Don’t let the Democratic Party bury the movement
The Black movement will be asphyxiated by the ubiquitous fingers of the Democratic Party if it does not build independent nexuses of people’s power.
Tracy Chapman – Talkin’ About A Revolution (Official Music Video)
Tracy Chapman – Talkin’ About A Revolution (Official Music Video)
Gil Scott-Heron spells out why “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”
Consider the power that networks like Fox and CNN continue to wield over that nebulous thing called public opinion; the continued dominance of NBC and CBS.
David Harvey against Revolution: the Bankruptcy of Academic “Marxism”
David Harvey is a university professor and a geographer who describes himself as a Marxist. His series of video lectures on Capital have been viewed by hundreds of thousands as a new generation of young people became interested in Marxism in the wake of the 2008 crisis. For these reasons, his recent statement that he is against the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism has logically caused a stir.
What is Antifa? (Debunking Myths About Antifa)
Radical Reviewer taking a look at. Debunking the 3 Biggest Myths About Antifa by Spencer Sunshine. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RadicalReviewer Merch: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RadicalRevi… Twitter: @ReviewerRadical Relevant Links: Spencer Sunshine, Debunking the 3 Biggest Myths About Antifa: https://spencersunshine.com/2020/06/2… Zine Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/huronvalleySnD/ Now That’s What I Call Antifa Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Philosophy Tube, The Philosophy of Antifa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgwS_… Re Education, […]
Snapshots from the uprising
Accounts from Three Weeks of Countrywide Revolt
America liberated! Trump found in bunker!
An ad-hoc alliance of radical armies demanding justice for Black lives broke through federal barricades today to storm Capitol Hill.
America’s unfinished revolution: Where do the George Floyd protests go from here?
It takes but a few minutes for the ruling elite to recast collective calls for an end to state violence against black people into images of the criminality of black protesters and to call for an end to looting.
The U.S. rebellion for black lives
As protests rage across America against police brutality and systemic racism, Akunna Eneh, an activist from Boston, argues that the movement sparked by the murder of George Floyd has exposed the true face of American society.
The treason of the ruling class
They have destroyed our capitalist democracy and replaced it with a mafia state.
“A riot is the language of the unheard”
More than 50 years ago (on 14 April 1967), Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of his famous speeches, on “The Other America,” at Stanford University.* King patiently explained to the audience of students and faculty members that, while in his view “riots are socially destructive and self-defeating,” they are “in the final analysis. . .the language of the unheard.”
Haiti’s Revolutions and Revisions: An Interview with Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg
Toussaint stressed that freedom was something that had to be fought for and taken from below by the masses themselves.
Rinky-Dink Revolution
During this fierce period of history, many people want clarity and leadership in suggesting concrete steps toward ending the daily oppressions of capitalism. We seek a path leading to a post-capitalist society that aims not to destroy mother earth, humanity, and other life forms. If that doesn’t happen, we face an ongoing transition to fascism and an accelerating environmental catastrophe.
It takes a revolution to make a solution
I admit upfront that this is a hard newsletter to read. It is about debt. There is a bloodless quality to the way that we talk about the debt of the poorer nations. There is nothing poetic here. The numbers are alienating, their outcome shocking.
Major Lazer – ‘Get Free’ feat. Amber (of Dirty Projectors)
The speaker is too poor to move to a different region, so they can only move slightly farther away from an inevitable problem.
Cuba: from AIDS, Dengue, and Ebola to COVID-19
Cuba’s preparation for COVID-19 began on January 1, 1959. On that day, it laid the foundations for what would become the discovery of novel drugs, bringing patients to the island, and sending medical aid abroad. Coping with HIV/AIDS, dengue fever and Ebola helped Cuba develop the ability to cope with pandemics, both internally and abroad.
Mariátegui: A South American revolutionary
Hardly anyone in Australia has heard of José Carlos Mariátegui. Yet in South America he holds an important place in revolutionary history.
Isabelle Garo on Marx’s strategic thought and the spirit of revolt
The present context in France and across the world is quite bad for the exploited and oppressed in general, as also for the organised workers’ movement. This long term weakening in the conditions of capitalist crises gave the green light to the ruling classes to take out their revenge at the end of the 1970s and wind back the limited but real social gains of the post-war period.
When will the Winter come to an end?
On 17 January, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, led the Friday prayers for the first time in eight years. He mocked the ‘American clowns’ who threatened Iran and said that Iran’s response to the U.S. assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani was a ‘slap in the face’ of U.S. power.
We are the ones who will awaken the dawn
Millions of people are on the streets, from India to Chile. Democracy is both their promise and it is what has betrayed them. They aspire to the democratic spirit but find that democratic institutions–saturated by money and power–are inadequate. They are on the streets for more democracy, deeper democracy, a different kind of democracy.