Venezuela Elections: A key victory for anti-Imperialist Movement in Latin America
The people of Venezuela have dealt another decisive blow against U.S. domination in Latin America. The successful continuity of two decades of Venezuelan Bolivarian revolutionary process has turned Venezuela into the backbone of the Latin American anti-imperialist and revolutionary movement.
The Global angle to the Farmer protests
The farmers’ movement for the repeal of the three farm laws which affect them closely but have been rammed through without consulting them, has now entered its second month.
Nationwide farmers struggle intensifies, gets ready for the long haul
THE historic nationwide farmers struggle that began on November 26 entered the fourth week on December 17. It was intensified and broadened even further after the unprecedented support that was expressed by the people of India through the Bharat Bandh on December 8.
Becoming Kwame Ture
In Guinea, doors fly open at the mere mention of Kwame Ture’s name. A senior government minister met me within a few hours’ notice.
Regicide or Revolution? What petitioners wanted, September 1648 – February 1649 by Nora Carlin
Norah Carlin’s analysis of the Levellers’ petitions reaffirms the radical nature of the English revolution, argues John Rees.
Venezuela’s anti-blockade law and the Dec. 6 elections
On Sunday, Dec. 6, the Venezuelan people will vote to elect the new deputies of the National Assembly. This election is enormously important for the Bolivarian Revolution.
Friedrich Engels at 200: A revolutionary historian
Engels’ study of The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) is a pioneering work of urban political ecology and urban sociology, that offers a vivid and human portrayal of the horrors which accompanied the Industrial Revolution.
Thomas Sankara: An icon of revolution
October 15 was the 33rd anniversary of Thomas Sankara’s death. On this day, he was murdered by imperialist forces at the tender age of 37.
The 1857 rebellion in Colonial India
The 1857 Rebellion against British rule in Colonial India hasn’t always received the attention it deserves, despite being one of the most important uprisings of the 19th century. Pranav Jani argues it’s high time we changed that.
Rosa Luxemburg: an interview with Dana Mills – Written by Katherine Connelly
Katherine Connelly interviews Dana Mills, author of a new biography on Rosa Luxemburg, on her crucial contribution to revolutionary thought.
We Are That History That Is Discredited, but Which Reappears When You Least Expect It
The coup followed an election that would have resulted in Morales’ fourth term as president, the results of which were questioned by the Organisation of American States or OAS (60% of whose funding comes from the U.S. government).
The strategic aspects of the Great AgroVenezuela Mission
The Great AgroVenezuela Mission was born on January 25, 2011 under the leadership of President Hugo Chávez, and was launched from the Agricultural Social Property Unit “La Productora” in the municipality of Ospino in the state of Portuguesa, with the aim of promoting food security and sovereignty in the country.
The revolutionary answers of C.L.R. James
The Black Lives Matter movement across the U.S. against police violence and racist inequality is one of the most dynamic political developments in years.
Essays in memory of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019)
‘Once they are taken to be ideas about a historical world-system, whose development itself involves “underdevelopment,” indeed is based on it, [Marx’s theses] are not only valid, but they are revolutionary as well.’
Where is resistance to structural violence of capitalism?
The reality in the United States has come to this: 160,000 dead in four months, thousands hospitalized, and many thousands sick or afraid to be sick because they have no sick days and no health insurance.
‘He was a militant till his last breath’
Samir Amin’s works are not the only things he left behind. His legacy was a guide to those who want to change the world.
Cuba and the complex relationship between the individual and the collective
When a cause is just, it will find a place within the Revolution. Perhaps this is what Fidel meant when he said that there was room for everyone in the Revolution.
Forget basic income—In Canada, the new normal should bring a public housing revolution
“I had like $500 left in my account,” my friend Jordan excitedly tells me. “I was seriously fucked for rent.” Like millions of others, Jordan had entered his final few weeks of eligibility for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the government’s $2,000 per month unemployment program.
Cuban medical internationalism has been a core component of the revolution
“If the small economy of Cuba can improve the health of millions of the world’s people, imagine what could be accomplished if America’s enormous productive capacity changed from creating useless and destructive junk to producing what people throughout the world actually need.”
Popular protagonism in Venezuela’s transition to socialism: A conversation with Michael Lebowitz
The Marxist theorist emphasizes that socialism involves people transforming themselves.