Toward a critique of political economy: Hegel
It is difficult to fully understand the Marxian critique of political economy without some understanding of Hegel. No less an authority than Lenin wrote that “it is impossible completely to understand Marx’s Capital, and especially its first chapter, without having thoroughly studied and understood the whole of Hegel’s Logic.”
Susan Rice, scourge of Africa, may become Secretary of State
Rice has been intimately involved in covering up the deaths of more than six million Congolese, and has cultivated close relations with every U.S.-backed tyrant on the continent.
Reading Marx in Ann Arbor
In the course of an undergraduate education here at the University of Michigan, there are just some things one is bound to encounter at some point or another. The Big House, the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, the block ‘M’; not to mention Zingerman’s, Hatcher Graduate Library and Angell Hall; these are the perennial names, spaces and places that make the U-experience what it is today.
Silvia Federici: The exploitation of women and the development of capitalism
Federici demonstrates that unpaid labor–especially that of women confined to the domestic sphere and of enslaved workers–is a necessary support for waged labor.
Airports and rallies
Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead! A wicked but very male Witch of the East seemed to be crushed under a houseful of angry voters, though this house, unlike Dorothy’s in The Wizard of Oz, was definitely not from Kansas!
Take a deep breath and then return to the work of building a new world
Finally, after much uncertainty, on the anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917, the numbers added up and U.S. President Donald Trump found that–despite winning over 70 million votes–he would not be re-elected.
When Centrists lose, corporate media blame the left
Joe Biden hadn’t even been declared the victor of the 2020 election before establishment Democrats, in the face of poorer-than-expected results in House and Senate races, began pointing fingers at the left—with corporate media giving them a major assist.
Evo Morales: Lithium was the reason for the coup in Bolivia
The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, assures that the large deposits of lithium in the Andean country and his government’s attempt to industrialize the reserves were why the coup d’état against him in 2019 occurred.
Democratic movement attacks the established order in Thailand
Led by young people and benefiting from broad support, the Thai democratic movement continues to mature. It is challenging the military-monarchist oligarchy, confronting the royal couple and harking back to the militant struggles of the past.
Joe Biden’s victory is still a loss for humanity
The Biden-Harris administration is good news for corporations, cops, war profiteers and banks too big to fail, but offers nothing to save the people and planet from multiple rises.
The Living Flame: The Revolutionary Passion of Rosa Luxemburg by Paul Le Blanc reviewed by Kaitlin Peters
The collection begins with the essay, ‘Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919)’, that more broadly reviews Luxemburg’s theoretical contributions and political interventions from 1871 to 1919.
Identity politics, the far right, and masks
On the right, identity politics is leveraged to deliberately divide and fracture workers, pitting them against each other, most frequently on the basis of race, gender, religion, or nationality.
Bertold Brecht: Collectivism and dialectical materialism in practice
Above all, the better part of that generation, to which Brecht belonged, still aimed at the ultimate defeat of capitalism.
Corporate Democrats want to run against Trump-like Republicans forever
Whoever wins the Electoral College, race-based politics will continue to allow the corporate rulers to ignore public demands for relief from the Race to the Bottom and endless war.
Intersectional frameworks and Marxist analysis
This panel will provide an updated reflection on the relationship between Marxism and intersectionality and offer a critical gaze of what intersectionality adds (and possibly subtracts from) contemporary Marxism that is inclusive, enabling and powerful in building political practice.
Rosa Luxemburg: an interview with Dana Mills – Written by Katherine Connelly
Katherine Connelly interviews Dana Mills, author of a new biography on Rosa Luxemburg, on her crucial contribution to revolutionary thought.
William Morris’s anti-imperialism
William Morris is today remembered mainly for his designs. But, during his life he was one a prolific political journalist and socialist activist. Here, Peter Halton argues for the enduring relevance of his anti-imperialist writings.
Dossier 34: Paulo Freire and popular struggle in South Africa
He constantly experimented with and thought about how to connect learning and teaching among the poor and oppressed with the radical transformation of society.
China is working to expand its ties to Latin America
In mid-January 2020, 800 people gathered at Mexico’s Ministry of Economy to celebrate “China Day” with a seminar on Chinese-Mexican relations.
Billionaires’ net worth grows to $10.2 trillion during pandemic
The super-rich increased their combined fortunes by 27.5% during the worst of the market turmoil from April through July.