Subjects Archives: Movements

  • Egypt: Which Way Is the Way Forward? Interview with Hossam el-Hamalawy

      Saturday, February 5th, 8 pm (Egyptian time) What are some of the hurdles the protest movement is facing?  Are there divisions emerging while trying to find common ground? Yesterday the square was completely packed with more than one million protestors and Alexandria witnessed similar protests as well as the other provinces.  But there are […]

  • Tunisia’s Future: Opposition Says It Feels Threatened

      Moncef Marzouki: We got rid of the dictator, but the dictatorship is still there.  I mean the secret police is still there, the party of the dictatorship is still there. Nazanine Moshiri: . . . Rachid Ghannouchi was also exiled under Ben Ali.  With many members of his Islamic al-Nahda movement imprisoned or tortured, […]

  • Democracy in Egypt

      Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  | Print  

  • Egypt Will Rise

      Nick Bygon, Moreno Valley, California.  This image is licensed under a Creative Commons license.  An Adobe Illustrator file of this poster is available at <>. | Print  

  • What Happens to Pent-up Anger? Interview with Michael D. Yates

      Listen to the interview with Michael D. Yates: I know there’s a lot of pent-up anger.  If you take a country like Egypt, where people are suppressed, when they get an opportunity, a real opportunity, like what happened in the wake of the revolt in Tunisia, they will do things, they will take to […]

  • Rallies throughout Occupied Palestine in Solidarity with Egypt and Tunisia

      5 February 2011 More than two thousand people rallied today in the center of Ramallah at Al-Manara Square in solidarity with the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, calling for freedom, social justice, democracy, and human rights.  Parallel rallies took place in Bethlehem and Nazareth.  Previous rallies have been held by Palestinian activists in […]

  • Islam as Democracy against the Dictatorships of the Western Powers

    The West has financed dictatorships in the Middle East and Arab World for more than a century. The pro-democracy protests against Western-backed dictatorships in the Arab world have shown, once again, the immense hypocrisy of our rulers.  Which side are the Western governments on — the side of protesters or the side of dictators?  The […]

  • Support the Revolution in Egypt

    Mohamed Gaber is a graphic designer and photographer in Cairo, Egypt.  Check out his blog at .  Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.   | Print

  • Egypt: Defending the Revolution

    “No trusting the army for their security anymore, protesters started putting up barricades around Tahrir Square and started forming security committees to protect their occupation from attacks by Mubarak’s thugs.” — Hossam el-Hamalawy “Tahrir is regaining its strength.  It’s getting lively again after yesterday’s brutal assault.” — Sharif Kouddous Graffiti sprayed on an army tank: […]

  • Movements in Egypt: The US Realigns

    Egypt is a cornerstone in the US plan of control of the planet.  Washington will not tolerate any attempt of Egypt to move out of its total submission, also required by Israel in order to pursue its colonisation of what remains from Palestine.  This is the exclusive target of Washington in its ‘involvement’ in the […]

  • “Big Setback” for Haitian Democracy as U.S. Gets Its Way; Forces Runoff Elections between Two Right-Wing Candidates, CEPR Co-Director Says

    Second Round Will Be between Candidates Who Received around 6.4% and 4.5% Percent Support from Registered Voters in First Round, Respectively Haiti’s democracy and national sovereignty were severely undermined today, Mark Weisbrot, the co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), said today, reacting to news that Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) had […]

  • Nawal El Saadawi: “I’m 80 Years Old But I’m Ready to Fight”

      “They gave them bribes to beat us, to beat us here. . . .  My friends here, my friends, my daughter and son, who are here among the people, who are here together, they want me to go home.  I said no.  I have to stay here, because . . . we have to […]

  • Mubarak’s Fate is Sealed

    Mubarak’s fate is sealed, not even the support of the United States will be able to save his government. The people of Egypt are an intelligent people with a glorious history who left their mark on civilization. “From the top of these pyramids, 40 centuries of history are looking down upon us,” Bonaparte once said in a moment of exaltation when the revolution brought him […]

  • On the Arab Revolt: Interview with Vijay Prashad

    Vijay Prashad is a prominent Marxist scholar from South Asia.  He is George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies at Trinity College, Connecticut.  He has written extensively on international affairs for both academic and popular journals.  His most recent book The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the […]

  • Tomorrow’s Tunisia and Egypt: Reform or Revolution?

      Arab uprisings are taking place with the historical speed of light.  I began writing this piece following the downfall of Tunisian dictator Ben Ali and closed with the imminent downfall of the Egyptian one Hosni Mubarak.  The Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings are not, as some armchair pundits called the Tunisian one, Jasmine Revolutions.  They […]

  • Tunisia: Continue the Revolution to Achieve Its Objectives

      No to the Continuation of Tyranny, No to Foreign Intervention While the Tunisian masses have been continuing their sit-in in the Qasbah Government Square, and tens of thousands of Tunisians have been marching in Sfax, Tunis, Sidi Bouzid, Jendouba, Nabeul, and other parts of the country, to bring down the “national unity government,” a […]

  • “They Want to Abort This Revolution, But We Will Win”: Interview with Nawal El Saadawi

      Amy Goodman: Your feelings today in the midst of this popular rebellion against the Mubarak regime, calling on Mubarak to leave?  Do you agree? Nawal El Saadawi: We are in the streets every day, people, children, old people, including myself.  I am now 80 years of age, suffering of this regime for half a […]

  • Can the Obama Administration Learn Lessons from the Egyptian Uprising?

      Karl Marx, in his famous treatise on Louis Bonaparte’s coup d’état of 2 December 1851, pointing out its similarities to the coup undertaken by Napoleon Bonaparte a little over 50 years before, remarked that history has the tendency to repeat itself, ‘the first [time] as tragedy, then as farce’. As with so many other […]

  • The grave food crisis

    Just 11 days ago, January 19, under the title “The time has come to do something,” I wrote: “The worst is that, to a large degree, their solutions will depend on the richest and most developed countries, which will reach a situation that they really are not in a position to confront, unless the world […]

  • Photographing the Tunisian Revolution

      Nasser Nouri is an Egyptian photographer.  The videos above were released by Ahram Online on 20, 23, and 24 January 2011.   var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print