‘We Know They Lied’
A system that is racist, regressive and punitive for nothing more than profit and control! We must #StopTheAbuse of the American people, and in turn the world – the struggle begins at home!…
What race is and isn’t – excerpts from ‘Racism, Not Race’
Most people who are fighting against racism are doing so with their metaphorical hands tied behind their backs because they are not clear about what race is and what it is not.
Toward a third Reconstruction: Lessons from the past for a socialist future
Karl Marx wrote to Lincoln in 1864 that he was sure that the “American anti-slavery war” would initiate a “new era of ascendancy” for the working classes for the “rescue…and reconstruction of a social world.”
The enduring importance of Eric Williams’ “Capitalism and Slavery”
First published in 1944, ‘Capitalism and Slavery’ is an investigation of the notorious relationship between the Atlantic slave trade and the emergence of European industrial capitalism from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries.
How to avoid police brutality in Israel? Don’t be an Arab.
Alya Zoabi has advocated for countless Palestinian families whose loved ones have been attacked by Israeli forces. But the injustice of the Israeli system hit home last month when her own brother was beaten and arrested by Israeli police in Jerusalem.
Critical race theory: U.S. right-wing wages a culture war, the people fight back
Conservatives are going after a new boogeyman, “critical race theory”, or any attempt at teaching youth about the history of U.S. racism.
It’s different, they’re White: Media ignore conflicts around the World to focus on Ukraine
A MintPress News analysis found that in a single week Fox News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC ran almost 1,300 separate stories on the Ukraine invasion, two stories on the Syria attack, one on Somalia, and none at all on the Saudi-led war on Yemen.
We’re Europeans, Christians, Whites!
“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed”
– Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze -
Love, Power and Peace by Piece
Freedom is a habit and for Africans throughout history, it is one that can cost you dearly while under the repressive state apparatus of an imperialist power.
The Naqab is now front and center in the struggle against Israeli settler colonialism
The story of the Bedouin village Sa’wa in the Naqab is the story of Palestine. Palestinian homes are being demolished and Palestinian families are being expelled to make way for the Israeli settler population.
Eileen Gu controversy exposes the importance of racial loyalty to the American Empire
Corporate media used the 2022 Beijing winter Olympics to create endless anti-China screeds. An athlete was even condemned for choosing to affirm her Chinese heritage. White supremacy drives foreign policy decisions and American thinking.
It’s time for the Left to embrace the Critical Race Theory debate
Pretending CRT isn’t real robs us of the chance to mount a strong defense.
‘The Mexican American Experience in Texas’ takes a deep look at our sordid State history
Martha Menchaca’s new book examines events that have shaped the lives of so many in the Lone Star State.
“The Last Refuge of Scoundrels”
New Evidence of E. O. Wilson’s Intimacy with Scientific Racism
Ballerinas on the Dole with Colleen Hooper
In this episode, we talk with Colleen Hooper (@hoopercolleen), assistant professor of dance at Point Park University. Hooper’s 2017 article in the Dance Research Journal, titled “Ballerinas on the Dole: Dance and the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), 1974-1982,” is the subject of most of our conversation.
Can Israel stop the world from saying ‘apartheid’? Concealing the suffering in Palestine
Israel attempts to improve its public image to counter efforts by human rights organizations that reveal the nature of Israeli apartheid.
Solidarity forged from slave chains
When the American Civil War ended, Lincoln and his successor Andrew Johnson gave the defeated Confederacy generous peace terms. Vengeance upon the slaveocracy was to be no part of the reconciliation process. It was to be amnesty for Southern slave-owners but new chains for the former slaves.
Spanish translations of pamphlets / manifestos published by Daraja Press and Monthly Review Press
We are delighted to announce the online Spanish translations of pamphlets/ manifestos published by Daraja Press and Monthly Review Essays. These pamphlets are parts of the series, Moving Beyond Capitalism – Now! and Thinking Freedom.
Damn hard work
Clyde Bellecourt, Neegawnwaywidung (1936–2022)
On the Biden plantation
The idea that Joe Biden would provide harm reduction was created to help the unpopular candidate secure an electoral victory. The reality is a litany of lies and certain defeat for democrats at the polls. There is no harm reduction in a system dedicated to neo-liberalism and austerity.