Subjects Archives: Media

  • Politics and Poetics: Palestinian Art and Culture as a Form of Resistance

      The best thing is to ignore the parameters of discussion that are being presented to you, and to shift those parameters. . . . That is the heart of the struggle for us in the United States where the story is already framed, and they are just trying to discuss things within the parameters. […]

  • Agent Orange Day 2010

      “Artists struggling with the legacy of Agent Orange were invited to exhibit their work at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.  Nguyen Dinh Trung and Le Thi Be Nga are two of 140 artists who have learned to overcome their own disabilities and are taking their lives into their own hands […]

  • Sartre and Beauvoir

      Jean-Paul Sartre & Simone de Beauvoir, directed by Max Cacopardo, 1967.  Director First Run/ Icarus Films, Brooklyn, NY, 1967.  Video and DVD, 60 mins., b/w. A “time capsule” was how Simone de Beauvoir described Max Cacopardo’s documentary about her and Sartre, made for Canadian television in 1967 and re-issued in 2005.  She was certainly […]

  • A Bird Is a Bird

    To be honest,
    I don’t remember
    What I’ve come here for
    Surely, it must have been an important reason
    One doesn’t just make a vagabond of oneself for no reason
    When I remember I will finish this poem. . .

  • Revealing Moments: Obama, WikiLeaks, the “Good War” Myth, and Silly Liberal Faith in the Emperor

    War Crime Whistleblower in Obama’s Sights, War Criminals Not Private First Class Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old U.S. Army intelligence analyst stationed in Iraq, is being prosecuted by the Obama administration for disclosing a classified video showing American troops murdering civilians in Baghdad from an Apache Attack Helicopter in 2007.  Eleven adults were killed in the […]

  • Crossed Out

      Marzieh Vafamehr is an Iranian actress and filmmaker.  Crossed Out is a documentary film about Shahrnush Parsipur, the author of Women without Men, Touba and the Meaning of Night, and Men from Various Civilizations.  Music by Mohsen Namjoo.  This film was released in 2008. | Print  

  • Strand

      Rouzbeh Rashidi, born in Tehran in 1980, is an independent Iranian filmmaker.  He has been making films since 2000 when he founded the Experimental Film Society in Tehran, devoted to avant-garde, experimental, and low-budget filmmaking.  He is currently based in Dublin.  Strand (Iran-Ireland: Experimental Film Society, 2009) was shot in Iran in 2008.  For […]

  • Unlikely Emcees

      Sukina Abdul Noor and Muneera Rashida, born in Bristol and based in London, are the hip-hop duo Poetic Pilgrimage.  For more information about Poetic Pilgrimage, visit <>. | Print  

  • BBC Lies

      This video was first released by KolahStudio on 5 August 2006.  For more information, visit <>. | Print  

  • “Secularism . . . a Really Interesting Problematic”: A Conversation with Joan Wallach Scott

    DKK: Joan, because people know you as many things — as a theorist of gender, as a cultural historian, as an inveterate advocate for academic freedom and defender of the rights of the professoriate — I’m curious how you would describe yourself to someone who had never met Joan Scott. JWS: That’s really hard . […]

  • Iranian Street Art of A1one

      A1one is a street artist based in Tehran, Iran.  For more information about A1one, visit <>.  For more information about KolahStudio, go to <>.  See, also, A1one, “Dead Soldierz.” | Print  

  • The Color of Pomegranates

      Sayat Nova Sergei Parajanov (9 January 1924 – 20 July 20 1990) was a Soviet Armenian filmmaker. | Print  

  • Silent Screech

      “I don’t think that a 55-year-old man can cancel an underground metal concert anywhere in the world except Iran.  Gradually, I’m beginning to understand the concept of protest . . . except that this time the neighbors are the ones who are protesting.” Hamid Najafi Rad is a filmmaker based in Tehran, Iran.  This […]

  • Dead Soldierz

      A1one is a street artist based in Tehran, Iran.  For more information about A1one, visit <>. | Print  

  • Another Spill in Another Gulf

      “In contrast to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, no one is predicting that it will possible to contain the blood spill that is being prepared for the Persian Gulf.” Pedro Méndez Suárez is a Cuban cartoonist.  This cartoon was published in Rebelión on 19 July 2010.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi […]

  • Reading The Politics of Veil

      Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil.  Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007.  Vii + 208 pp.  Illustrations, notes, and index.  $24.94 U.S. (cl), ISBN 978-0-691-1243-5. On March 15, 2004, the French government passed a law banning the wearing of « conspicuous signs » of religious affiliation within public schools.  The decision […]

  • Umberto Digital Haiku No. 2

      An interactive cinematic experiment that reinterprets a shot from the film Umberto D by Vittorio de Sica, manipulating it in response to the attention that the viewer devotes to it.  Umberto D depicts Italy in 1952 in the middle of a deep recession, a mirror of the current economic crisis. Fernando Nabais, Project Manager, […]

  • The 2010 Commonwealth Games: Delhi’s Worrying Transformation

    Amid spells of heavy monsoon rain and sticky, sweltering heat, Delhi is an anxious city, struggling to meet a deadline.  Preparations are furiously underway for the nineteenth Commonwealth Games, to be held in town in less than three months (from October 3-14).  Delhi residents expect that their upturned streets, recurrent blackouts and impassable traffic jams […]

  • Thoughts in a Hijab

      “This is the story of Sahar, an Iranian girl, and her personal choice to continue wearing the hijab after moving to the United States.” Produced by Reel Grrls, an organization supporting young women who are beginning filmmakers.  2008. | Print  

  • What Difference Does a Revolution Make?  A Preliminary Contrast of India and China

    I. Commonalities At the time of their casting off of colonialism — India gaining independence from Britain in 1947, China putting an end to a century of imperialist domination in 1949 — the two largest countries in Asia shared many common characteristics.  Each possessed an enormous continental landmass with a population in the hundreds of […]