White supremacist who killed two protesters in Kenosha arrested nearly 12 hours later
17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse who fatally shot two protesters in Kenosha and left the scene even as the police was arriving was arrested in the neighboring State of Illinois.
Under capitalism Black Lives are adrift and vulnerable
Post-Civil War arrangements by which the victorious North settled with the defeated slavocracy ensured that many Black people would not matter much and that some would die. A thousand or so were murdered in the South in 1866, reports W.E. B Du Bois.
The absurdities of race
Adam Shatz talks to Paul Gilroy about his intellectual background and the recent anti-racist protests in the UK and U.S.
These photos will change the way you think about race in coal country
Our presence complicates other American stories, like the ones that get told about Appalachia. Historian Ronald Eller has pointed out that the region has long been seen as the “other America,” defining what the nation as a whole is not.
‘We Want Justice’: Mass demonstrations and marches erupt Nationwide to protest police shooting of Jacob Blake
“The video that came out of Kenosha is absolutely horrific. I don’t understand how people can watch it and not be here.”
Revolutionary Black resistance has a long tradition
As the country faces crisis after crisis–an economic one, on top of a war against Black America all against the backdrop of a global pandemic–a small minority of the rich elite continues to profit off this misery, generating over $308 billion since the start of March.
You can’t understand capitalism without race
The centrality of race in the devilment of capitalism continues to be resisted by “the sort of hardline, orthodox folks who only look at class, alongside the sort of liberals and so-called racial multiculturals who have the misconception that race no longer matters,” said Charisse Burden-Stelly, professor of Africana Studies and Political Science at Carleton College.
‘What we’re seeing now is Jim Crow 2.0’
CounterSpin interview with Carol Anderson on voter suppression.
Black August and Black liberation: “study, fast, train, fight.”
The struggle for African/Black freedom in the United States began with the arrival of the first enslaved Africans to this territory in 1619.
The Black Caucus and the dictatorship of (White) capital
Black politics does not exist in the Democratic Party, because the duopoly system serves only the corporate rulers.
“We Charge Genocide”—forerunner at UN of Black Lives Matter
“Once the classic method of lynching was the rope. Now it is the policeman’s bullet.”
Influential DC-based Ukrainian think tank hosts neo-Nazi activist convicted for racist violence
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation hosted notorious neo-Nazi militant Diana Vynohradova in a webinar this month. While legitimizing Ukrainian white supremacists, the think tank has forged close ties with foreign policy elites in Washington.
History and Black Consciousness: The Political Culture of Black America
Many people from divergent ethnic backgrounds, speaking various languages, and possessing different cultures now share a common experience of inequality in the United States. Yet there is an absence of unity among these constituencies, in part because their leaders are imprisoned ideologically and theoretically by the assumptions and realities of the past.
As white Jesus debate rages, Islam undergoes its own racial reckoning
The worldwide push for racial justice has sparked discussion within some Muslim communities on the overly white illustrations of key figures in the Islamic tradition, particularly the twelve imams so revered in Shiaism.
BAR Book Forum: Andrew J. Douglas’s “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Critique of the Competitive Society”
This book sets out to challenge some of the assumptions that undergird what I call the competitive society—that is, a society marked by winners and losers, a world in which Black people are routinely expected to bear the burden of loss and defeat.
Don’t let the Democratic Party bury the movement
The Black movement will be asphyxiated by the ubiquitous fingers of the Democratic Party if it does not build independent nexuses of people’s power.
Racism, capitalism and rebellion
I want to start by acknowledging the significance of what has happened in the last ten days. We’re now in the midst of what we can definitively say is the biggest wave of mass protests in the United States since the 1960’s
Reply to the letter by Philippe, King of the Belgians, about Belgium’s responsibility in the exploitation of the Congolese people
On 30 June 2020, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the former Belgian Congo’s independence, the news went viral over the planet: Philippe, King of the Belgians, had conveyed regrets for the colonial past, and particularly for the time when Leopold II owned the Congo as a personal possession (1885-1908), to the Congolese head of state and to the Congolese people.
How do you spell desecration of African burials?: “Ni**er!”
Much of the nation may be repudiating white supremacy, but not Montgomery County, Maryland, which is paving over sacred Black ground in an attempt to bury its own racist history.
George Washington and genocide
‘The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of [Iroquois Confederacy] settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible.… the country may not be merely overrun but destroyed.’ —Commands from George Washington to General Sullivan on May 31, 1779