relevant resolutions did not even mention Afghanistan, let alone authorize “all necessary means.”  That was because […]

  • Syria: Banias Refinery Workers March for Syria and Bashar

    Could it be that Syrian refinery workers thought it wise to warn imperialists not to descend on Syria to liberate their oil and jobs from them in the name of liberating them from Bashar? — Ed. Tartous, Syria, 29 March 2011 Cf. “Syria is the only significant crude oil producing country in the Eastern Mediterranean […]

  • Bahrain: Revolutionaries under Siege

      Bahraini government forces backed by Saudi troops have completely blocked access to several villages.  Reports say the military have set up checkpoints and deployed secret police around the village of Ma’ameer, to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the village.  Saudi and Bahraini troops have also fired tear gas to disperse protesters in the […]

  • Better and More Intelligent

    Yesterday, for reasons of space and time, I didn’t say one word about the speech on the Libyan War given by Barack Obama on Monday the 28th. I had a copy of the official version, supplied to the press by the U.S. government. I had underlined some of the things that he asserted. I reviewed […]

  • Russia Opposes West over Arming Libyan Opposition

      The West should not arm the Libyan opposition, says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. This video was released by Press TV on 30 March 2011.  Cf. “Moscow absolutely disagrees with statements by certain participants in the operation in Libya and their intentions to arm rebels who resisted Muammar Gaddafi’s troops” (“Russia, Austria Reveal Close […]

  • NATO’s Fascist War

    The rebel leaders tipped their hand too early.  Now the whole of Libya, including the rebels, understand what they are: traitors dependent on invaders.  The rebels thus now lack motive force as well as military training: “Libyan Rebels Flee as Kadafi’s Forces Defend Surt” (Los Angeles Times, 29 March 2011).  The only way they can […]

  • NATO’S Fascist War

    You didn´t have to be clairvoyant to foresee what I wrote with great detail in three Reflection Articles I published on the CubaDebate website between February 21 and March 3: “The NATO Plan Is to Occupy Libya,” “The Cynical Danse Macabre,” and “NATO´s Inevitable War.” Not even the fascist leaders of Germany and Italy were […]

  • Al-Jazeera: An Island of Pro-Empire Intrigue

    The Empire admits: without Al-Jazeera, they could not have bombed Libya. How did Al-Jazeera, once dubbed the ‘terror network’ by some and whose staff were martyred by US bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, end up becoming the media war propagandist for yet another Western war against a small state of the Global South, Libya?  We […]