Subjects Archives: Marxism

  • Marielle Franco

    Peripheral Fascism—theory and practice

    A short obituary for two dear comrades: Theotonio dos Santos (Carangola, 1936 – Rio de Janeiro, 2018) and Marielle Franco (Rio de Janeiro, 1979 – Rio de Janeiro 2018).

  • Growing disdain for America’s false democratic ideals

    In 2017, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) downgraded the U.S.  democratic system. The EIU has an annual Democracy index that provides a snapshot of global democracy by rating countries on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. They are then classified into four types of governments: full democracy, flawed democracy, hybrid regime, and authoritarian regime.

  • US Territory Divided (Photo: Granma)

    The United States is an oligarchy, not a democracy

    In the U.S., any policy change with little support from the upper class has about a one in five chance of becoming law, while those backed by the elites triumph in about half of occasions, even when they go against majority opinion.

  • News from Nowhere

    Dreaming of communism: News from Nowhere

    There can be no denying that the content of News from Nowhere, the utopian romance penned by painter, poet and designer William Morris, was heavily indebted to the writings of Karl Marx. Morris was exploring these from the spring of 1882, the year before Marx died and the year of his own 48th birthday. He continued to read Marx, especially Capital, in its French edition, the first English edition being still a few years away.

  • Aijaz Ahmad

    Aijaz Ahmad on Syria, U.S. and Palestine

    A rational solution is possible for Syria, if the US wants to be rational. But with Kushner in the White House Palestine faces a grim future.

  • Mural Post Office Benton Arkansas

    What’s a non-racist way to appeal to working-class whites? NYT‘s Edsall can’t think of any

    The 2016 presidential exit polls “substantially underestimated the number of Democratic white working-class voters…and overestimated the white college-educated Democratic electorate,” New York Times columnist Thomas Edsall (3/29/18) writes.

  • White House Apple Cider Vinegar

    Calculating surplus value to facilitate workplace organizing

    Using Marx’s critique of political economy, it’s possible for workers employed in a variety of industries to calculate the value of their work and how this value is divided between employer and employee. It becomes possible to calculate the socially necessary labor time and surplus labor time, worker wages and employer profits in their particular workplace.

  • Jeremy Corbyn peace

    Jeremy Corbyn has a long and honorable record of opposing fascism, racism and anti-semitism

    The Labour leader played an active part in organising against and resisting the National Front in the late ’70s.

  • Marx concept of class

    Marx’s concept of class

    The concept of class poses profound problems for theory and practice. This is true across the academic disciplines and in the confused incoherence around “class issues” when concepts of class surface in economic, political and cultural discourses.

  • Hudis Vision

    The vision of the new society in Marx’s Capital

    Marx’s Capital has been heralded for many things, but providing an exhaustive account of a future socialist society isn’t one of them.

  • Leo Panitch

    Is another world possible?

    On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Leo Panitch says it’s a dilemma that the gradualism of European social-democracy and attempts at a more radical transformation have so far both failed; Panitch says a first step towards democratizing the economy is to make finance a public utility – with host Paul Jay

  • Under watch.

    Enclosed thinking

    In a slave society, one can argue, the interest of the slaves lies in keeping the slave owner happy, for otherwise he is likely to flog and whip them mercilessly which would cause them great agony. Likewise in a caste society, one can argue, the interest of the Dalit lies in being as inconspicuous as possible, in not ‘polluting’ the upper castes through his presence, for otherwise he is likely to be beaten and lynched.

  • Stripmined land

    In defence of Metabolic Rift Theory

    One Marxist line of inquiry into environmental problems has outshone all others in creativity and productivity: the theory of the metabolic rift.

  • Claudio Katz

    Imperialism today: a critical assessment of Latin American dependency theory

    The main theorist of dependency anticipated trends of neoliberal globalization. He analyzed productive globalization, the centrality of exploitation and the relative weight of surplus value transfers. But the employment crisis exceeds what was envisaged by Marini, in a scenario disrupted by the mutation of the United States, the collapse of the USSR and the rise of China.

  • Real Kumar David

    Is Marxism science? Part 1: Darwin, Marx and the scientific method

    Ringa Ranga Rajah, a London devotee of recently departed Ambalavanar Siva, complained bitterly last year when 14 March went by and I neglected Marx and Einstein. The former died on 14 March 1883 and the latter was born on 14 March 1879. I promised to make amends and this year Sundays 11 and 18 straddle the date.

  • Never again. Photo: Getty

    The market can’t solve a massacre

    The massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, one month ago today, left seventeen children and school staff dead. It was the third highest-casualty mass shooting at an educational institution in American history (after Virginia Tech—32 dead—and Sandy Hook—27) and the ninth highest-casualty single-shooter mass shooting in modern American history.

  • Teaching by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

    Willetts the conqueror (part 3): human capital

    The following post is the third instalment of the multi-part review of David Willetts’ ‘A University Life’, you can find here the Introduction; Part 1 and Part 2. Parts 3 and 4 take a slightly different approach, diving deeper into the fundamental principles of marketisation, which centre on the conversion of qualitative experience and practice into quantitatively measurable outcomes, which can in turn become proxies for higher education’s exchange value.

  • Scene from The Young Karl Marx

    A Review of The Young Karl Marx

    The success of The Young Karl Marx derives from Peck’s ability to demonstrate the relevance of Marx for the present.

  • Cuban Woman

    Cuban women: A revolution within the revolution

    It is almost impossible to talk about future projects in Cuba or the work done over all these years to construct a socialist society, without mentioning the role of women in decision making and their contribution in key spaces since the triumph of the Revolution on January 1, 1959.

  • Tariq Ali

    “The Left is a bit stuck in what needs to be done today”

    In September 2017, Tariq Ali visited our office in São Paulo for a long conversation. Here’s what he said about Chávez, Lula and the end of the “pink tide” in Latin America